Cheating in Yugioh

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I was dueling this kid and I used Seal of Orichalcos and was about to win, but he ran away somehow without finishing the duel so I didn't get to take his soul.


man im really glad that ONE judge of yugioh believes the right person at the right time


Did your opponent happen to wear sunglasses, a blue jacket and a stars and stripes bandana?


The one dislike is your opponent that cheated


It ain't yugioh unless someone's cheating or stealing cards lol


You know I went through this entire tournament, had cards stolen on the way to the tournament amongst a trial of other life endangering instances during the tournament only for when I finally achieve victory and win the tournament for a chance to play against a guest duelist, to have the guest duelist have a supernatural prosthetic eye that let's him read my thoughts. I mean, come on man! So I give him a proper beating blindly playing my cards, quite flawlessly. I mean, cheating is cheating, supernatural ability or not.


I remember facing these two cheaters with their sticker yugioh card: Blue eyes ultimate Dragon..
we faced a 2v2 duel to impress the cutest girl in the class. (we were in 3rd grade)
One of them summoned the blue eyes to destroy my magnet warriors (all three magnet warriors) because Blue Eyes ultimate has three heads and they thought it can attack three times...
Luckily I was able to negate the attack in order to special summon Valkyrion the magnet warrior.
I used Change of Heart to take control of Blue Eyes and finish them off with a direct attack.. the other issue was that they didn't wanted to admit defeat because that blue eyes was a fake..
after 10 mins or arguing my partner and I won the game

and 12 years later I'm still dating that cutest girl in class!!


Similar thing happened to me at my locals...
I'm playing Evols, he is playing Shaddolls. Its Game 3 and I ask how much LP he has. He says 2000. Then, he uses Soul Charge and has 1000 left, followed by taking 600 damage from Cowboy running over Caius. Then, my next turn, I detach from Cowboy to finish him off and he says "Okay, so I have 1200". This followed an argument, where a whole ton of people who didn't even watch the duel sided with him, and the judge ended up siding with him. I lost that duel when I should have won it. :/


I got a DN story about cheating. I was facing a Burning Abyss Dark World player, I was using Frog Monarchs. He sends Grapha to strike me directly, but I stopped it with Battle Fader. We both had 300 LP left, so the duel was very close and almost finished. When I stop Grapha with Battle Fader, he tells me that I can't because, "I didnt declare the SS of Battle Fader". I have never had any opponent give me any bullshit reasoning like that before. I'm pretty sure he was rulesharking me, so I called an admin, hoping TempestBlue, an admin who I find to be the best on DN, would come. Nope, benren comes in, and he knows me well, me and him have always argued in the past. So he comes in, I knew even he would know this is a BS reasoning and obvious ruleshark. Watchers come in, and they start typing in caps and telling me to "go kill myself". Benren actually sides with my opponent, and I give my best explanations to how he is wrong, and gives me a game loss. When I tell him what the watchers are saying he just says, "I cant control what they say" and just leaves. Now, I know its just a game, but Benren should have his admin status stripped.

To this day, I cant believe my opponent got away with it...


When I did play back during the GX series and I was trying to build my Elemental Hero deck and learn how to play the deck. So during the time I went to a tournament I had a kid who was deaf so he only knew sign language. So I wouldn't call this cheating because he didn't know any better, but what I did was I dropped out because I felt bad since he had a lot of banned cards in his deck and more than 3 copies of some cards. So what I did was I grabbed the banned/limited list from the judges and I quickly removed any cards he wasn't supposed to have. The cards I saw he had the chance to beat me since I was still new to the Hero Deck and didn't know how to properly play them and I was missing some very needed cards in order to win any duel with it. So I finished removing his deck and told him brother who was the only one who can communicate with him I told him that the deck was modified to help him and the kid came in 2nd place in the tournament. I am one to admit to it, but I did feel really bad for him so I take all responsibility for that. Call it cheating or whatever you want I just wanted to help him.


One time at locals Heros (me) vs Glads  
I beat him game one then, game two he beat me..right after game two he signed the slip as if he won the match and I was like uh dude we did not play game 3 yet? and he was like, yeah we did don't you remember? and I literally almost believed him for a bit but then I remembered how the games played out exactly and we argued until the judge came and gave us our game 3 (I won *Cough*) 


Once, I was facing this one guy who had Turtle Catapult, Winged Dragon, and Gaia the Fierce Knight on the field while I had Castle of Dark Illusion, a bunch of other monsters (This was so long ago I kind of forget what they were) and Chaos Shield up, while he had Swords of Revealing Light. Long story short, he fused his Gaia with Winged Dragon and had Turtle Catapult fire it at my Castle of Dark Illusion, but he "Only destroyed the flotation ring" and said that when he ended his turn, ending SoRL's effects, it would come crashing down on my monsters who were trapped by my Chaos Shield, but before I could bring mention of it to a judge, he subjected me to a Penalty Game and then banished me to the Shadow Realm.
Fucking douchebag


I've never had a cheating situation, just new players that didn't fully understand what they were doing.


Years ago, I used to attend the local tournaments at a tiny comic shop in my area almost religiously. Every week I'd be there playing, and every week I was in bottom four, but I loved playing anyway. One of those weeks, I ended up getting paired off in the first round against one of the assholes who always got top 4. I don't call him that because he always won, but because he always rubbed it in the other player's faces and called them really nasty names for not beating him, but he was allowed to be there week after week because his parents were wealthy and let him use their credit cards on whatever he wanted at the shop.
So I start to face him, and we're shuffling our decks. I liked to watch my opponents to read how they were going to play and try to bait/bluff them, and as I watched him I realized he was shuffling his deck in a very deliberate, patterned way. Before then, I usually just "tapped" my opponent's deck after the shuffle, letting them go ahead, but as he finished his weirdly intent shuffling, I passed him my deck and reached across for his. He flipped out, swearing at me for trying to touch his cards and trying to demand a game loss. I reminded him that you allow your opponent to cut your deck after shuffling. He tried to get the others around him involved to prevent me cutting his deck, but they all told him to shut up and let me cut. It turned out he was getting top 4 by setting his deck up beforehand in a specific pattern, and then "shuffling" certain cards in certain ways so he always got the perfect hand.
I wish I could say I won- and he did lose his matches against me horribly and I went on to get out of bottom 4 for the first time ever- but I stopped watching him out of disgust while he was putting his deck back in the order he wanted it. When I returned, 3 of my decks I'd been working on building that were almost tournament ready were gone, as was he. The shop didn't have any video cameras, and even if they had I don't think they would have helped me, and I couldn't prove it was him- even after he was caught by other players selling the pieces of my deck back to the shop the next Wednesday...


I've had my fair share of cheaters at locals. Not only do awful judges lurk there but the "competitive players" seem to whip out their own calculators and they seem to change the numbers on a whim. I've done the "cowboy for game" play plenty of times and they always seem to say that they have more life points and a huge debate ensues to which I seem to lose just because the other "competitive players" back him up (even though they were almost always at the other table not even watching the duel). I like playing yugioh, but a lot of people seem to muck up the experience. :(


CFV but at locals a dude tried to cheat with the excuse of a high ranking player did it at regional. In short he was trying to use an effect and then pay the skill afterwards.

More detail: In CFV there is a main unit that's always on the field called a VG. You can change your VG by riding (placing a card on top of your VG). The bottom card is moved to the soul which is under the VG.

Thing Saver Dragon's skill is that it can ride another copy of itself from the deck and the cost for doing this is removing 3 cards from soul (soul blast) and something not reinvent. The dude said since was on 2 soul he could activate the skill as he could get the 3 cards in soul when TSD used its skill.

The glaring problem is that you're getting the skill before paying the cost. Not mention the card is was like "[condition that skill can be activated in] then you may pay the cost, if you do [skill here]", AKA the card itself says the cost has to be paid first, no other knowledge or reference required.


My opponent summon Naturia Barkion and I activated Solemn Judgemnt and he chain NATURIA BARKION'S EFFECT! We called an Admin and he said that if barkion wasn't able to negate count trap cards he would have printed in his effect "except counter trap cards"


Not everyone but a lot of top players cheat in yugioh always like making those derpy moves or making people commit mistakes during the duel, this video is the perfect example of that, i dont think that the top players always top because they have the greatest hability or the most creative minds, they always shark everyone.


WTF Im going to have to ask you who it was in person lol. what a jank player.


I once duled my friend and he misunderstood the rule of special summoning and he basically just summoned every monster that had an effect because he thought monsters with effects are considered special summons
