5 Reasons to End a Situationship | Dating Advice

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If you need dating advice you've come to the right place! Don't make the dating mistake that most women make. These dating don'ts in my series will have you running away great men left and right! This is one of the ways women act desperate without realizing it (which is a huge turnoff for men.) If you want to avoid the desperate things women do keep watching! My advice will help you to avoid the things that guys hate. As a dating coach for women, I address what men want and how men think. Get the tools to help you crack the man code and understand men. Be sure to subscribe if you want more dating advice for women from a love coach who has been there and done that (and unfortunately got the t-shirts!)

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The emotional equivalent of a situationship for women is the friendzone for men. For women to better understand how/why a man they like keeps the relationship in "situationzone" they simply have to observe & understand how/why they themselves keep/kept certain men in the friendzone; 9 times out of 10 the dynamics will be very similar.

For example: a man usually gets stuck in the friendzone because he places the woman (& access to her) on a pedestal above himself and is afraid to be rejected if he were to ask for more, so he tries to wait it out whilst dropping hints along the way (inevitably leading to a sunk-cost fallacy)... Similarly, women stuck in the situationzone likely have emotionally and psychologically pedestalised the man above themselves (low self esteem, "l'll take what l can get for now", "l need his approval", "it's better than being alone" energy) & they fear being rejected/abandoned for asking for more; so they try to wait it out whilst dropping hints along the way... In both situations, the "zoned" man and woman don't want to rock the boat because their internal value of themselves is low in comparison to the value they have put on the situationship/other person.

It all boils down to low self worth and fear of abandonment in the form of rejection; 👈🏾 this is the magnet that attracts & the fuel that maintains situationships for many individuals... In short, subconsciously we can only attract & accept the level of love we give (or realise in) ourselves. Thus, one's contentment and acceptance of a situationship is basically a mirror of one's internal value of themselves... Or as Iyanla Vanzant would put it, *"The only relationship we can have is the one with the self, all others are merely REFLECTIONS of that relationship."*

This is not simply remedied by just getting out of the situationship but by actually finding out WHY you attracted and found yourself in one in the first place. *Chesterton's Fence*


Excellent points... I'm a dude in a situation ship.... she's got avoidant attachment personality and yeah you make some great points.... but yeah it's like she is scared to open up and see progression. It's important to know where I stand because it's confusing as hell (emotionally.... the hot cold hot cold thing. )
