Why COUNTER Picks DON’T MATTER in LOW ELO! - Top Guide

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What do you think is the hardest matchup to play in League of Legends?


What I learned here was study every single lane matchup super well and you will be able to crush anything. In other words git gud and earn high elo in the process…


the plat riven literally lose so ez because she has no skin


"...in LOW ELO"
First video, Plat
...I feel attacked


That Yi was so troll that he even swaped teams in 3:31


I love how you guys teach us fundamental and not "how to play"

I successfully stomp my lane lvl 3 just because low elo do what they do


It is a great tutorial for top lane. But there is one thing I've noticed. In 4:23 Riven made a huge mistake by walking away, but I think it is not because she doesn't know she can take advantage of having a huge wave, it is because she is too afraid of being ganked, you can see that she just walk away for warding. I know Riven is capable of winning trade and then walk away immediately. That mistake is mostly due to the lack of knowledge of the strength of Riven(Mobility&Burst)


it is just me or does Hector get more and more aggressive in his speech in recent videos
hope those hell elo is not getting to our poor Hector


machups ARE relevant on low elo because both are low elo and both do fundamental mistakes, and thus, the advantage that one champion has over another stays the same. You can beat your counter if you play better than him, but the matchups are still relevant. If you are at the same skill and knowledge of the enemy, playing darius vs yasuo will always give darius the win.


Watching these "low ELO" games makes me realize I fight alot of smurfs 🥴


To the delusionals saying "but __ matchup is unplayable! There's no way you can win ___"

No, that is a lacking on your part (assuming you are in low elo)

There is a video on this channel where they pick yuumi top and win lane, there's no excuse in low elo to lose lane other than MISTAKES.

Drop the ego.



YORICK MAIN: I would like you to play Yorick VS an Irelia and say counter pick won't matter.

Every Irelia dumpsters me from point A to Point ZeeZee!!


Visit the philippine server and you'll automatically have a compilation of low elo plays, not sure but i guarantee it


i Love that u made that clear : "Oh that Riven doesn't play like a plat player she makes trash mistakes"
Yes, Watching a replying when u'r chilling and some dude explaining every mistake ofc u'r gonna be like Duuh this is obvious .
but being in the game itself with no one telling u the mistakes and u being in the game no watching is a whole different thing .

(if u watched your reply after a few weeks or so realize u'r doing even more mistakes)


I love how garen being counterpicked by ranged champions is never in these type of video's.


Yeah I remember when my Urgot top was getting solo Kill by a Sona, and I do not even know how that happened


The amount of things or “fundamentals” I can see from this video that I don’t use in my games is amazing. I can’t put the blame on matchups in bronze.


"only fundamentals matter" proceeds to talk about two very specific match ups only in top lane (misleading title), and assumes the matchup between champions is a fundamental as well as knowing all their abilities and their cooldowns. i play league for about 3 months now and i dont know what all the champions do/how all the mechanics work. This is not very helpful advice to improve tbh, its just a "know your stuff" advertise without real content. The real message should probably be "learn your champion and know the relevant matchups" and not a comparison without a conclusion why counterpicks dont matter. Also what is fundamental?


For matchup perspective: I play both champions, and lvl 1 if the renekton takes q before walking into the lane they're trolling. Riven does win the lvl 1 super hard so the only way renekton can survive that trade is with w, dont level any ability till you see how your opponent is playing. If you know riven is hiding in the bush, respect that and hold your ability point till she moves out. If she walks towards to cheese lvl 1 then take w its your way out. If she's passive and lets you auto wave then you take q and poke her like the video shows. A lot of other matchups play like this too. You can see in the master tier matchup the renekton holds his point till he can safely acquire the bush and auto minions.


I'm a Thresh main and have no qualms about locking in Thresh into Morgana, because I've learned that low-elo Morganas have no idea how to use their advantage.
