How to subtract fractions with unlike denominators fast (different denominators)

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Today I’m going to show you a little trick for subtracting fractions with different denominators or unlike denominators.
To subtract fractions with unlike denominators, first, we need to cross multiply, start by multiplying the first numerator with the second denominator. Next, multiply the first denominator with the second numerator and subtract the second product from the first product to find the numerator of the resulting fractions. Finally, to find the denominator of the resulting fractions, multiply the 2 denominators.
Don’t forget to simplify the resulting fraction when it’s necessary. That all for today, we will continue with more fractions lessons in the next videos.
📚 References:
📕 Dorling Kindersley Limited (2016). How to be good at math (p. 52).
📘 Fandiño, M. (2009). Las fracciones aspectos conceptuales y didácticos (p. 146). Magisterio.
To subtract fractions with unlike denominators, first, we need to cross multiply, start by multiplying the first numerator with the second denominator. Next, multiply the first denominator with the second numerator and subtract the second product from the first product to find the numerator of the resulting fractions. Finally, to find the denominator of the resulting fractions, multiply the 2 denominators.
Don’t forget to simplify the resulting fraction when it’s necessary. That all for today, we will continue with more fractions lessons in the next videos.
📚 References:
📕 Dorling Kindersley Limited (2016). How to be good at math (p. 52).
📘 Fandiño, M. (2009). Las fracciones aspectos conceptuales y didácticos (p. 146). Magisterio.
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