This Is the Only Proven Way to Deter a Great White Shark | The Swim

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Will deterrent technology lower an ocean swimmer's chances of a dangerous encounter with a shark?

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Can technology save you from a shark attack?
“Over 18 days, Huveneers – who heads the Southern Shark Ecology Group at Adelaide’s Flinders University – tested a series of commercially available shark deterrent devices to determine their effectiveness in repelling the ocean’s most feared predator. Over many long days at sea, his team observed sharks from its boat and with cameras below the waves."

Why Are We Afraid of Sharks? There's a Scientific Explanation.
"You're more likely to be crushed to death under a falling vending machine in your office, or a cow that collapses on you in a field than you are to die in the jaws of a shark. But fears don't necessarily match facts, and the fear of being attacked by a shark is more about our emotional response than the reality."

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Animal Senses
“Snakes’ tongues do more than taste: They help track prey. Their forked tongues pick up scent molecules that the animal transfers, via specialized ducts in the mouth, to the Jacobson’s organ, which can detect where the scent’s source is located.”


Ben Lecomte's historic swim across the Pacific Ocean is a feat that can’t be missed. Join us as we dive into the most extensive data set of the Pacific Ocean ever collected. Learn about the technology the Seeker crew is using to deter sharks away from Ben and measure the impact of the long-distance swim on his mind and body. Ben's core mission is to raise awareness for ocean health issues, so we’ll investigate key topics such as pollution and plastics as he swims closer to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, discover potential consequences from climate change, and examine how factors like ocean currents can impact his progress along the way.

Seeker explains every aspect of our world through a lens of science, inspiring a new generation of curious minds who want to know how today’s discoveries in science, math, engineering and technology are impacting our lives, and shaping our future. Our stories parse meaning from the noise in a world of rapidly changing information.

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There's only one way to escape from a great white shark. Swim faster than your friend.


Act crazy. The shark will swim away thinking you're on seaweed.


*lmao just draw a circle around yourself* 😂😂😂


My first shark encounter was with a 9 foot long great hammerhead when I was free diving in the keys few years back in murky ass water after a tropical was the scariest but coolest encounter I’ve ever experienced the shark was so chill but I was freaking out 😅


My brother dives with sharks. He says to avoid an attack, don't get too friendly with them. You can't let sharks mistake you for a good chum.


"There's so much we don't know about sharks." I know that they can bite you and make you bleed very profusely. That is shark 101.


0:15 F@$% me! 😂 That's exactly how I'd react soon as I realized there was a shark nearby


3:41 So it's the equivalent of trying to eat a chicken wing that's screaming at the top of its lungs


Electronic interference with their electrical sensing system. But that 40% hit rate is still not low enough.


Shark shield is the real deal and has been around for some time. I wouldn't be doing this without one.


Surely an *underwater version of a cattle prodder* should give the best results in deterring sharks.


I find not going in the sea to be a pretty effective way of avoiding sharks


So awesome. This is what Shark Week should be about. Pure education. Not sensationalizing attacks, but teaches us. I'm all for it. (also. I know it's not shark week. just making a point).


Sharks aren't bad creatures its just they have a hard time telling the difference between fish and humans. And some sharks quickly realize their mistake and leave the human alone a scar or a lost limb. Other sharks if their really hungry they just eat.


What do you call a solitary shark?... A loan shark!


We had a juvee female mako tagged off the coast here in VB, VA. She's tracked on Ocean, and has made an amazing journey to Nova Scotia and then then down into the Gulf of Mexico... unbelievable!


Don't swim in the ocean and you won't get attacked by a shark. It's super simple stuff


I've swam with sharks a few times. They are beautiful. My profile pic is a whaleshark, they are harmless.


@4:00 "The proportionate bait being taken by the shark was reduced down to 40%".
Great, so my torso and head will be left intact with this device. lol.


I was always told to punch the gills or the eyes. Also, I've heard that chemical repellants are pretty effective. Also, I saw a documentary where they said if you can somehow flip them on their backs, it temporarily immobilizes them.
