Hiding $30,000 Of Horrendous Debt From Her Fiance | Financial Audit

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Check out these fun things:


00:00 Job and income
01:35 Laid off 2 times in one year...
02:35 Terrible finances!
04:37 Spending EVERYTHING
25:20 Her fiances don't know how much debt she has...
28:00 This debt is INSANE
36:20 I am scared for you...
38:25 Hammer Financial Score

My filming equipment:

**Disclaimer: neither this video, nor any content produced by Caleb Hammer should ever be considered investing advice or official financial advice. All content is made for entertainment and educational purposes**


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Side note, I just want to thank her for her work at VINE. Its a notification system that lets victims know when their offender is going to be released from jail/prison. I was a victim advocate for a lomg time and this service saves countless lives. Carry on...


Whenever I get the urge to buy something stupid, I watch one of Caleb’s videos and imagine him verbally abusing me into making better decisions ✨


Kudos to Sarah for the lack of excuses. "That's not an excuse. I made poor decisions."

Refreshing to see on this show. I feel like she's in the best place (and ready) to change. Best of luck to her.


Imagine Caleb has a budgeting app that tracks location. Get a notification every time you're at a gas station or ordering uber. Like "TAQUITOS, REALLY?!" or "Do you really need uber eats right now? Be honest with yourself." To make you second guess all your unnecessary spending.


I don’t understand how her partner can be pulling in $3k on disability and still watch his partner pay for everything and what her straddle all this debt


I really love this woman for her honesty. She needs to seriously consider getting rid of the fiancé who doesn’t contribute to the bills.


I like the videos featuring 30-40 something's a lot more. It's far more relatable to me, and educational to people in their 20s. I'm 41 and after the last 15 months of no fun I was able to get my house back in order. Paid off 59k using the snowball method.


She needs to have a follow up. I feel like she’s one who will actually succeed


I'm proud of her that she doesn't have any lame excuses for all the debt. She doesn't try to justify it like other people have! She is owning it and it's nice to see!


Weird when you see people you knew in high school out of nowhere - she and I were pretty good friends at one point and went way different directions in life. Glad to see she is owning mistakes and looking for ways to get financially secure. Hey from orchestra class 👋


We def need to normalize having discussions about finances and being aligned on financial beliefs, being misaligned can really harm the relationships. One of the biggest factors in divorce is finances you have to be a team.


It really hurts me hearing the pain in her voice, she held together really well for someone literally being told their situation is so bad it looks like they're going to die in debt. I really hope she gets everything together and I hope her fiancee is willing to help


The way she took all of Caleb's punches, hardly any excuses. Way to go. Humiliation can aid in a change of lifestyle.


Her fiancé is walking all over her. She pays for groceries, rent, transportation, internet, gas, electric. Holy crap. Even with him on disability, his lack of contribution to their expenses is not acceptable.


I’m so shocked that less people in the comments are pointing out the fact that her fiancée isn’t contributing to the household bills. Even if she makes more money than he does the bills should be broken down by a percentage. If he contributed even a tiny bit the excess money from her pay could go towards her debt repayment. She needs to work on her financial health but she also needs to have a real conversation with her fiancée. Teamwork makes the dream work!


I feel for her on the “breadwinner” bit. I have been in that situation multiple times and it’s so draining and sad. Your partner (*if they live with you) should contribute to your household expenses!! Period!!


This is why it's so important to have an emergency fund of 3-6 months' of expenses. So you can weather through things like getting laid off twice in one year.


I'm hooked.... I might have watched like 40 of these videos in 5 days....


Caleb makes me feel better while listening at work. Reminder that money MATTERS


I actually have the most hope for her out of all of the recent episodes I’ve seen, because she’s not making excuses and acting ridiculous. She knows she’s messed up. I hope she gets through it ❤
