I quit touch typing after 2 years, and maybe you should too

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When I learned how to Touch Type 2 years ago, it was a journey that transformed the way that I looked at life. I was finally able to type faster and do my work with speed! But now, I've quit learning and that has given me some very interesting wisdom on self-improvement that I think you could benefit from!

I hope that you enjoy 🙂

#typing #touchtyping #selfimprovement
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3 minutes of fluff and a nothing burger at the end. he found that "voice to text" was faster than his 62wpm. that's the video.


Touch typing isn't about learning how to type faster. It's focusing more on what your typing on the screen, rather than worrying where the keys are located at the keyboard.


Its like a rich man saying money is useless and a waste of time after he gets rich


For some, touch typing is a necessity, like me. I'm blind, but I was taught to touch type before I lost my sight, so it's the only way I can use computers.


but how do I speak a programming language


clickbait: he did not quit touch typing. he simply stopped trying to learn how to do it after he finished learning how to do it. this is normal. literally everyone does this lmao.


In my opinion there's no need to think too much about it. Touch typing is a great skill to have, and once you've learned it, you won't just forget it like that. Whenever you need to type you'll do it efficiently, and looking at the computer screen instead of the keyboard.

I learned touch typing in 2018, and from jan 2020 to jan 2021 I didn't use any computers, when I came back I still knew how to touch type without needing to practice


Let's be honest, touch typing is one of those skills you cannot go wrong with, much like working out. In a world full of computers, any reason to improve your typing speed is a good reason. The average typing speed is about 40wpm and it is an extremely low bar to surpass. If touch typing allows you to be twice as fast and you're above average speed, it's definitely worth it


You shouldn't learn touch typing to type 'faster', it's learned to be more effective while typing and gives you better posture. Also didn't know it was called 'touch typing', but it's just something that was commonly taught in middle/high school for decades.


For those worried about losing touch typing, I learned it like 17 years ago in elementary school, proceed to not use PCs for a decade outside of rare occasions at school, and proceeded to have zero problems coming back. The only time I’ve had trouble was switching to ISO from ANSI, which makes sense since my touch typing was based on old muscle memory


Talking to your laptop... really great in a public place!


i learned touch typing more for the accuracy rather than speed. before, i'd be looking up and down to my keyboard and screen while hitting backspace almost every sentence.
speech-to-text is cool but i write most of my texts bilingually. haven't figured out yet how to do that haha


You make great points, but I don't see where exactly did you "quit" touch typing.


"When you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them."


Touch typing is not about typing. It is all about the focus u can achieve with your brain. It is like an sports where one day practice will make u perfect.


When I left school--(many years ago- typing on a MANUAL TYPEWRITER) I typed 120wpm-- all words no error. NOW- at 66, with arthritic fingers-- I type 120 errors- no words!!! ha. (seriously though- I'm back down to about 30)


100 percent true.
Little background : I was never comfortable with a computer until age 19 as I never owned one and Computer Lab till high school had 5 persons sharing. Joins college. Got my first laptop.... story continues
I used hunt and peck method and speed was maximum 20 wpm. I was sad. Then I came to know about touch typing. Initially, I was devastated that I continuously got 10-15 wpm. I thought I could never in my life reach 40wpm. But then my strong desire to type faster like my friends kept me going and soon I started to realize the speed increasing. As I type now it's around 60+wpm. I am more than happy. That's a life lesson as well.
If you're interested enough and has strong will to learn you can master the topic no matter how hard it is.
Note : Patience is key.


Touch typing isn't necessary if you don't want to look at the keyboard (at all) and instead look at the screen. I don't do touch typing and I probably use like... 7-8 fingers? The thing is that once you practice long enough and your muscle memory builds up, you'll naturally know where the keys are.


I learned to type on my own when I got my own computer when I was young and I learned to type with just a few fingers and never really thought much about it. Currently, I average like high 80 to 90wpm and can type without looking at my keyboard. I found out a while back about people who use all their fingers and I was shocked because I didn't know or people told me I was weird for typing with only a few fingers. I'm still debating on whether or not to learn this because I already type fast enough but I also wanna see if I can try typing even faster, I'm just worried I'll slow down by learning a new way to type


As a programmer, I can't speak to my computer it will hunt me!
