The SHOCKING Truth Behind Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes by Samaritan's Purse

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#shoeboxes #operationchristmaschild #samaritanspurse

Samaritan's Purse collects thousands of Christmas gift showboxes from individuals in the States and distributes them around the globe to children in need. But are they really who they claim to be and do they truly do what they say they do? I worked behind the scenes this year with them and I can tell you the inside scoop of this non-profit!
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Have you ever packed a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child? What was your experience?


As a child growing up in Romania I was the recipient of the shoe box for a few years in a row. I can attest that it definitely means a lot for a child. I still remember my first diecast car ever was from a shoe box. As a family we are so honored to be able to do the same for others, and our children get to learn to give as well.


My family lives in Appalachia and we did do the boxes but what other children found out about us and teased us later wasn't funny. Our Christmas consisted of things like a toothbrush, hairbrush. A t-shirt and a marker each. A picture book most years. Sometimes soap. Our house was tar paper. We were content and gave what we could, some children bragged about what they gave and we said nothing. We gave more than we got most times and although they weren't brand names they were thought out. Eventually our home was fixed up better and better times came.


I was afraid to click on this video because I thought it might be shedding some kind of negative light on Operation Christain Child. I am so glad I finally did, because you had some very interesting insights into the organization of Samaritans Purse. Thank you.


No dirt. No scandal. This is so refreshing! I love participating in this ministry! ❤🙏✝️🎁


I volunteered at the Atlanta warehouse and was completely blown away by the genuine Christianity and level of excellency I saw in the whole process. My students and I were so blessed by being involved!


A couple of years ago, I felt that my child was becoming too selfish and didn't understand how fortunate she was. I told her I would use the money I normally spent on her Christmas, and send it to SP. I had already done my due diligence and determined SP was trustworthy. I had her read a different story on their site each night, for weeks, and then choose 2 programs. Her: "I can't choose just 2. There's so much need." She chose the shoebox and mosquito tent programs. I told her the cash would go into gas and maintenance for the planes and forklifts, which is very important though not as exciting as putting boxes together. Her birthday rolled around, and she wanted to do the same. She chose the shoeboxes and a field hospital in Ukraine at that time. I've seen a big difference in her whining level since!


Back in 1997 on Easter, I was 12 years old at a time and lived in Ukraine. My church was involved in distributing shoebox gifts and I got one shoebox gift. I was excited and amazed that there are people in America packing these gifts for someone they don’t know. Later that year my family moved to America. Years have passed here in America and I came across Samaritan's purse. I learned that this is the organization that’s doing a shoebox gift that I received back in Ukraine. So I began to pack shoebox gifts for children that I don’t know just like someone did it for me. And I have volunteered in a warehouse processing center in Minnesota.


And not just in America. Our churches here in Australia have been doing this for several years. It's a wonderful thing to do for others.


Nice to here positive things being said on YouTube. Not just gossip and slandering people we disagree with.


I've been on the other end as a child who recieved a shoebox overseas. Thank you everyone who packed a shoebox


Samaritans purse is absolutely trustworthy! When there is a crisis, they are there with not just supplies but also bringing the Gospel! ❤


I have family members who served in Jordan and they said the same thing. Samaritan's Purse is an organization of integrity! Thank you, Franklin Graham, for honoring the Lord Jesus Christ!!


Samaritan Purse does many wonderful things. When my family lost their house in a tornado in 2013, Samaritan Purse learned that my parents were elderly and came and helped clean off the entire lot. They did not expect a thank you, but we could not help but be thankful for all they did. When they finished, they made a circle with my dad, prayed for us, and then gave my dad a Bible signed by everyone who had participated. It truly was amazing what they did. Yesterday, I helped pack Christmas boxes with the church I attend when home. There was much enthusiasm around the tables where we were working.


As a Kid who grew up in Guatemala I still remember the joy it brought to me and is a core memory from my childhood. God bless the people who would make it possible.


Our church is packing 1, 500 boxes next month. The last few years we had the blessing of our local police and firemen coming to assist us. It is something to behold to see how much they care about this ministry and are so helpful in doing the heavy lifting of crated shoe boxes for us. I can't say enough how this has blessed me by being a part of this ministry.


We do this in Canada too. We got a lot of family together for a potluck and told all to bring things to pack in shoebox. It was a lot of fun and we took in 72 boxes the next day. Glad you didn't say anything negative


Many years ago, I'd included a photo of my son holding his little dog, with our address on the back. (I don't know if it's still allowed to do this). The following Christmas, I was astonished to receive a beautiful card, with an enclosed letter, written in Russian, from a little girl. I was able to find someone to translate it. She said how happy she and her sister were to receive their boxes, and told me how the school she'd attended had been destroyed. I was so touched knowing that she'd taken the time (and I'm sure the expense) of writing to us.


When we started having grandkids we started packing the same number of shoeboxes as grandchildren . Some times the grandkids would come over and pack one and put a note in it for the person receiving it . We, as a family would also pray over them, each of us taking a turn praying . I wish I would have recorded more of these moving family building moments. We got up to 14 shoe boxes because we ended up with 14 grandchildren. We have not done it for a few years . Maybe it is time to start up again, only now include our great-grandchildren too . God is good !


When I was teaching, my class would bring in gifts for us to put in shoeboxes, each year. We would pack around 40 boxes each year. I encouraged my grandchildren to pack some shoeboxes every year as well. We are in Australia so it is not just America that sends shoebox gifts. 😊
