My Cue Extension Hack

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I have a Predator P3 and a Pechauer P10-M. An extension for either cue is quite costly. If you only use an extension for hard to reach shots, depending on your cue brand you might be able to just buy an extension cap with a jump cue, and get an extension plus a jump cue for only a little more money.
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I had Guido make me one like that, several years ago. It is 9 inches longer, but the extra length & the small amount of weight does make a difference. I really enjoy using mine. I play "GOLF" on a 10 foot Snooker Table, with my "Old Man Crowd".

My regular 4 inch Cue Extension, actually allows me to play a little better, my shot position is spot on, where I used to come up a bit short. But the "Perceived WEIGHT" is more to my liking....


I always enjoyed your videos noticed you haven’t made any new content lately. Hope all is well!
