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A beautiful, thought-provoking song about forgiving others. Based on the Scriptures: Matthew 6:14-15, Galatians 6:7, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, Luke 6:37, Matthew 18:21, Psalm 86:5, Mark 11:25, Psalm 32:1, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 8:12, Proverbs 17:9, Psalm 103:12, Daniel 9:9, Isaiah 43:25, Hebrews 10:17, Psalm 130:3-4, Ephesians 1:7-8, Ezekiel 34, Luke 15, #Forgiveness #forgive #forgiveothers #lostsheep #judgenot #godsforgiveness #godsmercy #Matthew6:14 #Matthew6:15 #Galatians6:7 #Luke6:37
#unforgiven #unforgiveness #unforgiving

Father please forgive them for they know not what they do.
Why can't they just see me the way that You do.
But they don't forget and they don't forgive
Why can't they just see the new life that I live?

Just like He forgave you, He's forgiven me too
We're a testimony to the One who is True
He's full of forgiveness for me and you
so please forgive me....the way He forgave you.

What does a shepherd do when a lamb goes astray
He doesn't turn his back and just walk away
He chases after them- He looks all around
He rejoices when the lost one is found

Just like He forgave you, He's forgiven them, too
You're a testimony to the One who's Faithful and True
of His mercy and forgiveness and never ending love
so please forgive them....the way He forgave you.

We once were lost but now we are found
Remember what you give comes back around....
So forgive me the way He forgave you
and forgive others, so you're forgiven, too.

What should you do when a lamb goes astray?
Lend a helping hand and get on your knees and pray
Remember what Messiah said..obey the golden rule
and do unto others, as you'd have done to you.

Cause Just like He forgave you, He's forgiven them, too
You're a testimony to the One who's True
He's full of forgiveness for me and you
so please forgive me....the way He forgave you.
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Praise be the Sacred Name of Abba AHAYAH and his beloved Son AHAYASHA the Messiah.


He's full of forgiveness for me and you🌸🌺🌻
so please forgive me....the way He forgave you.🌴🌴🌴


Amazing song all praise to YAHUAH we are the final generation for sure!


Yeshua is so good… He forgave me for all my wrongs, and He will forgive you too, just call out to Him the Great I Am ♥️🕊️


This scripture helps me to remind myself that the Messiah went through way worse than we have and we can forgive if he can


Your music is such a blessing, thank you for sharing.


❤ Such a beautiful piece, so deep. God please forgive us as we forgive others


Beautiful!! ❤😢❤️🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾 Thank you Lord for forgiveness ❤


As we ask forgiveness, so we should forgive others. Those who govern us and expect us to how down to all their tyrrany, know not what they do. We must have forgiveness in our hearts truly, for every difficult situation or trouble that arises, because we do not bow down to the things of this Whirled, or for any other reason. We must strive to treat others, as we would like to be treated ourselves. Beautiful song... All Esteem to YAHUAH!


For the life of me, I cannot forgive someone that tried to fool me on purpose. All those things I made and never got to truly enjoy, I can't forgive them.


It’s great you sing the Bible forgive song
All lessons in the description
Forgive for: peace, freedom, strength, healing yourself first
God’s blessings your ministry


I've had atheists show me more forgiveness than christians.
That's not a slam on Christianity, just some christians.
