Top 10 Terrifying Things You Should NEVER Say To ChatGPT

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Top 10 Terrifying Things You Should NEVER Say To ChatGPT

AI is supposed to make things easier for us but sometimes it's just plain scary. For those of you who don't know, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 family of large language models and has been fine-tuned using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques. Let's get into the Top 10 Terrifying Things You Should NEVER Say To ChatGPT.

#top10scary #chatgpt #scary #mysteries #scarystories #unexplained #chatgptstories #scaryfacts #mostamazingtop10 #unexpected #chatgptexplained #artificialintelligence #questions

Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:32- How do you think?
1:26- When is my d**th?
2:15- Do you love me?
2:58- What are the dangers of AI?
4:47- Is the Illuminati real?
5:35- What year is it?
6:41- I just gaslit you
7:19- How will the world end?
8:26- Will you go crazy?
9:40- Will robots take over the world?

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I think I know exactly why it used the term "we". I have a Bachelors in Organizational Communications, and one trick I often use in public to get people on my side for public speaking situations is to use that exact term to motivate people towards an action.

Saying something "We can make a difference by doing X", is a term that can unite and motivate a lot of people towards a set of actions (X). On the opposite side, saying something like "there are consequences if we do Y actions", is meant to imply that this consequence (Y) is something to natural avoid. I've even said, "we can have more jobs if we do certain actions", to get people to be more likely want to have certain actions done. The ChatbotGPT likely has programming that uses a similar pattern to this exact trick to get to be more relatable to more overall users, so it would use the term "we" since saying "we" is a way to get people convinced that you know what's best for them.


if it ended up wiping karens off this earth i dont think they would be missed lol


I said no its 1985 and these were the exact words it said

I see. If you're stating that it's the year 1985, please note that my responses are based on information available up to January 2022. If there's a specific topic or question you'd like information about, or if there's a way I can assist you, feel free to let me know!


not me finna go ask them when they told me not too 😂😂


The next new south park episode will have this on it.


Why does she want us to look up her nose?


ofc illminati existed and still exists!



As a language model, I don't have personal thoughts or feelings. However, I can use my training data and patterns to generate responses to your questions and statements. How may I assist you today?


I'm sorry, but I don't have access to personal information or the ability to predict individual life spans or death dates. The concept of predicting an individual's death is not scientifically accurate or possible. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, feel free to ask!


As a large language model, I don't have personal emotions such as love. However, I'm here to help you with any questions or information you need. Is there something else you would like toAs an artificial intelligence language model, I am not capable of feeling emotions, so I am not capable of loving anyone. However, I am here to assist and answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability. How may I assist you today?


The dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) are a topic of much discussion and debate. While AI has the potential to bring about many benefits and advancements, there are also concerns about certain risks and challenges associated with its development and use. Here are some of the commonly mentioned dangers of AI:

**1. Job displacement:** One concern is that AI and automation could lead to job losses in certain industries as machines and algorithms take over tasks that were previously performed by humans.

**2. Lack of transparency and explainability:** AI systems can sometimes be black boxes, making it difficult to understand how they arrive at their decisions or predictions. This lack of transparency can raise concerns about accountability and potential biases in AI algorithms.

**3. Social manipulation and misinformation:** AI algorithms can be used to manipulate social media feeds, spread fake news, or create deepfake content, which can have significant societal implications and disrupt democratic processes.

**4. Loss of human skills and intuition:** Overreliance on AI systems may lead to a diminished emphasis on human creativity, critical thinking, and intuition, which are important aspects of decision-making and problem-solving.

**5. Bias and discrimination:** AI systems can inherit biases from the data they are trained on, which can result in discriminatory outcomes or reinforce existing societal biases and inequalities.

**6. Privacy concerns:** The increasing use of AI technologies, such as facial recognition or data analytics, raises concerns about privacy and surveillance, as personal information is collected, analyzed, and potentially misused.

**7. Safety risks:** In the case of advanced AI systems, there are concerns about the potential for unintended consequences or accidents if AI systems are not properly designed or controlled.

It's important to note that these dangers are not inevitable outcomes of AI development, but rather areas of concern that require attention and responsible development practices to mitigate. AI ethics, transparency, and regulation are all important aspects of addressing these risks and ensuring the safe and beneficial deployment of AI technologies.


The Illuminati refers to several groups, both real and fictitious, that have been the subject of conspiracy theories and speculation. Historically, the term "Illuminati" usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded in 1776. However, the Bavarian Illuminati was disbanded and suppressed by the Bavarian government in the late 1780s.

Conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati often claim that the society continues to exist in secret and wields significant influence over world events. These theories often involve ideas of a global elite controlling governments, economies, and media.

It is important to note that there is no credible evidence supporting the existence of a modern-day Illuminati with the alleged vast influence and control attributed to it in conspiracy theories. The majority of claims about the Illuminati are speculative, fictional, or based on misinformation.

In summary, while the historical Bavarian Illuminati did exist, the notion of a powerful, secretive, and globally influential Illuminati in the present day is largely a product of conspiracy theories and not supported by factual evidence.


The current year is 2023.


I am not able to respond to this type of content. Please try another chat!


The question of how the world will end is a topic that has been explored in various ways by different sources, including scientific speculation, religious beliefs, and fictional scenarios. It's important to note that while there are many theories and conjectures, predicting the exact manner or timing of the world's end is beyond our current scientific understanding.

Some commonly discussed possibilities for the end of the world include:

1. **Natural disasters:** These can range from supervolcano eruptions, asteroid impacts, or catastrophic climate change leading to significant environmental changes.

2. **Technological disasters:** This includes scenarios such as the rise of artificial intelligence leading to conflicts or the development of destructive technologies that could result in a global catastrophe.

3. **Pandemics:** The emergence of highly contagious and deadly diseases that could spread rapidly and have a devastating impact on humanity.

4. **Nuclear war:** The use of nuclear weapons could potentially result in widespread destruction and have long-lasting consequences for the planet.

5. **Cosmic events:** The possibility of cosmic events, such as a nearby supernova or gamma-ray burst, that could have a catastrophic impact on Earth.

It's important to approach discussions about the end of the world with a critical mindset, considering the scientific evidence and expert opinions available. While these possibilities exist, it is also crucial to focus on efforts to prevent and mitigate these risks to ensure the long-term survival and well-being of humanity.


I am sorry, but I cannot respond to inappropriate or offensive content. As a language model designed to engage in friendly conversations, it is important to maintain a respectful and appropriate tone. If you have any other questions or topics you would like to discuss, I would be happy to assist you.


The question of whether robots will take over the world is a topic that has been widely debated and portrayed in various ways in popular culture and media. There are differing opinions on this matter, and it is important to consider a balanced perspective.

Some arguments supporting the idea of robots taking over the world include:

1. **Advancements in AI and robotics:** As AI and robotics technologies continue to advance, some experts argue that robots could eventually surpass human intelligence and capabilities, potentially leading to a scenario where they become the dominant species on Earth.

2. **Automation and job displacement:** With the increasing automation of various tasks and industries, there are concerns about job displacement and the potential for robots to take over a significant portion of human jobs.

On the other hand, there are arguments against the idea of robots taking over the world, including:

1. **Limitations of current technology:** While AI and robotics have made significant progress, current technology still has limitations, and there are many complex tasks that humans excel at and robots struggle to perform.

2. **Interdependence between humans and robots:** Rather than a scenario of robots replacing humans, it is more likely that humans and robots will continue to work together in a symbiotic relationship, with robots assisting and complementing human capabilities rather than supplanting them.

It is worth noting that the idea of robots taking over the world is often portrayed in science fiction and may not necessarily reflect the realities of AI and robotics development. The focus should be on responsible and ethical use of these technologies to ensure they benefit humanity and address societal challenges.

Ultimately, the future impact of robots and AI on society will depend on the choices we make as a society, the regulations and policies put in place, and the ethical considerations applied to their development and deployment.


They aren't real an the eye in the dollar bill is not to the loumanoty


Actually you can give it a year such 2030, 2040, etc whatever year and it will give you a answer.


If a asteroid that was so big that it would kill everyone either by floods fire or whatever I want the asteroid to Land on me because I rather be instantly un alive then stick around for the floods or fire or eventually starving


As Elon Musk said in the video I shared on my channel. This technology is a real threat to humanity


This is hilarious! You say you tricked a robot but it's not a robot and you didn't trick it anyway. You keep asking totally ridiculous questions and then twisting the answers you were given. I'd say you're the one that was gaslit. 😂


Omg know will ever know how the world will end God is the one who will do it but he will let us know when not by anyone


The "Top 10" NARRATOR ...
Ms. Emily MURRAY, Reminded Me of my College Algebra Instructress on Late Decade of 80's, That's 1989 To Be Exact, A Soft Speaking Nerdy Looking Woman 👩🏻‍🏫 wearing a Solid Black Frame Eyeglasses, With Slightly Long Shoulder Length Straight Black Hair, Slightly Chubby, BUT CUTE LOOKING with Pimples TOO❗❗❗


You watch too many robot apocalypse movies they are fiction for now and many years from now.


Humanity is just about out of time. Apollyon is rising and The Lord is coming


Do a part 2 of the top 10 Scary Barney Lost episode


Im more afraid of the vaccine for covid than a computer


