The truth about ASATRU // Friends and Family edition // 'The way' is not the way you think!

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#Asatru #norsepagan #vikingreligion
The truth about Asatru is just a fairly quick video to help those that are new to Asatru, discover some strategies to deal with the haters and the curious alike. Many people ask questions about what we believe and think that in order to further grow and legitimize Norse paganism and Norse heathenry we need to be able to articulate what we believe to a skeptical or curious audience. As a last resort just send them to this video and let them watch. I hope this helps you on your path and makes the road less travelled just a little easier to navigate. In Kinship, Gothi Bodvarr.

All the books in this link I personally own and recommend. There is also a link to a new aged section of more modern titles that I own. They are ok reads but start with the historic ones to get a firm grasp of the lore and the lifestyle.

Here is your free download. Enjoy, I hope that it serves you well.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you! Ive been looking for real education of our Norse roots for a long time. Ill look into those books. Bigfork Mt.


This is the first video I've seen from you. Thanks so much!


thanks from Russia bro, that was very helpful! May the gods keep you


I am really happy I stumbled onto this channel. I love your transparency and honesty, also your outlook. I consider myself a lone wolf because I don't know anyone around me like that. I read and practice my own ritual and walk in nature that is the only church I refer to and I hope to find those books your referring to and watch your videos thats how I grow closer to the Gods. Thanks. Aaron


I have followed the norse pantheon for almost 30 something years now and living in Florida. I have just always called myself. A heathen. I jokingly tell people I am a swamp Viking because of being born in Florida. And have lived here my whole life. My ancestry is in norway and germany, ireland in scotland. Someday I hope to find a kindred. There are none near me so I am still a solo practitioner but I do my lots end. My festivals and do my best to instruct my grandchildren. So that they understand a little bit more about it.


Man thank you for this i needed new books to get and use in my practice and study I highly appreciate this keep up that amazing work you and everyone with you are doing


Thank you for your thoughtful content. I believe that this gives me a great foundation.


Enjoyed the video :) was expecting mention of hof ("church") and of the horgs, the heaps of stone on which libations and offerings are poured. I'm surprised that so much else of the tradition is being reconstructed, including seidhr, but not something so tangible, and useful, as the horg. Is this because horgs were used only for the Vanir?


FYI: if you print off that pamphlet using a printer's automatic two-sided printing settings the back page is upside down. It was at least for me. Thank you for the info though.


Before I buy the copy I'm looking at, is The Wanderer's Havamal a good copy yo have?


We belive in nature. All the experience and understanding of the difrent powers and energys that our ancenstors have observed and learned throughout the times.
That is our beliefe.
All the gods and tales of the gods are lessons and difrent energys symboliced from life and nature.
It is the ways and knowlage of our people.

This is what I understands of our faight as a Ásatroende from the westcoast of Sweden.

Take care, and intresting video


Thank you for the information. So I am thinking about starting to practice Asatru and are there things that are considered sinful in Asatru? I am coming from the Christian background so I am not sure if there is a different term for something like sin.


Hello. When looking for Teutonic Mythology I find it in separate volumes, in the video we see just one yellow copy that seems to have everything in it. Was that copy separate from the other volumes or is it just the one?


I'm coming back to this because this is the first video I watched when I converted just over a year it a coincidence I found your guys' guidance on youtube (I think when you started); I THINK NOT, Hail the gods!
My library is growing I'm at 10 physical copies, and a massive ebook library, thanks to many others, and getting a fire under my butt to start searching.


I guess I came in the backdoor to this path, my 25 year dive into Jung & Campbell led me to realize I was on a path(devout mormon) not my own. Shortly after that I read the tale of the binding of Fenrir.


I’d like to point out there are multiple saga references to prostrating before the Gods, and some form of prostration is found in every single religion (except Satanism).

One prime example is in the Færeyinga Saga, where Earl Haarkon upon seeing the goddess in a temple he (a noble) threw himself at her feet and remained there for a while.

To not have some form of prostration is historically in-accurate, and if those brought up in the tradition believed in its significance who are we to contradict it? That’s my opinion on it, to not do so sounds very low-church Protestant to me.

Aside from that, really enjoying your videos, please do keep putting them out to help those new to all of this.


Another awesome video! Thank you very much for creating this content. The book list is EXACTLY what i needed. Really appreciate the work you put into these videos! Semper Fi


Interesting. Although an atheist, I do enjoy learning about people and their religions. Honest question: do you believe in the actual deities as real beings or more as allegories to be interpreted to help people be better? Thanks.


I was wondering if you had a source on the 9 realms of hel that you mentioned. I have never heard of it before and I am curious as to how much information is available on this topic. Thanks for the in depth and informative video.


My favorite is Viktor Rydbergs teutonic mythology
