How Complaining Affects the Brain and General Health

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You'll be happier in general if you look at things from both positive and negative sides. Being too positive or too negative can make you miserable, a nice balance is probably the healthiest.


I've noticed that people who complain too much blame all their problems on everybody else but themselves.


My mom is ALWAYS complaining, and I noticed that her constant negativity pushes ppl away from her


"Uploaded 3 minutes ago"
"Comment made 9 months ago"


this probably explains why I feel dumber after attending university. I went to a place where I was miserable and developed anxiety and was diagnosed with chronic depression. I fell into a negative mindset and have yet to break it. thanks for the informative video, I realize I'm hurting myself a lot more than I previously thought.


Thanks for this video. I'm a chronic complainer and it's becoming detrimental to my mental health. I'm on a war against complaint. Thank you!


I am so confused
How are there comment from 9 months ago when this was just uploaded


I was taught by my father at a very young age that complaining gets me nothing. In fact when I was old enough to know what I was doing he would make me stop crying or whining or whatever was going on. To this day I really don't care to complain about a thing. It truly does not help. It doesn't mean I am sunshine all the time, I see things the way they are. But there is just normally no reason to complain especially if I have any control over the situation.


When i watched this video, I found out how lucky I am to be positive


It's the law of attraction, you get what you give


Thank you! I'm glad you guys are still making these adorable whiteboard art videos c:


I wish people didnt complain as much as they do. I know it’s good to vent sometimes, but every day whether it’s work of school, everyone is complaining about something. I even hear people complaining about other people complaining (which seems quite counterintuitive, but I digress) and all it does is make everyone more stressed than they already are. I get it that it’s a tough world we live in, but compared to what our ancestors had to deal with, we’re all living life on easy mode. I just wish the world was more positive, it would make life so much better!


been in trouble for almost 6 years, been through addiction, homelessness, hopelessness and even suicide.... im still here today, anyone who thinks they cant handle no more...take hold of the rope and have faith in the lord, you will come out on top and it will all make sense in the end. god bless


One idea I've encountered and try to implement frequently (with varying levels of success): If I complain about something, I should come up with a solution to make it better. Remember that part about thoughts becoming ingrained patterns? If my primary reaction to a bad situation is to look for a way to make it better, I'm focusing on the good things AND (hopefully) making a difference to someone. Even if it's just myself.
Example: I'm trying out for a solo in choir. Let's say I don't get it. I can gripe about how "I lost", or I can seek out the director, find out what I can do to improve, and have a better chance of nailing the solo next time.
(Edit: I didn't get the part. But I'm learning how to "push down" to hit the high notes better.)

I'd love to hear replies about other Youtubers having done something along these lines. What have you complained about, but turned into an opportunity for improvement?


My boyfriend's mom literally does not stop complaining once she comes home from work. All of the words that come out is complain after complain. Like i understand she may be stressed out about work but she doesn't even mention anything about work. She just says things I could do better, she only sleeps 6-5 hours daily (which is normal for an adult?). And then she never understands why she is stressed out. She never takes the time to just relax.. Even if the house is clean she finds SOMETHING that is not clean for example the bathroom and cleans it (even though she just cleaned it yesterday) while complaining that we have to do this and that. It's stressful. She really just will find anything at all to complain about.


There is a massive neurological impact that results from complaining. Its like an avalanche and has constant negative impacts for us, thanks for highlighting this!


This is so true. Me and my best friend were both going through a break up with our bfs at relatively the same time and we both started complaining to each other ALL THE TIME. Then after a few months I felt the both of us getting SICK of each other and never wanting to hang out anymore. Now that I’ve moved on but she’s still stuck on her ex I’m going to do my best to put nothing but positive energy out there. Hopefully she can mirror the same feelings and slowly get over him:)


Very interesting. All that knowledge in only 3:13. I'm so grateful. Thank you.


Excellent video and very interesting too.

But about complaining, isn't it better to regularly do it, so you can releave your negative thoughts? Just wondering, I find it a relief to tell friends my frustrations now and then, but I always and at any point want to make sure I don't overload them with too much negative energy.

At school, many people complain about the slightest and most useless things in life. Gosh, why can't people talk about fun stuff likes their study or hobbies rather than nitpicking color of the the teacher's shoes... 😔


Thanks for the videos about anxiety and depression. I always wanna know more since I suffer from anxiety and mild depression
