5 (more) Underrated Spells in Morrowind - Try These Spells!

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Showcasing a few powerful and interesting spell effects and spell configurations for Morrowind. Be sure to add these effects to your kit during your next playthrough!



00:00 Intro
00:15 Spell 1
01:37 SPell 2
04:25 SPEll 3
07:32 SPELl 4
09:10 SPELL 5
11:59 Outro

CoffeeNutGaming is a part-time twitch streamer and full-time video game fan who started gaming at the age of five and developed a passion for the art when he encountered his first role playing game at the age of seven. On that faithful day he got stuck inside the Census Office in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind while gaming with his brother in their parent's basement and a way of life was forged. Since then, he has grown into an obsessive caffeine addict, and a stickler for the finer things in all made-up fantasy worlds and gaming universes.

► Title: 5 Underrated Spells in Morrowind - Try These Effects!
#morrowind @coffeenutgaming
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Cliff racers are canonically the most annoying enemy because wiping them out was considered sufficient enough for sainthood.


*kills Dagoth Ur in the first chamber*
*Dwarven door opens.*
*Lock on touch 1 point*
"Problem solved."


Lock 1 is also good for early game lockpicking leveling, I usually go to the Canton where the assassins are, and before it in the warehouse room I use it on all the containers and sacks and start grinding. You get as much xp opening level 1 as opening a level 100 lock.


In regards to your comment on balancing, I prefer their approach in Morrowind, allowing the players the option to make it unbalanced if they so choose. Obviously the other games had exploits, but the freedom this game had with spellcrafting and enchanting was top notch. I often used a short bound weapon enchant that summoned on hit.


Also as a note, the spell summon greater bonewalker slaps because you get a three for one combo special of a tanky summon and two damage attribute spells for the price of one spell


Some of my favored spells are Drain Skill 100 pts for 1 second on Self, and Fortify Skill 100 pts for 1 second on touch. Then ANY trainer, is a master trainer in whatever skill you selected. Also, since your skill is drained to 0, itll only cost 1 gold to train it. Then when the spell wears off, you get to keep the gained skill point.
Fortify Personality 100 pts on self for 1 second and Fortify Merchintile 100 points on self for 1 second is also useful for getting better deals at merchants


Morrowind vet here, probably clocked close to 10k hours over the couple decades it's been out. I'm amazed to learn bits here and there from this guy. Never been much of a wiki user, prefer to learn by doing.


Restore attribute, 1 point for 10 seconds, with all 8 attributes in the 1 spells. I make this spell every playthrough and its a life saver!


Personally the Spell that i always pick is Jumping. Its so fucking good ! Everybody talk about yeah levitation, but when you master the 50 point of jumping for 30 second ( thanks the apprentice birthsign ) you become a true anime character.

Bound weapon is also absolutely glorious, Bound Spear is a way to stay out of reach of the ennemies while poking them with ease


Lock is a great way to thwart the Dark Brotherhood assassins. Lock the door of the room before you sleep & never get interrupted again. Locking the door to a bedchamber in the Balmora Fighter's Guild usually results in the assassin loading on the far side of the door. Depending on how you stand & the angle at which you look at the bed to rest, the assassin can load in the bed, stuck & unable to move.

Lock your stronghold door & set a recall point inside and you'll never see them again. The lock only applies to one side of the door, so you can exit your stronghold normally.

You know what is just as much fun as immobilizing your pursuers? Hit them with a 1-point levitate effect & watch as they begin treading water to try to get to you. Played an archer & that was his bread & butter spell.


Your next level one character is going to LOVE this video 🤘


I usually just carry a bunch of Sujamma with me. Their strength boost is enough to one-shot most enemies, plus you can carry a ton


Hey this was super helpful considering I just started a pure-mage playthrough, I miss when magic had an answer for everything. Wish some complexity was brought back to the series.


One of my favorite playthroughs involved a light armorered spear wielder who used enchanted items. I had made a spear that damaged strength on hit. I was fast and i was mean, whittling down enemies to nothing using my reach and speed combined with that enchantment. God it was a fun character build


One thing to note about bound spells is that the items are weightless, so you are not encumbered as much (so you move much faster than carrying equivalent daedric equipment around).
Next thing is that you can constant effect enchant 4 pieces of equipment on an Exquisite Ring, so 2 of those rings give you pretty much a full daedric set. They're also light armor.
Very "balanced". :D


Telekinesis is really good for thievery. Whether its for directly stealing stuff (with chameleon) or helping you unlock stuff.


Dude I was never able to stick for longer to Morrowind but I'm watching your vids ever since you popped out in my feed, its amazing that there are still youtubers like you that revisit these old gems. Keep the content going. I will start playing OpenMW on my handheld soon, can't resist anymore😂


Here's an underrated spell for you and everyone, it's what i called a "life hack in Morrowind": Slowfall! Aye, it slows you when falling, preventing you from taking fall damage. But what if i told you that only 1 point of Slowfall is all you need, and the rest is pointless? Get yourself say some exquisite pants or shirt, or whatever you want enchanted, make a constant effect enchantment and put Slowfall for 1pt. on Self on it. Now, you can not only enjoy the joys of acrobatics but also nullify the need for reduced fall damage, or just fall damage in general. You see, the more points into Slowfall, the slower you fall. But with just 1 point, you'll barely notice the effect but you will never ever take fall damage!


I always have some alchemy ingredients with restore attribute as it's first effect.
It may not seem as efficient as the spell but when playing a focused stealth/warrior builds, it helps to know which region grows what herb so you can heal attribute in a pinch.

Currently playing with an alchemist only build. Relying on herbs to restore/fortify health stamina, magica & attributes, opened a whole new world for me.
As far as I'm conserned, Marshmarrow's health regen is just another way to breathe underwater. ;)


Coffee Nut and Mickey D. My two favorite Morrowind people together. If this was heard out of context you’d think I was drunk on Mazte.
