8 Strategies to Complain Less

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If you're looking to foster more positive thinking and increase gratitude in your life, here are 8 tips on how to complain less.

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Thank you, I am a chronic complainer who knows the damage it has on others and myself. I've made progress and these suggestions will help me to break this habit.


"Cheerfulness is an excellent beautifier." Wow~ I love that!


Upon awakening I thank God for another day. Attitude of gratitude


1. Decide to complain less
2. Embrace life's imperfections
3. Discern criticism from complaint
4. Be mindful of your audience
5. Avoid starting a conversation with a complaint
6. Avoid complaining for validation
7. Identify triggers
8. Experiment


As odd as it sounds we found we complained less when we ditched the tv where so many shows were based on complaining about something. We also limit social media where trolls abound.

Being more physically active outside, and learning to be more content with stillness and less chatter has changed my life to the point I talk less (smiling) and talking less means less complaining.

After we lent our copy of Cal Newport's 2019 book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World to a friend they noted that ALL their family members complained less once they reduced their time on social media where trolls flourish.


Remembering that our ancestors were so much happier with so much less materially, and many unthinkable hardships, helps me to complain less and practice gratitude more.


Took down notes on all the negative outcomes of complaining ... whew! And already, when I opened my mouth several times to say something, remembering the outcomes, I shut it. My world's gonna be a quieter place for sure.


I initiate conversation with complaints too much. Thank you for the reminder. Great video, Joshua. God bless. 💕🙏🏻


Step outside your pity. Get busy helping others. You will reap the benefits 😉


Many years ago I worked in a shop.
There were always customers who would complain about anything and they were the ones we felt less inclined to help.
Other customers were always cheerful even when things went wrong and we would put ourselves out to help them!
When I have a genuine complaint I try to be polite and not get angry and on the whole people are willing to put things right.
I am amazed at the amount of time some people take to complain about something really trivial rather then just getting on with life!


I was complaining about the squirrels when I should have been happy about the birds!


I think I will watch this daily along with my daily devotional! 🤔❤️


Not sure why u still have only 178k subs, when i search minimalism all channels that come are the usual suspects for "minimalism" hype, u r the true brand for the real minimalism. Hope this channel and its message gains more traction and u reach 1M + subs. the world needs it!


I've recently been more aware of my complaining and sad about the effect it has on my family.
I've been needing a way to tackle this and these tips are so useful! Many thanks! Love the channel by the way 🌟


Lots of things to complain about! Rarely a healthy issue, and impacts others and our attitude!

1. Decide to make a change
- Never thought how it affects us
- Give rather than drain
2. Embrace the reality of an imperfect world
- Life will NEVER go the way you wanted
- Instead, focus on contribution rather than your pleasure
3. Consider difference between criticism and complaining
4. Be mindful of your audience
- Use problem solving language if they can help, if not tread lightly
- Preface as a vent if needed, keep it brief
5. Don't start with a conversation with a complaint
6. Refuse to complain for the sake of validation
- Don't seek to impress others
7. Notice your triggers to complain
- Avoid your triggers, if possible
- Be aware
8. Try it as an experiment
- One day trial, no complaining


Complaining to validate is something my friends and I do often. I definitely need to be more mindful of that. Thanks for these tips. Very helpful. 😊


This is very helpful. I've been complaining for years without realizing it, until my co-worker pointed out that I always complain. It has been a habit taken from my family and it has a negative impact on my life. Thanks a lot!


….”our contribution is more needed than our pleasure”. Thanks Joshua, I love that quote.


😃Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this post!👏 I so needed to hear this because I'm driving my family absolutely crazy by complaining so much!😭


Ha, the YouTube algorithm is obviously fed up with my whinging😁. Very timely, thanks!
