What is a Situationship? 5 Red Flags You’re in a Situationship and What to Do! #datingover50

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What is a situationship? A situationship is a romantic or sexual relationship that hasn’t been formalized. And if you’re looking for a relationship after 50, it’s important to recognize the red flags of a situationship. Dating Coach Treva Brandon Scharf shares the red flags that signal you’re in a situationship and what to do about it!

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Thank you for this episode Silke and Treva! I met a guy who wanted to be friends after we met but only by telephone and text. He kept telling me we were going to get together again for a 2nd date. After 2 weeks of texting and talking I cut the tie because even as friends, I would think you'd want to spend time "actually together" in the same space. It felt off and I told him that to which he responded only with a sad emoji. I learned something new again so it wasn't wasted time. 🤗


Even the murkiest of dating pools sparkle in the sunlight from 5000ft. To the old question, is mistress a word between mister and mattress? The latest question, is situationship between skinship and marriage?
To bring it from 5000ft to the murky surface relationships between men and women are only synchronous for a short period of time. Generally, the space between adolescence and the first phase of adulthood. In years between 26 and 32. After 35 everything starts going Katy Wumpass. After 50 men are looking younger and women looking older. From my own experience, getting married at 60 was unfortunately short term.
Near the expiration date everything is a situationship. The above is only for Grandpa and Grandma. If you're 32 or less, you're drowning in the thick slime of the pool and will be unlikely to survive intact.


Love 💝 you two💐 -appreciative of your efforts 👍and am grateful🙏♡ God Bless🌸 ☆🍃♡


Situationships are what mature women in droves are settling for, making it impossible for long term women like me to negotiate. Women are our own worst enemy
A situationship is just a FWB. And if you have to ask " where are we going " ?, you are not with the right person. Stop asking men to decide your romantic future. Good topic Silke


Situationships r the best most women over 50 can hope for because their standards for a man they r attracted to are so much higher than their standards the hold for themselves. All women want the same small subset of men. There is a hope that there is a naive, single man, past middle age, who is high value. That man does not exist. Lists and nonnegotiables r for ppl who have options. Most single women r too lazy to have long lists over 50, but most have them and they are usually lucky to get a second or first date. Situationships with men they r attracted to are way above their level.


It seams that you are reducing things to a transaction, must haves, nonnegotiables, terms of relationship, all terms of a price to be paid. If you are invited to dance at least try enjoying the music.


"A shared vision of the future" VERY profound and important. How many marriages that turned into divorces could have been avoided by simply addressing this ONE SIMPLE REQUIREMENT? (including my own LOL)


Yuck. What a degrading situation to be in. I’d rather avoid it by not being intimate with a man who hasn’t committed to me.


I haven't been in any "SHIP" in 10 years!! Go on and off dating sites and get discouraged! Yep, I've had plenty of one dates in 10 years! And yes, been offered FWB. Not for me...I will continue to be celibate forEver?😢


Wouldn’t it just FWB? Sometime situationship doesn’t even involve sxx, just text flirting and broken promises to meet in person.


Thanks ladies. Early morning blast of awareness and education :) Treva, I just looked to see if your book was on audlble. Maybe soon……


Interesting view for the one's who are looking to replace a failed marriage and have great expectations and a certain benchmark . For the ones who have been played burned screwed over and suffered a heavy financial loss due to marriage law !!! To here this commit demand or where is this going or by certain time there needs to be a solid offer vs a friend ship ( its best to say that you are wanting a replacement husband ASAP with all the leagal entitlements and hope there is no prenuptial. There's 2 sides to consider how much baggage is there how many other pepole you will have to live with? plus a certain wealth and income is a minimum requirements ! Commitment = marriage witch is a very BAD CONTRACT smart men are not buying it $


Young women in their 20s and 30s seem to have impossibly high requirements in a partner and hence seem to be complaining it is all the fault of the men . Today in UK a TV advert from a holiday company for women only package holidays . It seems electronic sites have been double edged to say the least - what a state of affairs .


great episode. thank you, Silke, & Treva.


Too complex for Elmo - This is a situationship as I see it the first one

Sorry I just couldn't help it too, many of them around anyway.

I think that a siuationship would be the worst of all worlds, stuck in a zone where you are outside the other's world, that uncertainty of the relationship, and the chance you will be either captain saverho or acting as the escorting defender until Chad arrives. You have a connection or you don't - time is critical and resources including the last fragments of your soul are limited - You are in or your out or you are confident in your position, but wanting a serious relationship and being in uncertainty is just self-imposed psychological torture.


At this point in my life, I would LOVE a situationship. The boyfriend experience without someone being on my couch 3 or 4 times a week. I would love to have a guy friend that I see a couple of times a week for companionship and intimacy only. No life partner! I had one for 11 years that I had my kids with and one for 18 years. I'm not looking for that again. But I can't seem to find it!! 😅😂 either they want to make me their gf right away or they only want an occasional date here and there. Why can't I find the middle??


Many years ago I was strung along by a super attractive woman, same age as me, she played a great game and was talented in listening for key words during our long telephone conversations that she could use to keep me helping her out financially. Finally when I woke up and told her that I wanted to know where we were going and once again got the run around excuses, I told her to find another sympathetic meal ticket. She told me that it was terrible the way I was just “ending it” like that. Never talked with her again. And, it wasn’t about sex, as we were never close to being intimate…live and learn…😅
Another good show!


Toothbrush or Key!
Let's assume (s)he deposited that toothbrush (with permission) in the bathroom it might be a situationship.
If you want to have the key to my heart or house, ask. When?
When you feel secure, cherished, supported your partner (should) senses it as well.
Determined Treva did it because time, ego/confidence (in her case: list) told her to.
Yes, each relationship has it's own 'Give and/or Go' and your clip, Silke, helps to determine what it can be.
