Return of the Little Hater (Haters Don't Die, They Multiply)

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I know this video is from a million years ago (in internet years) but I've come back to re-watch it a *bunch* of times and I really appreciate that you made it. Even if I can't make my little haters go away, hearing that I'm not the only person who hears that self-talk is reassuring.


I've been a fan of your work for some time now, always love what you do. You joining the Colorlines team is amazing and such a good fit. This video right here made me a fan for life. Thank you for being real and staying in the ring every day!


The work you do to seek honesty and not compromise creativity is the exact gift you give us. The process and not the product.

I can't deny that your words and messages often change the way I see or feel about things in a helpful way--BUT it's the fact that you do what you do that makes a difference to me. I guess by saying that--I'm saying that facing the haters is one of the ways you help me most. Thanks for being an inspiration.


SOOOO helpful to hear that you go through that inner critic craziness as well. thanks for being so transparent and generous with yourself. your willingness to be vulnerable on camera is inspiring...and helpful. :)


I am a creative person (a singer/songwriter) & I am all too familiar with "The Little Hater." You have no idea how much you help folks when you sit in your room, talking to your camera, thinking out loud, trying to bring some order to your personal chaos. You are awesome and a blessing. Hopefully, you can use some of this when you're about to go into battle with 'TLH'. Thank you, Sir!!!


no flowery platitudes on coping with the lil haters, but I do want you to know that whatever *else* you do or dont do, you manage to consistently stimulate my mind, twang my heartstrings, and put a big, dumb grin on my face when a new video from you is on my feed list. I think i could be pretty happy if just once I knew that someone hears/sees me and feels "that man get's IT" the way that i feel it when i hear/see you. Thanks for being an inspiration and an interweb brightspot.


I've been watching your station for a while, always appreciated the stuff you put out. I am a fiddle player and in my creative process I run across those two Lil'Haterz often: As a pull between not writing complex-enough music and not being OK with simplicity. What I found helps is playing with people; having that feedback and structure to work in helps me be OK with simplicity and the result is always cooler, it might not fully translate, but gettin some trusted folks onboard could help.


This just popped up in my feed and the timing couldn't be more perfect. I'm a fan of your stuff but this was one I missed, I'm glad I saw it when I did. Thanks, and keep the little haters down.


Man... so well articulated. And definitely not boring. It seems like those little haters just need their minute in the spotlight so we can get on with the real work. Well done. I feel less alone.


i watch your videos constantly and i like the angle you take and different situations. Keep up the good work dude.


Keep making videos. I always want to watch what you have to say. You strike a great balance between engaging in interesting and intellectual debate and making good social media content. When I discovered your videos this summer, I went back and watched everything you've made and didn't once turn them off. Keep telling those little haters to go away, you make great art.


You are one of the most, interesting, thoughtful, insightful people I've had the pleasure to come across on the web. I've never found you boring, nor have I ever thought anything negative about your creations. I look forward to your videos. I don't know you personally, but I imagine that if you happened to live in Istanbul Turkey or if I happened to live wherever you are, we could be friends. I'm sure that an issue will pop up that will grab your attention and push those haters to the wayside.


I'm often stuck on the internet for hours, wasting time, trying to escape the beatings of my little haters.It's stuff like your videos that infuses my escapism with relevant information, love for humanity&entertainment at the same time.Vlogs etc rarely lead to epiphanies but when the sum of the good stuff I consume(vs. the irrelevant or even hurtful stuff) reaches a critical mass it helps me to break free from escapism&interact with the world again.Thanks so much for your part of the critical mass.


I think you answered your own question, Jay. Keep showing up, remaining faithful and present to the process. Sounds like each of your haters have a filtering function, helping to distill better art in the long run. One thing I've been trying lately (not very effectively yet) is to bring the haters into the process - befriend them, such as it were, in order to make better art together. Better to have them here next to me, where I can see them, then behind me sabotaging my efforts. Peace.


For the record, I think you make some of the most entertaining AND thought-provoking videos on my subscription box that are both intelligent and insightful. Keep doing your thing man and I'll keep watching. :)


"Done is better than None". Thanks Drue and Jay. I needed that affirmation and this video today.


Wow - this is one of the rare vids on Youtube that doesn't have mean comments - only streams and streams positive, encouraging ones. Nice to see so much love. Its really comforting to know that even mega talented, charismatic ppl like you have these challenges. So thanks and maybe try some positive affirmations. May sound lame, but the best way to dispel hate is with compassion and love.


If it makes you feel any better, the intelligence of your arguments definitely contributes to what makes you enjoyable to watch. Keep doing what you're doing and fighting those haters!


Glad you keep getting in the ring! :)  So I'm a coach and have often referred folks to your video.. We coaches call "the little haters, " inner critics or loyal soldiers.  It is just fear trying to protect us from failure (gasp!)  But frankly, they may no longer be serving us.  So an exercise I'll have a client do is to give each "loyal soldier"space to voice itself, much like you demonstrate in this video.  Sometimes simply giving them a voice or having them duke it out with one another sometimes helps you get to a negotiated sane place and safe space enough to finally be in action and move forward.  Sometimes honoring them by telling them how you know they are doing their best to protect you from failure, but then saying, "Thank you for caring.  But I'll be okay.  I got this." helps one move on.  Thank you for your videos.  I think they're brilliant and advance our humanity.


Jay Smooth, I write this after getting frustrated on an art project I'm working on, listening to my own little haters. You keep doing your thing, there will be people loving your work no matter how mediocre you feel it might become. Doesn't matter if stuff has been said before--you're allowing it to get to us. And honestly I'd take intellectualism over sensationalism any day. Your message is translated through your voice and we come here for you as the channeler of those ideas.
