What Is The Devouring Mother?

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What Is The Devouring Mother?
Are you curious if you have a devouring mother? In today's video I will share the five common ways mothers devour their children for their own emotional and psychological benefit at the expense of their child.





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In college I went with my mom to talk to a counselor, he turned to her and said "Now let's talk about you for a moment". Immediately she spat out, "Me what do you want to talk to me for, I'm not the one with the problem, she's the one with the problems." And just like that we never went back. She couldn't comprehend that she was doing anything wrong because she loved me so much, in her eyes she was the perfect mom and I was the problem for not being able to see that. Flash forward 25 years and we are now estranged, despite many more attempts on my end to talk about the issues in our relationship. She loved me so much that she completely devoured me and now at 48 I am just beginning to discover myself. I'm just glad I was able to get out.


I always say my mom cared for us but didn't raise us. Never pushed us into uncomfortable situations or prepped us for life.


This is my mother. She is also a narcissist. So she would use me to display what a great person she was to others. She would always brag to others about me. However she just ignored me at home.


I see quite a bit of this in me. I must fix this. I dont want my children to be devoured by me. I will be watching my actions closely and am going to show my 17 year old this video so she can see what i see in me fully. Ohhh man this feels weird and kinda hurts but thinking of them not being able to navigate life is stronger. I have never wanted them to feel like me or be stuck and not be able to go to the doctors or make phone calls. Thank you doc. ive been searching for whats going on and why i am the way ive been. I am changing and will continue to get healthy. right now its for my children and i i am healing for me too. eventually


0:53 Neglectful
2:19 Controlling
4:09 Overprotective
8:21 Overnurturing
11:00 Neurotic


This results in lack of individuation for the child. It's so damaging. The flaw find and micromanage others. It's terribly damaging to those around them.


On mother’s day I feel deep relief that I went full no contact. It’s been about 30 years now. I have no desire to even do an internet search to see if she’s still alive.


I have a tyrannical father and a devouring mother, and I was unlucky enough to be their firstborn daughter. They were terrified of anything and everything being a bad influence on me. I'm not allowed to have my own thoughts, feelings, or opinions. I told my mom I don't want to be the person she wants me to be and she had a serious problem with that. Even as I'm reaching my mid 20s, they still infantilize me.


"Devouring Mother" oh the accuracy of that label. My mother is controlling, overprotective, over nurturing, and neurotic all rolled into one. Dead on about her hating men. She's spoken poorly against my father, my husband, and her husband. She had even begun to talk poorly of my little boy who was four at the time, very obviously favoring my daughter. I made the hard decision to go no contact with her in order to find peace and heal my "mother wound." This ends with me.


This is my mother. She was never a mum, she always said 'Im the mother' ... and that makes her everything. To this day she's 'the mother'. I could never understand why my sister is the way she is until a therapist told me my mother had swallowed her. So thankyou for elaborating on this.


Yikes. This is my mother and my MIL. Why is this so common? I pray to God I do a better job with my children.


The social state is becoming MORE and MORE like the devouring mother.


I have never felt so validated in my experience with this type of mother, now I am suffering with Narcissistic personality disorder


My mom is controlling, overprotective, over nurturing, and neurotic - especially the last three. I'm 50-years old now and it is amazing how she has sabotaged my life and shows absolutely no remorse for it. I think she's actually mentally unwell. I have no wife, no kids, and I'm in a job I hate. But I have to stay in it because she has stuck me with a huge mortgage for a house I don't even want. I have to support us both, which includes paying for her medications. But even worse than the material circumstances are the what she did to my mind and personality. I have been de-engineered, my adulthood, my masculinity. I try not to think about it because I get very resentful, and then I feel very guilty. Right now I'm doing the work to construct a healthy adulthood. It's the only way out of this mess.


i will disclose this very personal part of my life because it will help someone out there to feel leas alone. when i was maybe 7 years old i was in the car with my mom and we were making conversation. i said “no way, youre crazy!” in the casual way that people say it every day. she turned on me. she tearfully scolded me and said that i was never, ever to call her crazy again. a child. years later me and my college girlfriend went to see “gone girl” which is a movie about a woman who shares all these qualities discussed in the above video and shared by my mother. after the movie i will never forget we were driving home and my GF was beside herself, visibly shaken. and she kept insisting to me that she wasnt crazy even though i hadnt said a word to her. in her mind my silence was me brooding over how crazy she was, like i could see how guilty she was. she was aware of how crazy she was and she felt ashamed. all the while i had no idea — i was too young. i think its important to recognize not only the existence of this kind of woman but also the fact that this is a severe mental illness which women feel trapped by. saying it exists is unacceptable because the only outcome women see from that is being blamed and held responsible. if we collectively communicated to these women that its the illness thats to blame, they would start to allow it to be recognized and discussed culturally. and we might find a solution rather than burying it and the children it destroys. these women do evil things but they are much more self aware than even we realize.


Prior to having children I was in the legal field and I was looked up to. Once I left my secular job and stayed home with my children I was totally looked down upon and was treated accordingly. However, to me the most important job was raising your own baby! Glad you are actually speaking out about this.


Years ago I met a couple who took their child to the doctor who was like 2 years old saying that she always cries before she goes to sleep and she cries for hours on end.
The doctor told them both she's trained that way


I am from Slovenia watching this, I am soo gratefull for you sir. I feel understood watching this, I feel safe and hugged.


i'm completely broken and drained out any will to live, agoraphobic, shit social skills, not being able to feel any connection towards anyone whatsoever, not enjoying anything anymore, i feel like a walking corpse these types of mothers socially isolate you, beat you down both physically and emotionally, make you incapable to handle life and in the end still somehow put all blame on you


Stay at home moms can still be devouring mothers.
