StarCraft: History of the Protoss

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(With apologies to the Mass Recall team for snagging their Tassadar and Aldaris models)

0:00 The Xel'Naga and the First Born
3:05 The Departure and the Aeon of Strife
6:53 Khala: The Path of Ascension
9:35 Dae'Uhl: The Stewardship
12:07 The Dark Templar
15:00 Humanity and the Coming of the Zerg
19:04 The Beginning of the End
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You know what's really weird? Blizzard just abandoning the Starcraft universe almost completely.


Is very well done, although... It is relevant to point out that the Xel'Naga DIDN'T want to alter the protoss, or at least, were not going to.
The Xel'Naga kept continuing an infinite cycle of creating a race with purity of form, and another with purity of essence. This creation would appear naturaly as evolution progresses, and both races would eventually encounter eachother and the temple of Ulnar, were the Xel'Naga slumbered, so they would assend and become Xel´Naga.
However. Amon, a Xel´Naga who despised to be only a part of a continuos cycle, gather some followers and decided to alter the cycle by himself, creating his own versions of the Xel'Naga, and remaking the Universe to his image and desire. With this porpouse, he and his followers were the ones that altered the protoss and experimented on them, and after seeing them as a failed experiment for not following their will, they went to Zerus and created the Swarm, who would follow the Fallen God's will, and try to assimilate the protoss to become the false Xel'Naga.


Of course it would be daddy issues that lead to the Aeon of Strife.


well well well... if it isnt en taro adun.


The Dark Templar books nicely expand upon Adun's legacy. While the Dark Templar were boarding the ship, a number of Khalai tried to finish them off there and then. Adun, just like Tassadar would do later, combined the power of Khalai and Void to shield the ship until it escaped.

So the Khalai believe he protected them from further chaos caused by the Nerazim, while the Nerazim revere him for saving them from extinction.

"Adun toridas" means "Adun hide you".


It's crazy how blizzard came up with a cool interesting story but destroyed it in such a short amount of time


Really interesting video that was well made. I hope you gain more subscribers.


Some part of lore said that the Conclave didn't exactly let the would-be Nerazim go, but rather Adun tried to save them by having them use the Xel'Naga ship to escape. It was that day the first recorded use of both psionic and void energy would be seen as Adun's body turned into a blinding burst of light from the use of the two energies and disappeared (likely disintegrated by it), giving the Nerazim time to depart. Of course the second time this happened was when Tassadar channeled the two power throughout his ship to destroy the Overmind.


The Terrans may be my favorite faction (not that I'm biased) but your representation of Protoss history is the most imaginative and awesome to look at video you've made yet.


I have seen the 3 videos in a succession and I happen to notice that there are many discrepancies with SC2's lore, however I think that many of these changes should have been keeped and expanded upon instead of replaced.


I missed this?!? Oh wow, I'm sad now.
Exceptional work as always! Can't wait to see where you go next.


Awesome video dude! Loved the WoW ambience-like approach (and the cameos of Warcraft races)


This is truly awesome, you spend a lot of time searching for this information and even animating it! This is great, i have an idea for a future episode. You did great with the - History of the Protoss, History of the Zerg and the Terran. But think about these. Ever wondering why are there super strains like the Hydralisk(Hunter killer), zerling(Devouring One), Ultralisk(Torrasque), i`ve aways been fascinated how did they evolve to that state. Which "BROOD" did it, what's the connection of the broods with them. What are the broods in general. This topic is gonna be awesome to know. Same with the Protoss. The Dark Templar lore, how did they evolve to such assasinators and so on :)


but what about the ''tal darin'' ?
protoss loyal to the fallen xel'naga amon


Precursors are to Xel'Naga, as Forerunners are to Protoss, as Flood is to Zerg, as Terran is to Terran. :)


Hey dude this was super well made- dope. Thanks for taking the time, keep it up- you’ll be a lynchpin in the community one day


I have seen a lot of people compare the Protoss to the Tau and the Eldar, but being an advanced religious race reminds me more of the Minbari from Babylon 5. We have a similar arrangement with a caste of religious leaders, a caste of warriors, and a caste of warriors, right down to the worker caste getting the least attention to the point you didn't even realize it existed until Starcraft 2.

In any case, we need more Starcraft lore videos like this, it's lore deserves more respect and the Protoss don't deserve to be viewed as discount Eldar.


The Protoss are pretty much my favorite alien species.


You should spam the fuck out of these in every sub-reddit that Starcraft could possibly relate to, Lots of people would love them if they knew about them.


Fun fact, Protoss litteraly means "first" in Greek!
