How Do I Stop Complaining? | Joyce Meyer

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It's normal to feel jealous at times, but remember God has created each one of us differently.
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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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So true. The thing you wish you had that someone else has would bring only temporary joy compared to something God has for you.


Love on her regardless. You don't need to compare her with anyone or choose to love on her and celebrate her based on her accomplishments.


Love You Joyce Meyer from Louisville, KY


There is a beautiful simplicity to Joyce's MSG's, she can deliver the word of Good in a way that I feel is very honest, I couldn't understand her years ago, but God opened my ears and freed my heart .


Pray and pray some more stick to the plan that God as for us. Amen


🙌✝️❤ And His Ways and everything else will be added on to you AMEN AMEN AMEN 🙏 🙏🙏🙏...


This was really a good message. I needed to hear this and I think a lot of kids who have been bullied and feel like they don't fit in need to hear it too.


❤You are loved! You are precious in God's eyes. You are His Beloved.  You belong on this Earth.  If you are breathing now.... God has a purpose for your life There is Hope and Love, which can only be found in Jesus.   God has a purpose for you now. He sees, knows, and understands the pain from your past. God doesn't see your scars from your past, whether you made mistakes or decisions where made for you. What God sees is your Beauty.  He sees you as fearfully and wonderfully made. He sees His Child made out of His own image. He sees you as His Beloved, apple of His eye. If you are contemplating suicide,   then please comment back. You are important! God loves you, and so do I.  God bless!❤❤


ts been days ive lost hope no food dipression God send someone bto help me😭😭😭😭😭


Seeking for justice is not complaining and want your earned rights and what you deserve by sweat blood tear is not jealousy, copmarison or charity. these are tayyip doctrines.espionage and love affairs can not cover freedom of speech or mobbing, gaslighting, gangstalking.


I don't like to impress people I love impressing my husband and God. I dunno why people want others to like them if they are not your husband or God, though if I do something and impress my husband and they think I'm impressing people then it is the stalkers problem not mine, why stalk peoples homes. Doing it for them then it is their problem not mine I never do anything for people only God and my family .
