Read More Books: 7 Tips for Building a Reading Habit - College Info Geek

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Want to finish more books? Read every day.

The best way to become a better reader is to train yourself to read on a consistent, regular basis. Here are 7 tips for building a strong reading habit.

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Speaking of reading, my book "10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades" is completely free, so check it out if you're interested in improving your grades!

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~ created by Thomas Frank

Music: "Nola" by Broke for Free
Рекомендации по теме

1. create a daily page goal.
2. Read in the morning.
3. Read after exercise.
4. Make ur reading enjoyable.
5. Eliminate distraction.
6. Anticipate and remove the barriers.
7. Be accountable to externalize your motivation.


Me: “I don’t have time to read books”
Also Me watching videos on how to build a reading habit for the past two hours...


I find that Goodreads is a great way to track my reading. Seeing your progress and updating page counts is strangely satisfying.


to me the best time of day to read is AT NIGHT, right before you go to sleep, in bed. 1. you spend half an hour to an hour without your phone which is better for sleep 2. it relaxes you and sets you in a sleeping mode 3. it is so calming and enjoyable as you're in your bed 4. it's gonna be every single day


I started doing the 25 pages a day challenge 2 weeks ago.
I'm schedulling the reading time just when I get back from work because I still have that working mindset and I know that if I stop to rest, watch some youtube or something, I'm not going to do it.
So, I get home, I make some tea, and start reading. 25 pages that's all it takes.
I won't say it's easy but it gets easier with time.

Thank you, Frank, for your book recomendations and for all the tips that have helped me improve my life!


jesus you can read roughly 30 books a year by reading only 20 pages a day, i am getting started on monday lol, not today, everything is closed today


1) Create a minimum page goal
2) Schedule your reading time
3) Schedule it after exercise
4) Make it as enjoyable as possible
5) Cut distractions
6) Anticipate and remove barriers
7) Externalize your motivation


It's so annoying having reading OCD. I have to keep rereading certain sentences to make sure I read them "correctly" and it's hard for me to turn the page and I have to keep checking I'm on the right page, even though I am.


What I used to like doing: reading

What I hate doing: reading for a grade in a set amount of time

Thanks school. You fuck up my motivations.


Reading a certain number of pages per day is a great idea compared to a number of books per month, I am a huge procrastinator so I always end up pushing it 'til the very last moment
I want to sincerely thank you for all your informative and helpful content I have always been watching your videos whenever I had exams coming and whenever I needed a tiny "push up" to go through my study materials I have read your book and I loved how it motivated me
I have never commented on any of your videos before (I am pretty shy when it comes to posting comment, I know how weird it sounds ^^)
and again, thank you so so much


After seeing this video last week, I started this 25 pages/day routine and as I checked, I got a lot of progress on my readings in a week, than what I would have in a month.
Thanks for the tips!


Thomas Frank .. You're a real life saver ! In my first semester in college, I had a real bad marks and my average was 2.7 🙁and since I'm studying medicine that was a disappointment for me and my family 😟 so in the second semester I decided to change my strategies and I've been watching you for 3 months now . I can tell the difference in my performance.. my marks are a lot better and I've built a lot of focus in my classes .. thanks to you 😃😊 hopefully I'll get 3.3 in this semester ✌


I seem to do this: Investigate productivity, health and learning tips very seriously, apply them relentlessly and get great results. Then, after a couple months I get tired and stop applying 90% of what I learned until I regret it enough that I start the cycle again. It's so hard for me to be consistent.


have u heard of Goodreads? Its another cool way to keep track of books you have read, how much you read/ your progress, and what you want to read! I love it.


I never lose motivation during the day... I love reading, I need it!


Spend time with people who enjoy reading.


One thing that really helps me is having a designated spot to read. Mine is in my closet. I hung a flashlight from a shelf and I put a pillow and blanket there. When i sit there not only is it dark so I only can look at the light on my book and I’m not distracted, but when I go there my brain just knows it’s time to read and I find much easier to get into the book. That’s just one thing that helped me and I hope it helps you 📚📚📕📗📘📙


This video was so incredibly helpful and insightful. As someone who usually puts off exercise because of the amount of work I have, I never realized how important it can be to help me focus more and absorb more information. I love reading and I love all of these tips.


hey thomas ..I request you to do a video/vlog on "how to improve mathematical skills""
thank you..


I'm having some trouble with reading recently and your video popped up at the right time! I'm going to try that! Thanks a lot!
