TWENTY tips on how to READ MORE BOOKS ✨ (how I read 200+ books a year)

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I often get asked how I read so much so today I am sharing 20 ideas on how I fit reading into my days and how you could potentially read more too!



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00:00 - intro
02:30 - tip 1
03:05 - tip 2
03:45 - tip 3
05:03 - tip 4
06:10 - tip 5
06:50 - tip 6
07:45 - tip 7
08:40 - tip 8
09:35 - tip 9
10:23 - tip 10
12:04 - tip 11
13:40 - tip 12
14:30 - tip 13
15:44 - tip 14
16:40 - tip 15
17:01 - tip 16
17:36 - tip 17
18:58 - tip 18
19:30 - tip 19
20:18 - tip 20
21:20 - outro

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In my house this past year I started hosting " cozy reading nights" I would invite my daughter to join me and we would spend 2 hours on the couch, one on either end and we would just read. I would set the scene with special snacks we typically would have an ambient noise playing, we would wear cozy pj's and just unplug from the world. I highly recommend, we typically have one once a month and look forward to it.


Giving myself permission to DNF a book has been HUGE to increase my books read. I also find that I am a huge mood reader. I read several books at a time.


Great tips! I would agree with the different mediums. The number one reason I read so much is because I always have an audiobook, physical book, and ebook going.


I have given myself permission to DNF books that aren't my cup of tea. I don't feel guilty anymore for not reading the entire book. I also shpo at thrift stores as well. Makes it easier on the pocketbook if I don't like the book. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Chantel. Happy reading 📚📚.


This year my brother and I started buddy reading together. We choose a couple of books for each month, and set ourselves a daily page goal. It has helped me break out of the longest slump of my life (8 months), and has enabled me to be more consistent with my reading.


I love these tips!! I really like reading for 15-20 minutes and then do cleaning or laundry for 15-20 minutes. It all helps keep me motivated! I also do audiobooks a lot.


Reading sprints in real life in between cleaning is a GREAT idea. Definitely going to try that one!


I am also not a person who has a lot of extended physical reading time, especially since I just had a baby, so I’m going to try your tip of reading in short bursts! Your video has given me hope!


This is the longest list of tips I've seen. I find that I'm doing quite a few of these - yay me! I'm over 100 books read this year!


The StoryGraph has a annual page count goal (and a time goal coming in 2023 for audiobooks) now, which i love! i'm trying to tackle the tomes in 2023 instead of book count (which leads to me reading the shorter books and ignoring the long ones, whoops)


Thank you for these tips. I’m also a mom, so I’ve always wondered how other moms may fit reading in. So it’s cool to see that you as a mom are able to read as much as you do. Little bursts do add up. 😊


I am retired but I still feel a little guilty reading as much as I do. I think my hubby gets a little irritated that I spend so much time in my books, but it makes me happy and I’m not stopping! Now when he finds a book he really gets into, he reads like crazy. So what do you do?! Thanks so much for the great tips. I go by the motto, better to have a book and not need it, than to need one and not have it!


What has really helped me this year is giving myself five chapters a day. It sounds silly, but every time I start a book, I move the bookmark to chapter 5. I read to the bookmark. The next day, I move it to chapter ten... and so forth. If I have time for more, I'm free to do it, but doing that really has given myself permission, even in the busy, can't-stop-to-breathe days that I've been having this year, to sit, enjoy a few chapters, and not feel like reading is elusive.

For me, that looks like me entering my little "nook" all the candles are lit the drink of choice (tea or lemonade depending on time of year) is on the shelf beside me, the dogs are curled up in their beds, and it's just me and the story--sometimes two or three at once. It just depends.

But we do a lot of the same things, actually. It's kind of cool! On your list, the challenges are a BLAST and I find myself excited to see what's next.


Love this, Chantel! As a pretty avid reader, you are correct in that, I find myself doing some of these naturally! I also don’t watch much tv! But YT can take my reading time if I’m not careful. I’ve sometimes limited myself to one BookTube video a day. 😂I think I need to pick the one book I’m most interested in SOMETIMES (there are times I love reading a chapter at a time of multiple books) and just read it cover to cover. I tend to be someone who has SO many going that I will get overwhelmed and then get slumpy. I think this year has been one of my best reading years in a long time because I slowed down a bit due to reading more classics and older mysteries. I really do like a lot of them, but they are much slower reads. I really agree that you have to find what you love! I’m REALLY slow at nonfic, although I read a good amount of old theological type books with my prayer/Bible time. I’m beginning to see that I’m not a huge nonfic reader and it’s ok. I keep buying nonfiction, though. 😤🤔😂 That’s something I need to stop because I have so many unread! 😁♥️🖤


Chantel, I have some tips for you to read more slowly. My primary suggestion is that if you have some skills in another language, you could try reading in that language (obviously something adapted to your reading level). Some other ideas based on what I've challenged myself to do this year: read longer books, read more challenging books/more non-fiction. I also take more time to digest these books, so the downtime. Thanks for reminding me about the timesuck of TV/movie watching because I increased my watching when I decided I wanted to read less but now that I *am* reading less, I realize that I miss it!!!


This was very helpful. Thank you, Chantel! This year I began to DNF books. I used to not feel like that was ok to do, however, when I watched your video where you read only the first few lines of a book and decided to get rid of them if they didn't grab your attention, gave me the courage to start DNFing books. 😂

I also am someone who prefers to read a whole chapter, but I have slowly been letting that go and squeezing in reading where I can. I also liked the idea of reading for 15 minutes and then cleaning for 15 minutes. That is brilliant! Clearly I really enjoyed this video. ❤️


One thing I do (especially as a homeschooling mom) is I read books I'm interested in with my kids. We often have a read aloud and a family audio book going. Middle grade books are fun for us Mamas too!


Awesome video! Love your nails. And thanks to you, Oceana, Amanda, and Celestria, my love for reading has risen greatly! Thank you!


Great tips. I’ve always been a person who has to read an entire chapter at a time, but it would be good to give myself permission to just read in very short bursts!!! I like the idea of reading sprints to get the housework done.📚😁


Thanks for the tips! I've always loved to read but turned back to it recently as social media just gets wearing after a while. Instead of getting snippets of text, settling into a book is so relaxing for my mind. It's actually helped with anxiety a bit as I've been pondering Agatha Christie mysteries or thinking about a book I really enjoyed, lol. Not wasting time on worry! ;) I've missed reading, so it's been so great to be back. I've also been listening to audiobooks when I clean, cook, and drive the kiddos (after dropping them off on the way home or on errands). So so good, especially with a great narrator. Agree with your thoughts and love that your family reads, too!
