How Resolve Editors Can Learn Fusion 500% Faster

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FUSION: ZERO TO HERO - The Ultimate Blackmagic Fusion Course (Great for Beginners!)
- Learn to make motion graphics and visual effects in DaVinci Resolve!
Pro Compositing & VFX in Fusion Course:
Want some great Video and Music/SFX? Check out Artgrid and Artlist for some amazing royalty-free assets:
Lighting provided by GODOX
In this video you'll get my #1 tip on how to learn Fusion (or anything, for that matter) 500% faster than normal! This technique is super easy to implement and actually works! So make sure to download the footage and follow my instructions. You'll be learning Fusion in no time!
#GroundControl #DavinciResolve #DavinciResolve19