Turkish People Are __% Turkic

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Biz Turkleri artik salin ya. Genlerimde %1 Turkluk bile olsa ben Turkum bu birseyi degistirmiyor. Turk gibi dogdum Turk gibi yasadim Turk gibi dusundum Turk gibi olecegim. Turkistandaki kardeslerimede selam olsun. Biz tek bir milletiz❤


My parents are from Turkey I did a my heritage DNA test and I had 0% Central Asian DNA.


The Turks in Türkiye though have Central Asian ancestry, have Southern European, Middle Eastern and Caucasian admixture


Türk’üm. Erasmus öğrencisi olarak Belçika’ya gitmiştim, bir grup kız ve erkek türk öğrenci ile Antwetpende gezerken, orada elinde bira bulunan sarışın bir belçikalı adama yanımdaki türk arkadaşım adres sordu. Belçikalı Adam türk arkadaşa adresi tarif ettikten sonra türk arkadaşıma nerelisin diye sordu. arkadaşım ona Türküm dediğinde adam şaşırdı. Çünkü arkadaşım esmer tenli uzun boylu çekik gözlü idi ve ona adam şöyle dedi: bizler farklıyız siz türkler neden Avrupa birliğine katılmak istiyorsunuz? Türk arkadaşımda nazikçe ona sizleri seviyoruz diyerek teşekkür etti ve gitti. Sarışın belçikalı o adam beni de bir belçikalı sanmış olmalı ki bana dönerek bu Türklerin burada gezmesi bazen beni çıldırtıyor, ülkelerine gitmeliler herkes kendi evinde iyidir dedi ve benden onu onaylamamı bekledi. bende onayladım. Sonra türk arkadaşım uzaktan beni türkçe çağırınca belçikalı adam şok oldu. Ve bana sen türkçe biliyor musun diye sordu. Ben de ben Türküm dedim. Çok şaşırmış gibi bana bakıyordu. O zaman şunu anladım avrupalılar türkleri tanımıyor bilmiyor türklerden nefret ediyor ve korkuyorlar. Anadoluda yaşayan Türkler osmanlı imparatorluğu zamanında yaşamış bir çok milletin bir araya gelerek oluşturduğu ve adını Türk olarak seçmiş benimsemiş bir millettir. Aynı kültüre töreye dile sahibiz. Genetik olarak farklı olmamız çok doğal. Çünkü 33 milyon kilometrekarelik bir imparatorluğun içinde 700 yıl birarada yaşamış atalarımız ve birbirimizle akraba olmuşuz. Bizler Türküz. Sarışınız esmeriz siyahiyiz beyazız siyah saçlıyız uzunuz kısayız gözlerimiz mavi yeşil kahverengi çeşit çeşidiz ve hepimiz Türk’üz. Bizi bir arada tutan şey genetik kodlar değil kültürel aidiyetler inançlar örfler ve bir arada yaşamaya dair inanç ve bu millete aitlik hissimizdir.


kazakh and kırghız turks have 35-50 percent mongol ancestry, tatars also have significant european (slavic) ancestry, but you come up ands say turkish people are not turkic. south germany more celtic than germen, does that make them less german?


Wow I knew modern day Turks were essentially mostly Greek/Anatolian.

But I thought they’d be closer to ~40 or 50%…

No wonder why modern Turks clearly look European… because they just actually are.


I like to think they think of us Turks as phony, loud and annoying. But we can be phony loud and annoying as we want. I love being Turkish 🇹🇷


As a Turkish, i would say no one is genetically pure. İf we're gonna say that Turkish people isn't Turk because of that, germans aren't german, greeks aren't greek, persians aren't persian...etc...


we don’t ask things like “why don’t Italians or Spaniards look like Indo-Europeans?”. Because the answer is obvious. All of the Indo-European peoples are different tribes and clans belonging to the same language group. If Germans are related to Iranians, why don’t they look like Iranians? That’s a silly question when you know and understand the history of these people, isn’t it?

So when you and others ask questions like “why don’t Turks look like this or look like that?”, or “why don’t these Turkic people look Turkic?”, it’s an immediate signal to us that you a) don’t understand the history of Turkic people and/or b) are operating from a knowledge base of centuries old racist narrative about Turks and Turkic people.Turkic people are a group of people with shared history dating back thousands of years. They speak languages built upon the same linguistic core, just the way Spanish, Italian, and French are. But they are not all the same ethnicity, or even race for that matter. One particular Turkic group did not birth all the others. They all evolved separately, have their own histories, and their own version of the Turkic language. They have each developed their own unique phenotype based on these distinct histories and geographies. The Yakuts, Kazakhs, or Kirghiz did NOT march West and invade Anatolia, then lose their physical characteristics. It was a particular grouping of 9 Turkic tribes (Oghuz) who migrated south and west at different times and settled in areas of the Caucuses, Anatolia, and modern day Iran. Over the past millennium, they have mixed with and taken on physical characteristics of other people of the region. Other groups, including other Oghuz tribes, but also older Tatar groups, and many others migrated north, or northwest over an even longer period of time and so have different physical characteristics similar to other northern peoples. The eastern tribes have East-Asian characteristics. Turkic people are NOT a single ethnic or racial monolith. And there is no such thing as a ‘Turkic’ look. Whatever that racist image your mind has formed for you. Forget it, get over it, learn the truth, and move on.


I noticed that Chinese make frequently fun about Turks claiming to have East-Asian admixture, they call them mockingly "yellow arabs" or "yellow indians"


in order to make / draw such conclusions, u must know how we used to live and what cultures and civilizations we represented...daniel tabin, an archeogeneticist tells it short...every turk has an ancient xioung nu/scythian, sarmatian ancestry, which takes turks back to the vast scythian land where turks used to live...not only central asia...eastern, central europe(later huns), hungary, northern asia, parts of china, inner asia, west asia, caucasus, russia(kazan), the balkans, blacksea, kirim, shortly, all scythian land...that belonged to turks, and turkish ancestry is taken from there...not just "central asia"...btw, dna analysis reveals, in many turks central asia shows up second in their roots...so that is sth, compared to some greeks who have zero greek ancestry, but claim to be greek


Turkey, as an important "bridge nation", between Europe, Middle east and central Asia, between Islam and Christianity, between the east and the west, is a very diverse


How happy is the one who says l am aTurk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk❤❤❤


It doesn't matter much what genes you have, but what education you have received since birth. The fact that today's Turks do not have many genetic ties from Central Asia but from Greek, Armenian, Assyrian, Kurdish, Caucasian, etc. does not mean that they do not feel wholeheartedly Turkish


I'm Kazakh, all this time i thought that Turks are our brothers by blood, turns out no were not but we are still relatives in terms of culturе and language


So, basically, not much. Turkish people are called Turkish mostly b/c they're from a country called Turkey not b/c of how Turkic they are.


Turks came, Turks conquered, Turks assimilated, and Turks are still in Turkiye. Our ancestors from East Asia allowed for this to happen. One way or another we are all still Turks.


They are greeks and armenians who betrayed their faith :(


I am Tatar/Turkish and I have the most Caucasus genes and Central Asia/Mongolia genes.


I lived in Türkiye. Some people look more European, some more Middle Eastern. Almost 0 look anything like central Asian.
