Watch This BEFORE You Buy Zbrush in 2023...

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This video was designed to help you make a decision about buying Zbrush. Hopefully you find this helpful and share it with your friends.

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This one is the best "watch before buy" video I've ever watched, and the most realistic...


Once i started sculpting seriously in Blender, i was starting to see the limitations.


Absolutely. You're hitting the nail on the head with this video. I remember when I got into photography originally I thought - ah if only I buy this next expensive lens - I'll be an amazing photographer. Thankfully the guy who got me into photography saved me a ton of money by saying I should just go with the native lens I had for a few months before throwing any more money out. Many years later I'm still a mediocre photographer, but I don't have to live under a bridge, because of blowing all my money on lenses in the first days of excitement. And it's exactly the same thing with Zbrush.


I started in Blender & now I'm having a hard time getting comfortable in ZBrush. If I could do it all over again, I would just start with ZBrush. I don't care about any of the other Blender features. I just want to sculpt for now. I guess it depends on what your goals are. I'm having to change a lot of settings in ZBrush to feel more comfortable navigating the Ui. I do a whole LOT more Googling than sculpting at this point. I'm glad they added sticky keys for changing the brush size because I like the auto-sizing of the brush in Blender rather than dragging an annoying slider around. (Still hate the slider being in the way though) I have a tendency to like whatever I start with more than anything else, unfortunately. I am aware that ZBrush has many more features, but the clunky Ui is super old school, circa 2001, to me. I will continue to make menus & customize what it will allow me to. If you are like me, start with Core Mini so you get used to the interface at least. lol


Torrent, thank you for helping me not to think about buying


Zbrush is amazing at sculpting but its also its Achilles heel. If you want to sculpt, animate characters, build assets, render complex environments with volumetric's, setup particle effects and simulations... well in that case there is only a couple of options. Maya ($1, 785/year) or Blender (free)


yh mean I love modeling and sculpting something, I wanna buy zbrush fr but its too cheap for me (living in turkey btw)


I have zbrush to have fun. I have 2022 perp license and have no plans to ever get involved with a sub. By the time my brush 2022 becomes obsolete, there will be better options and maybe Blender sculpting will get much better.


Por que no los dos? 😜 I use blender for blocking out and minor details and then transfer to zbrush for more detailed sculpting.


I just want a job for fk sake...

I have pretty good knowledge of Blender but no one hires blender bois

It's all Maya, Zbrush, Houdini.
. Autodesk & Adobe & Maxon


Holy hell so many ZBrush fan boys getting their lingerie in a knot


What if I’m an art teacher looking to looking to change career paths? I’ve sculpted using clay and have Dee understand big of the elements and principles of design.


i want zbrush, because the fidelity of SCULPTING is just 100x times better than blender.


Now, another point.

Trying to import sculpted models from Zbrush to Blender, so you could start doing Animations, and rigging etc, is a pain.

Blender is a better overall tool, whike Zbrush dumps it all into Sculpting.


Unfortunately it's too late now for anyone who wants a perpetual license for Zbrush

EDIT: Turns out that I was wrong, you just have to look a little harder to find it


My Wife uses real clay to sculpt her figurines, and is now looking to move commercial, rather than creating one offs, sge wants to produce multiple copies. 3d scanning is not an option as the rech just is not there, so it looks like the way forward is swapping over to 3d sculpting :)
So the question is which of two, should be our choice, we are not interested in animation or movies, just creating sculpts that can be 3d printed with a quality finish.
Thank you :)


If I buy the perpetual model, am I ineligible for updates? If I want to update I’ll need to spend another 900 on a new version?


I'm not going to school or planning to work as a artist just trying to create armors and weapons for games I like.

If I can do it all in blender textures and paintingall that I'd rather not pay hundreds. Really frustrating learning this stuff so far.


zbrush is fantastic for sculpting but so clunky, I wish blender could handle more polys :(


I'm still confused on a zebra slices seen since they've been bought out or sold their soul and betrayed their Community. If I bought a license years ago can I still get 2023 as a free upgrade or do I have to start paying for 2023
