How Can I Approach Her If She Already Rejected Me?

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I feel horribly depressed because of a girl in my medical school class who I fell in love with who recently rejected me. I'm cutting my connections with her as you suggested. It's just so painful and difficult to let go of her when she seemed like the perfect one. I did prayer for what's best in my religion and hope that God has someone better in mind down the line. Someone who's just as kind beautiful and humble who also loves me back. But man does it hurt.



If she said she's not interested in a date, believe her.


Yeah that happened to me with a girl I like at my work if you asked her to be your girlfriend and she rejects you then move on.


If your a biological guy and she rejected you, then Leave her alone and move on to either embrace your single freedom permanently or find another biological girl to love. She will leave you alone too and be glad. The next move is not on her. You have a choice. You either can choose to find a new woman or you can learn to enjoy being single. There is nothing wrong with and it is perfectly healthy and nothing to be ashamed of with not wanting to date anyone else/remain single. If it gives you peace and makes you happier to not be with anyone else, then congratulations and rejoice! You have overcome what many do not and you can still be a decent compassionate human being. So few can do that, but sadly most lack that self control and willpower and there is tremendous respect for those people. Yet guys if you do decide to be with another girl (if you are a Biblical monogamist) or girls (if you are a Biblical polygamist), as long as both of you obey God and all of His commandments, then go ahead. Both decisions are ok - as long as you don’t commit adultery and lust after another biological man’s biological wife.


Thanks mate, I asked girl out in work but got rejected so now I'm moving on


You sounds so autentic. Love u brother. Deep feels here.


Thanks for the tips! Really been helping me think through some things


My friend just told my crush I like her. She did not respond. I am watching this video just in case.


It's best to move forward being excited about coming across someone else. You'll be happier!


You don’t! Why would you want someone who rejected you and couldn’t see your worth. Get some self respect, walk away and focus on yourself.


Thank you friend... You are right. It is hard but it is the right way.


My question is, how do I approach her after she rejected me? Like we’re still cool and all but it can be a bit weird. I can’t distance myself cause I see her so often and I can’t ignore her cause that might seem rude. How do I go about our conversations?


She pretty much knows i am into her . She has said she is sad i won't talk to her and she has been talking about me To her friends i am still to nervous to do anything what do I do? I have tried to man up but I keep getting cold feet.


Awesome video 👏🏿 I needed this advice. In my situation I’ve tried to talk to majority to almost every attractive female in my community and they all rejected. It gotten so bad to the point where. I was seen as an joke the local creepy guy, who couldn’t get a girlfriend for years. So I just went total ghost mode on my neighborhood and stop talking to everybody. Now most of the girls that rejected in my neighborhood don’t walk pass my house and the others actually try to get my attention as a white flag or guilty for humiliating me for years. Try to be my pal or get with to take a advantage of me. I literally don’t talk to them what so ever.


It’s been a month since she’s rejected me, and I still can’t stop thinking of her. It’s hard to get over her when I’m still friends with her. It really hurts man. I hate the fact I can’t get over it and get depressed about it.


thanks man, gonna be thinking about that now all night.


should I still be friends with the same guy who rejected me?


I’lol tell you something I once had a girl who rejected me, I asked her out and she wasn’t interested in me in that way. I took it and moved on, didn’t talk to her at all and dated another girl, about a year later we broke up and she started being interested in me and we started dating. Moral of the story is when you walk away and act like you don’t care that she rejected you it shows strength and that makes girls more attracted to you; so don’t take it personally and start dating another girl and she will come back around!


hello ... i wanna know she first reject me and after that shows signs like offering me to help, asking about my studies, smiling, laughing at no funny jokes, fb stalking but suddenly acts cold and avoiding and block me on whatsapp as i never even text or call 3 MONTHS STORY.


What to do if a girl, my coworker rejected me by ghosting me?
She at first said yes, then started avoiding me. (She found a boyfriend but didnt tell me that, because she knew I was into her, but I found out from another sources).
Its very awkward at work as we are forced to see each other almost every day. Should I go to her and make some closure for both of us or just to move on? Dont get me wrong, I am done with her, just want to clear the air between us and forget about everything bad that happened.
She feels very uncomfortable, cause she knows she did mistake by saying yes and then ghosted me. It hurts man lot!
Its my fault, I waited so long. It hurts like never before. Dozens of night I havent slept properly, waking up anxious and tired.
