THIS is why COUNTER Picks DON'T MATTER in LOW ELO! - League of Legends

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0:31 "Alright, the champion i picked into Fiora is Kled." *shows picture of Irelia*


"TPs on a minion": wait thats illegal in season 12


Ah yes the good old tp onto a minion trick... I can't wait to try this in my own game.


Fiora new VU lookin a bit like irelia 🤔 0:33


I am a singed main, so I basically counter pick myself every game


One very useful thing I learned about Fiora is that her passive always alternate between bottom-left and top-right (it's 50/50 random only within said pairs). So when "good vital" times out, it's not luck that next one is towards her.


I mean a challenger player obviously has the better game knowledge vs a gold even if they counter pick themselves. Now put 2 gold players up against each other and you'll see that the one who gets countered loses almost everytime


Ah yes let me tp to a minion before 14 mins real quick lmao. (Keep your guides current pls, skillcapped)


Nice video concept but I would have liked to see an other champ then Kled especially. Most players are not aware of an unpopular champ’s kit like kled who is countered by game knowledge in general. And Kled is a very strong laner too. Next time maybe pick a weaker skirmisher where macro and micro matters even more ;)
But the general concepts are still great of course to apply in every matchup !


kled main, fiora is brutal.. I always say "i dont know if i'll win, depends on how good fiora is"


I feel like this is the same video for like the 5th time with a different title :D.

Also, how old is this video? He TPs onto a minion at minute 6, which obviously hasn't been possible for several months by now :D. Feels like the content pipeline is not working too well at SC at the moment.


"There is no champion at level one that just straight up beats someone at level two"
Someone has never been Irelia'd.


That Fiora specific tipp with changing Vital Position is used by Fiora too


The vayne vs teemo is quite tough after his Q CD was reduced so much


7:58 "then I have to make sure to tp on a minion before she clears it"


2:40 i think that mark spawning there is not unlucky. Fiora´s marks switch spawn from the back to the front. Last mark was on your back, so next one was going to be on your front. Look, even next mark spawns at your back left and then on your top right and so on.


I get that it’s the concept behind it that matters, but Kled isn’t that popular if I’m not mistaken, so maybe the fiora isn’t aware of how/why she counters kled


i mean while its generally true in 90% of the cases that a level 1 champion can not run in to a level 2 champ and beat them down in their wave you have not tried playing vlad or another weak mage vs irelias level 1 with only passive and q, you cant run and you dont win even inside your own creepwave, and if the irelia doesnt allin you, she wont let you crash the wave and kept it frozen in a bad spot where she can run you down. Also for the fiora lane, yea this works if the rng is good for you and her vital spawns on the other side of your character, if it doesnt you either have to conceed the push or lose 15-20% of ur hp for free


Very nice video. I've been using the fundamentals channels like these and some coaches teach and my win rate skyrocketed from 43% to 67%. I remember laning against a Darius as Jax (probably his hardest lane), the Darius didn't know how waves worked and did stuff like pull me with like 20 minions behind me and he always ended up getting out-traded, once I hit lvl 6 (before him) I just jumped on him and killed him. These tips truly help a lot.


It would be more fun to watch a high elo version of a hard counterpick.
