An Open Conversation About Ayurvedic Medicine @DoctorMike

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There is nothing more satisfying than a passionate debate done in good faith for the sake of sharing and understanding.


When two intelligent, respectful, and respected people talk (real)


I might be wrong but it seemed like Dr. K was suggesting Dr. Mike actually try and learn about the practice first-hand, while Dr. Mike interpreted it as learn about it through conversations, which is not the same at all.


The huckster thing is funny bc I think of things like the opioid epidemic, certain medicine shortages, the unnecessarily prohibitive costs of others that are lifesaving, & the racket that’s known as the insurance industry. I realize that these aren’t the study & practice medicine directly, but they seem to be so intrinsic to modern medicine today.
There’s also the diet & exercise gurus who follow some of the medicine and/or science to support/drive their shenanigans.
My point is that even when following the science, there’s still going to be the need to overcome the hucksters & gurus influencing people down a path of ultimately negative gain.


Thanks for sharing. I empathize somewhat with the guest. I would start exploring alternative medicine with the understanding that there is some BS and some truth. There is also some corruption as with all human endeavours including western medicine.


I absolutely love this conversation. My main source of skepticism is when Dr. K said in the podcast that he witnessed miraculous things from Ayurvetic medicine such as curing polio paralysis, so he wanted to learn more. Theres no real evidence that things have occurred or if they were even due to Ayurvetic medicine... Id be curious to see with more research what the deal is.


I think the truth is there currently are no large scale studies of traditional medicinal practices, be it Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. maybe because of a lack of interest in researching them, maybe for other reasons. But what Dr. K is saying is the key. To understand traditional medicine you must have this “axiomatic shift” in thinking. You can’t just say, “there’s no studies so I don’t believe it.” This idea of personalized medicine is becoming more accepted and advocated.


Beautiful, smart conversation. Very respectful of each other and both are very articulate. How rare!


As tangential as this sounds, this conversation makes me think of something I hope for in the future. I'm really hoping the next 1000 years of human history has us reevaluating the synthesis between the old ways and the new. I'm talking individualized agriculture, green housing, disseminate infrastructure, and especially medicine. There's so much that we can gain long term from reevaluating the old through the lens of the new, *finally* understanding the truth and depth to ancient techniques, and discarding the chaff. There's so much to learn from exploring what we intuited 1000's of years ago, but didn't have the context or rigor to explain fully.


This is the closest we have to a healthy debate in the modern world


I'm not even a huge fan of Dr Mike but even I can appreciate and admit that most if not all conversations should be held with these exact attitudes and cadence. It was the perfect rollercoaster speed of back and forth. And God bless them. Also Dr. K FTW 🙌


The only problem here is when a "Patient" is being looked at as a "customer" PERIOD. otherwise, Every hospital which is by the way like a hotel, they gotta keep their rooms full to make more money, Will go out of business.


Oh my, it's so refreshing! All that adequate conversation of adequate people... This thing it self can be used for therapeutic purposes.


I was analyzed by 2 Cornell MD’s who were also Ayurvedic doctors who changed my life! One of the biggest things I learned is that I need to drink warm water all day. Life changing!


Such an awesome good faith conversation, which is so rare now a days.


This is what a podcast should be. Smart people actually knowing what they're talking about with someone who understand and arguments. Now imagine if Dr. K was an of model or a red pill guru, how dumb would this conversation be?


Certain people can't help but to be antagonistic towards foreign concepts and ppl. Great job redirecting that energy and leading with genuine curiosity and a desire to connect instead of just debate to prove the superior position/methodology.


This has to be one of the most important questions for a tough conversation:

It leads to both people stepping back and addressing the high level/systemic differences they have, which helps them avoid conflating a debate over the efficacy of their respective practices with feeling personally attacked.


I’d love to hear you guys talk about American insurance and how they play a role in getting healthcare. I’ve heard of insurance companies telling doctors what they can and can’t prescribe.


I appreciate Dr. Mike's straight forward logic and no bs attitude. He's open to learn and discuss, but won't stand for any unproven methods
