She Took Her Own Life. Now Her Spirt Speaks. Miracle Box App brings a Miracle.

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In todays video I go over what may happen to our soul in the afterlife if we take our own life. This is a member request video and I am so glad I did this one. While I do not know what happens to the soul of someone who takes their own life (I feel it depends on the situation or circumstance), there is evidence that suggests some of these souls do go to the dark.

For this one...

I feel a spirit in my house, a female. I describe her and felt that she left this earth by her own hand. I start up the Miracle Box App and we connect immediately.

She talks, she has a message for her parents. She gets into detail about her Mom who tries to connect with her. I hope she is awarded the light so she can move on.


I love you all. Remember that LOVE is the KEY.


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Back in 2016 I took my own life and I was placed in a very dark place so dark I couldn't see in front of me I was placed on a platform no bigger than what could circle my feet and up above me was very small light so far away i could of never reached it. God spoke to Me and told me that is not how you get to me, I will take your soul and I will throw it! And that was all I cried and begged for his mercy 🥺 mean while I was trying to put my hand threw the darkness to find a way and it was incredibly painful like if frost bite was attacking my hands the only way I stayed protected was by the tiny light up above my head. God's light. After realizing all and the above I was taken up to my body and given another chance and I live by that every single day. God is real and my testimony is real his words are real and so isn't his love! I'm happy to be here. I turned my life around completely. I love everyone and I pray for this world 🌎 🙏


Depression is an illness just like cancer and think God would know that and being all forgiving he would let them into the light.


My mom took her own life almost 3 years ago because of depression. I really want to believe she is in a good place now and feel relief and is happy. She always sends me signs. I miss her a lot.


I can share my experience, first the backstory because maybe that affects things when you cross over ... December 21, 2012, I took my own life. I had experienced a Traumautic event the year prior and then was subsequently re-traumatized when I sought help through the legal system. 2012 was HELL for me. December 21st I broke, I couldn't handle the heartbreak any longer. My mom, the person I needed the most during that time. I had suicidal ideations often during that year. I didn't want to die, I just wanted the pain to stop. Well, I shared all of this with my mom, hoping she would tell me anything that would give me strength. I am not sure if she thought it was tough love or what, but her response was to tell me that everyone would be better off if I would kill myself. "At least your kids would get your life insurance" - yes, brutal. I broke on December 21st. The last thing I did was look into the eyes staring back at me in the mirror, I didn't even recognize myself anymore, but I said out loud "well, maybe mom's right"

I did go into, what I call, a void. My immediate thought was to ask myself "should I be scared?". I never considered myself a "religious" person, however, I always felt a strong spiritual connection. I questioned if God was real one time, and it lasted at the most 30 seconds. I apologized immediately, but asked for a sign because I needed something, anything to hold onto. 3 minutes later the missionaries from the LDS church knocked on my door and asked if they could share a few things about Jesus and our Heavenly Father with me - they actually stumbled backwards because I nearly jumped thru my screen door to give them a hug! It was a super cool experience, which became even better when they told me they had actually driven by my place as they were heading home, with no intention of stopping at all. But as they passed my house one of them suddenly said "we have to go back, turn around, we need to go to that house we just passed". I guess what I am saying is I was a spiritual person without the discipline (I have discovered my spiritual practice now)

ANYWAY! The void, "should I be scared?" - "Nope! I know I am Loved. I am a good person, my heart is pure. I know God is a Loving God. And as our Heavenly Father He doesn't want to make us suffer - we bring that on all by ourselves. I fully and completely trust that there is a purpose that I am in the dark, this isn't my plan, this is His plan". That's when I started seeing faces, well faces on their heads, but it was their faces that mattered. They were all just floating around sorta like ballons. i just remembered something, besides the floating heads, I could sense a presence up in front of me sort of on my left. I couldn't see him, but I could feel him. It's as if he was there to help me see what I needed to see. That's weird, I can't believe I had never realized this. His energy was kind, compassionate, and gentle. I think maybe he asked me what I saw. Either way, none of the faces looked at me or each other. I saw suffering, all of these Souls were suffering and they didn't know where they were, they were lost. That's when I said "Oh my gosh, there are so many people who are hurting just like me. They need help, what can I do to comfort them?" I felt so much compassion for all the faces I looked into. LIGHT! BRIGHT AMAZING LIGHT! I WAS HOME! Ahead of me in the distance, I could see the shape of a human but the rest of this space was filled with the most beautiful amazing bright while Light energy. I KNEW this energy, I had felt this energy since I was 5 years old. This energy was my protector, my comfort, this was who always made me feel Loved and safe.

I heard Him call me by my name, not my human name, but my eternal name. I can hear it, but I can not say it out loud, it's strange. He said "(soul name), I have pulled you through all the other times you wanted to quit this past year, but if you REALLY can't handle the pain anymore, I will let you come this time. But you should know that your kids still need you" ZZZIIIPPP! That's all I needed to know, my kids still needed me. I fought to call 911 but I did it.

When I woke up 3 days later in the psyche ward, the staff didn't know what to think - I walked out into the main area with the biggest smile on my face. The faces on the staff was all in awe, one nurse spoke up and said "well, I think this is a first for us. You seem happy, are you okay?" I announced to the entire room ... "MY KIDS STILL NEED ME! MY MOM IS AN IDIOT, BUT MY KIDS STILL NEED ME! LET'S GET TO WORK FIXING ME, SHALL WE?!"

I have since discovered my pain and suffering was part of a Greater plan. Everything happened for reason - IT REALLY REALLY SUCKED! But hey, I'm still standing AND MY KIDS (NOW ADULTS) STILL NEED ME! AND THEY ACTUALLY NEED ME MORE NOW! I needed to go through everything I went thru, so my oldest daughter wouldn't. She is gaining the wisdom without the pain and suffering, and with that wisdom she is changing the world! I couldn't be more proud of her.

If you're still reading, man you have more patience than me, but thank you! I really appreciate it.


God bless this girl, and I wish her and her family healing


My son died by suicide in 2013. My son never went to the dark side. He was with me and spoke to me. I heard him as if he were physically present. He made sure we understood why he did it. He never left a note. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was with him that night and carried him home. My son has communicated with me is many ways. I was never ever worried about him being in darkness. His darkness was in the natural world. He is God's gift and I miss him so much. I live my life with as much joy as possible because he asked to continue to live through me.


My brother took his own life in 2006 by hanging I connected with him by mediumship and the woman told me he is working his way to the top but slowly he didnt go to hell or to a darker place when he passed he went to the light but he is working for god and taking youth under his guidance to also help those that have taken there own life to help them through processing they are no longer alive but also working with god. He is doing well and heaven works in levels and she says he is doing ok and if he keeps doing gods work he will keep going up levels to be as high as others who went straight to be with god. He is also with under guidance of some of my other family members. I miss you bro so much xx 😔


My son took his life in June/2021, he is in heaven, he met God, and he is surrounded by love and family. He speaks with me using this app and the SB7.


This sounds like my best friend who passed March 3rd and she was 22 years old, died unexpectedly and no one is saying how and she has a 3 month old baby, she has dark hair as well and full of light this sounds like Raina


Suicide is such a horrible thing. It destroys more than one life.


I suffer mental illness and I’m so scared it gets too much for me one day. As much as life is precious sometimes I feel I can’t do it anymore . I’m so scared the light isn’t there for me. 🙏


I hope we get a follow up on this to see if you find her family. I truly hope that they see this video it was so touching that she came to you knowing that you have this app and her family tries to talk to her through it. God bless you Steve for helping everyone to better understand life after death and for all the hard work you have put into finding out more about the afterlife.


People who commit suicide always go into the light unless they're being kept by their own self they are always accepted they are never punished it's a sickness they wrote in to go home it's all it is


You may never see this, I just wanted to thank you. I lost my gran last year. I have used the app a couple of times to connect with her spirit. I still have the recordings, it is scary in the answers I have received in detail surrounding her death and location was all mentioned. My daughter of 5 came down the stairs while I was using the app went back up the stairs and said to her mum daddy is speaking with gran. I was a none believer now I am not so sure.


They go to a healing place, like an in between, but they are given time work out their karma. We should pray for her


My wife's cousin died by suicide. During a spirit session with a friend in of the family, she told us that in order to move on, he was given an assignment. That assignment was to to stay with his Uncle who is mentally challenged and who has been going through a lot of changes that could have resulted in suicide. She said that he was helping his uncle to NOT do what he did in this life.
I believe that in order for them to move on, they must first change their Karmic destiny. Whether in this life or the next.
I'm no spiritual expert, but I died by suicide in a past life (I remember it like it was yesterday.. in a dream I had about that time period) and in this life, I get to fulfill that Karmic destiny. ❤️
It doesn't end here.


This video really got to me, and I pray for those lost souls. I have no words, to thank you, Steve and Debbie. For all these videos, so people that believe in the after life, take advice from souls.


"Thick light" is an interesting expression. I remembered at once a dream I had as a child. (My dreams are lucid most of the time.) I dreamt I was playing on the street my aunt and next to her my girlfriend lived. And I always can fly. So I tried to fly higher than a house. I never could until that time. But now I tried very, very hard. I didn't succeed because over me was "thick light". It felt like a eggshell I was not able to break through. Much later in my life I asked my spiritual guides why I couldn't go higher. They told me that "it was not the time for me to do it". Meanwhile I can go much higher... :)


It depends on how someone lived their life on earth whether or not they go to heaven. We can't determine where someone who took their life hoes but we can pray for them to go to heaven. My Tim took his life and I prayed that he would go to heaven. When I passed away I saw him in heaven. I came back to earth upset l couldn't be in heaven. It is a beautiful peaceful place. I was surrounded by my love ones and the lord. I was 25 years old. I didn't see hell.


This is perfect timing. One of my childhood friends passed away last weekend and it might have been at his own hand. I hope he found peace.
