I Practiced Touch Typing For 30 Days

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I Practiced Touch Typing For 30 Days

I tried to learn touch typing in 30 days. My typing skills have never really been up to par but in this short period I was able to go from 28 words per minute to 70 words per minute. This is a video about how I did it.

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"I have 670 wpm with 2% accuracy"


who else wishes they could code as fast as they type? 😂


Watched this video about a year ago when I was typing 30 wpm. Now I type around 80. This video is awesome and really helped me get on the right path. Typing is such a useful skill that more people should learn how to do it correctly. This video really helped me in school and many other things in life.


He is practicing on keybr, a website used learn touch typing.


Who else came here just to see what touch typing was just to find out its normal typing?


Back when I was 11, I borrowed this CD where it teaches you typing. Twenty years later, I'm still glad I did it. My max so far is 130wpm. I thought I was slow until I see pretty much everyone I know type. Holy shit.


06:50 - there are mechanical reason for why we got stuck with QWERTY. initially the pioneers of typewriting were looking at layouts that'd group frequently used letters together. What they ended up with were typewriters that constantly got stuck because the arms to which the letters where attached blocked one another. so they were looking for a layout that would allow the letter arms to return to the starting position without other arms getting in the way. they came up with QWERTY and by time the mechanics weren't a problem anymore, QWERTY was already established and no one was keen to learn a potentially more efficient layout.


"Each finger is responsible for three letters", except for the index fingers which are doing double the work


I’m so glad that in Elementary school I did the typing games instead of playing video games on other sites... my current fastest is 180 WPM! It’s almost a hobby for me.


You reached 70 wpm in 30 days? You're a beast man. I've only just cracked 70 wpm this year and I've been practicing for four years! But I have famously unindependent fingers. I go to move just one finger and another two will move with the one I intended to move as well.


the most relatable this in this video is his say that he just want to do more and more and that’s exactly what happened to me i would be in an online class and just want to type because i really enjoyed the feeling of achievement it gave me


“If you can do it slow, you can do it fast”


If I do a word typing test then I average at around 100 WPM, but there's no way I could ever code at such a speed. My brain doesn't work that fast. :D


I never realized how grateful I am for "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" until I saw this video. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to change techniques; Like trying to change your handwriting. Nice work dude!


It's awesome that you worked so hard at this! I think part of what held you back was switching back and forth between different keyboards--consistency really helps even if you've been typing a long time. My oldest son learned "keyboarding" in fourth grade which I think was a superb idea. Unfortunately we moved and my youngest son is in sixth grade and he hasn't learned yet. I may have to teach him (and my husband) with this website! Thanks! I'm a pro writer and I'm currently working on accuracy so I have fewer typos to correct in my manuscripts.


Me: Practicing my typing skills
My FBI Agent: *here you go kid*


Everyone in the comments bragging "I've been typing since first grade"

While there's me who didn't know the internet existed till I was 10


Nice video! I actually recommend practicing this every day, it really helps me. I practice mostly every day, and can type and maintain an average of above 100 easily, with a normal average of about 120-155 WPM depending on what I am typing. This took years of practice to get, but it allows me to absolutely blow through essays and reports compared to when I used to type about 30-ish WPM.


Fun fact about QWERTY keyboard I read/heard some time ago:
As you said they put commonly used keys apart from each other, but there is another very important reason for it.

It was designed for typewriters and if you've used an old school type writer before, when typing fast the hammers that put ink to paper tend to collide and get stuck midway. If the keys are next to each other, hammers are too. So their paths overlap most of the way to the paper, making them collide much easier. So let's say if you are writing "red" you'd have to wait for hammer to come back for every letter.

When the letters are apart; hammers come from angle and only crossover is right at the end where it punches the paper, leaving it much wider leeway to clickety clicking.


The only reason why I'm here is so I can quickly defend myself in Among Us when i'm playing with randoms.
