Mastering Aluminum Sand Casting: Secrets to getting a flawless surface finish.

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#sandcasting #petrobondcasting #aluminumcasting
This video depicts manufacturing an aluminum replica of a Fleur De Lis 3d pattern. It will demonstrate how to pack a sand mold from Petrobond sand and fill that mold with molten aluminum. The aluminum part will then be finished using various methods to create a high sheen finish.

Disclaimer--Metal casting is dangerous and can cause injury or death. This video is only for entertainment purposes.

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Nice pour technique. I'm just getting into casting for knife making ( guards, pommels, etc). Your vids are really helpful.


Those lifting tongs turned out spectacular! I'd love to see a build video on them.


You seem like a realist. I like the way you think. ( 'specially referencing the talc.) Great work here. Thanks for posting.


Actually I have a total smelting setup that was given to me for a Christmas present. I have yet to have the time to fire it up and cure everything before making my first pour. Hope to change that soon though. I have smelted lead for decades and except for the higher temps, everything else looks pretty much the same... Thumbs Up!


So, here's something I've noticed about casting that no one seems to be attempting, what if you make a permanent steel mold? I have a fiber laser, so I can engrave with detail and accuracy, and I was wondering, would it work to make say, a two piece mold, for a repeatable coin pour? I know the machine can engrave coins, but it takes a lot of run time, and is finicky when it comes to depth details. I kinda like the idea of using the tool, to make a simpler tool, and that way all the hard work is only done once, plus I'd rather deal with exhaust gases, verse fine dust and I will say there is a lot of fine dust in laser engraving.

a one time engrave is much easier to manage for dust verses dozens of coins. What do you think? is it worth trying to develop a mold in to a couple flat steel plates?


Is your thermometer just a thermocouple or is there more to it then that? Is there a vudeo od you making it?


Great videos! Thanks so much for the tips! Id like to see a video of a mold where one side isnt flat. In my mind, im guessing you would take the part and build up to a parting line using foam core, and hot glue. Pack one side, take out the model, remove the mat core, carefuling put the model back, place the other mold cavity on top and then fill that one. Break apart, cut sprue, runners and vents, pour, finish then profit. Thoughts?


@DamonsMetalCasting Damon, what thermocouple did you find on Amazon? I'm fairly good at tracking parts down, but for whatever reason, I've yet to find a thermocouple that can be dipped directly into the liquid metal (without melting :P) . I'm really encouraged that you found one. [Later EDIT NOTE: Well, maybe if I'd had read more of the comments here, I'd already have seen the answer below. LOL - great!]

Also, I appreciate the tongs you made.

If you like to experiment with different alloys, it is paramount to keep the crucibles separate and use each *only* for that specific alloy (with some exceptions). So, the crucible costs add up fast as a reasonable sized good one isn't cheap. Have you considered or tried making your own? I confess, this is the first video of yours I've watched thus far, so if you have covered that topic, please post a link.

Surprisingly many of these tools, like your tongs, and materials too can be DYI'ed. I've used Petrobond of course, but I had almost nearly as good a result with fine aquarium sand and well-pulverized cat litter that has been fine sifted @ 150 mesh. For the cost, the homebrewed is nearly 8 times cheaper than the Petrobond. Sand+cat litter in a water or boiled linseed oil base are similar in function, with the oil version being a bit longer lasting before it has to be reconditioned. (Of course, any casting - and especially core sand - needs to be kept in an air tight container if at all possible.

Looking forward to watching more of your work!

thanks for taking the time to publish this for the benefit of other Budding Metalheads []:-)

- HP in North Florida
(where you must be half nuts to weld, stand in front of a forge, or "pour molten hot metal into a hole." 😛)


Cool videos sir would it be possible to purchase or borrow the floral deleigh so i can try my hand at making a few of those


Very Cool, If you get a chance can you put some links of the products you use. Thanks...


What is this? Columbo? You showed us the end result at the beginning! 😂


Thank you.

I live in Romania where can I buy the tools what you showed in the video?

Do they cost a fortune?

I want to do this.


Can you do a straight pour into molds or will it get air bubbles?


I have recently purchased myself a melting furnace but after using it today I have found that there seems to be a lot of slag stuck to the inside of the crucible any tips to stop this


I've been trying to cast a piece with fine detail (jewelry) and haven't even gotten to the pouring part. Everytime I try pulling the 3d printed part, it pulls petrobond chunks with it and it'd too light to drop out on its own. Will the powder fix that?


Hi, I want to start this hobby, where can I go to buy all the equipment needed. What should I search for online ?


What happen if we use this mesh Green sand?


Tres Bien mon ami! Thanks now I am ready to cast my first sand casting. Going to do my channel logo that I made out of creamics. It has raised letters (JASON) which will be face down . would you for-see any problems?


Hi, I notice this was a wedding, graduation, gathering placez design in Bushwick, Brklyn: place loss of mankind.


Step 1- spend a TON of money on high mesh petrobond. Because its stupid expensive. The end. 😂
