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An Old Norse expert's personal thoughts on Ásatrú (reconstructed Norse paganism). Part 2 of "The Ranch Porch Series," an irregular series of weekend videos on personal topics or topics not directly related to Old Norse.

Dr. Jackson Crawford is Instructor of Nordic Studies and Nordic Program Coordinator at the University of Colorado Boulder (formerly UC Berkeley and UCLA). He is a historical linguist and an experienced teacher and translator of Old Norse, Modern Icelandic, and Norwegian.

Logos by Elizabeth Porter (snowbringer at gmail).

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Dammit, I wrote 'forn siðr' with a long "í." I guess my tired mind was thinking of the more common word 'síðr, ' "long."


“i find it distasteful to start a youtube feud”

I really respect you for that kind of thought process.


To loosely quote Einar Selvik of Wardruna: we cannot recreate the past, instead we take inspiration from the past and use it to create something new. To me when someone I know who is neo-pagan or Asatru practices something ahistorical I remember this and it reminds me that religions, cultures, and the ways they themselves interpret the past changes all of the time. Therefore I see no harm in any of it so long as they are willing to create something new rather than claim that they know best about the past.


Most of the Heathens I know regard you as one of the great living scholars of Norse culture, language, and religion. Your work speaks for itself.


I am a practicing Heathen, and I can say by talking to other Asatru/Heathens that you are highly respected and recommended in the community, as far as I can tell. Personally, I like your videos for the fact that you're so unbiased, knowledgeable, and frank. You separate the wheat from the chaff, which is much more than I can say about other channels on the subject. Every video you post is a valuable asset to developing my practice.


Dr Crawford appears to be a man at peace with himself and with his place in the world.

A relaxed, rational and respectful view of politics and faith is a rare thing in these times.

Toi many people are shouting and spitting, but how many are listening? How many of us are truly evaluating opinions and values.

Respect to you sir.


From now on, I will always carry a piece of firewood with me. ;)But seriously, one of the reasons I like this channel, being Swedish (with some basic knowledge and interest in Norse culture, history, and myths, but not on an academic level), is the fact that Dr. Crawford is *not* from Scandinavia. Sometimes an "outsider's" informed and well researched insights to ones' own culture is more unbiased than those of people who grew up with it. And facts are facts, regardless of who's delivering them.


And it was on that day, seated on a bench in rural Colorado, Guru Crawford inadvertently birthed the Cult of Logs: a group of followers so loyal to him that they, from that day forward, took up logs in their arms which they carried always, believing he would speak to them through the logs, guiding them on their pre-destined path.


i really like the way you think, especially when you said that just bc you have an interest in something does not indicate that one IS that


"... I'm a link between people who will never tolerate each other..."
As I heard this, it hit me how necessary are people who can do this, especially in such divided times.
Someone has to help keep the lines of communication open. And perhaps help to keep things from fracturing even more, though that may be a bit much to ask of anyone.


As someone who follows the old gods, I appreciate you no matter your denomination. You help us expand our understanding of our own religion and preserve what we do have for culture. In doing so you help me personally build a modern practice that honors my ancestors and their beliefs


Interesting points which I see reflected on my own approach to the Northern European pagan traditions and historical/archaeological facts. When I do a video presenting historical and archaeological evidences people tend to judge my spirituality. I keep my spirituality private and often make it clear that my work as an archaeologist cannot be influenced by my own spirituality, a boundary must be created. When I want to share a bit of my own spiritual beliefs, I create a video solely about that. This is what it has been difficult to make, because when I show historical facts that the eddas have christian influence, people label me as someone trying to ruin the faith and that I'm a christian; when I give a more spiritual approach to a certain subject or show my own opinion on the matter, people get confused and see that I'm actually a pagan. I always make it clear when I'm giving academic work and when I'm giving spiritual understandings, I do prefer to make that boundary. My own work cannot be influenced by my spirituality, otherwise in the academic field it wouldn't be a professional, plausible research work.


To me, it's the one faith that actually called to me. I came from a household where my father was agnostic, and my mom practiced a different religion every 6-12 months, so I've experienced many different faiths, and not one called to me, not one imbued something in me, but when I started studying Asatru, I started to feel a pull, as if there was some force actually pushing me towards it, and so I started to research more of it. Since then, I've begun following the faith and praying to the Old Gods, respecting them and giving to them when I can.


Dr. Crawford, I respect your humility and attitude about this subject. You are a fine example of a man. Thank you!


"Getting a PhD in it, Which indebts me for life and prevents me from having any sort of normal job..."


If I were Asatru I think a better sacred duty than carrying a lump of firewood would be to always keep spare bedding, food and drink on hand in your home to offer guests.


This was a very personal video for you and I appreciate the realism and "heart-to-heartness" that I felt while watching this video. Thank you for always staying professional in your mannerism. I'm sure many people would love to know you on a more personal level and want to see that on this channel, but with your professionalism, you steer clear of any sort of political/religious controversies. You're simply a great educator for anyone who's interested in these related topics of interest. From the bottom of my heart, thank youfor all your work.


"I'm happy to read a history of Colorado that was written by someone in Zimbabwe if it was well researched"

Mic drop


Dr. Crawford, you are a class act. I practice the ancestral religion as best as we know how, and I take liberties to add my own touches which I think would be traditionally appropriate based on the research of diligent minds such as yourself.

I could give a damn what your personal convictions are, you're a man of truth, you educate us freely on the facts which we have access to, and you do a damn fine job of it. People are so annoying with their mental gymnastics and gatekeeping, as if it matters more than the integrity of the material being presented. You're an invaluable resource to us practitioners and those simply interested in the myth and history alike. Thank you for your work, you're truly a man to look up to. Integrity, honor, steadfastness.


Dr. Crawford, thank you for this. Whether or not you know, you're referenced rather heavily in the Asatru and Heathen communities. We all appreciate your work, and your content gives a great deal off insight to many of us. I hope it doesn't bug you too much. :-).
