Chilling Sound of the Aztec Death Whistle: Listen and Learn | Ancient Architects

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Seven years ago a video went viral on the internet of a man blowing into an instrument known as the Aztec Death Whistle, a skull-shaped object that sounds just as terrifying as it looks.

The Death Whistle really came to the world’s attention back in the 1990s, after a 500-year-old skeleton was discovered close to an Aztec Temple in Mexico City. It was a beheaded male who died in his 20s, thought to be a victim of human sacrifice, and his hands were found clutching two small whistles, one of which was in the shape of a skull.

As many of us would probably do, a researcher blew into the skull shaped instrument and heard a horrifying sound described as a ‘shriek of death.’ The whistle gives a terrifying high-pitched sound, similar to a human scream and at the end of this short video I play the sound for you all to hear.

Nobody really knows what they were used for, but some speculate they were used to scare enemies in warfare. But there is another body of thought that they were actually used in rituals to induce trances, to heal rather than terrify.

The fact that a whistle was found in the hand of a sacrificed individual seems to imply that they were involved in this ancient practice. This also seems likely because of the fact that a human skull is often carved onto the whistles – that they were instruments used in death rituals, maybe blown by the sacrificial victim moments before they met their end.

Watch the video to learn more and to hear the terrifying sound of the Aztec Death Whistle.

All images come from Google Images for educational purposes only.
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I didn't expect it to actually scare me. The sound is more realistic than the screams in movies.


Finally, an alarm tone I can wake the kids up for school with.


I was sure a silly whistle couldn't scare me, but then I heard that thing. I am typing this from under my bed.


A tool to terrify your enemies, instead of injuring your throat trying to do the same thing. Ingenious.


This is proof ancient Mesoamericans where proficient at sound synthesis, there are more whistles that imitate other sounds.


Man what a horrible sound couldn't imagine walking through the jungle at night and hearing that lol amazing how they figured out how to make a whistle sound like that


I'll never forget the first time I heard one of those, can you imagine what hundreds would sound like!? Excellent video sir.


And so it happened, i just learned that guitar and drums are the wrong instrument for death metal.


I could listen to this all day. Listening to Aztec death whistles at night has really improved my sleep. It helps me focus and stay motivated for longer at work, I am more tolerant to stress and ambiguity and I feel like it is also, perhaps responsible for increasing my testosterone levels. My wife certainly thinks so. Thank you Aztec death whistle.
- Mictlantecuhtli, probably …


The skeleton of the fellow with the whistle was obviously executed by the authorities of his day because he wouldn't stop going around annoying people with it.


On a side note, when a baby rabbit has been taken by a cat, its screams sound like a human baby being killed. I live on a farm, & my cat caught one once. I nearly injured myself trying to locate what was making the horrible sound. Haunting. Something primal is unleashed within you when you hear a sound like that. You jump out of your skin, & are hit with an adrenaline rush. —Who’s hurting a baby?! Where is it?! Who would do such a thing?!

If the Aztecs couldn’t get their serpent gods to appear, I definitely think they could set the mood.


I bought a death whistle for a gift last Christmas. Someone called the cops on us because they thought a woman was being murdered lol


4:44 ive heard enough for the rest of my life thank you so much


Holy crap! Thought I was prepared....nope I wasn't. However I really need one of those for Halloween night :D hehehe


So I have lived my whole life, not knowing that I never wanted to hear that.
Amazing contraption. Great video and awesome comments!


They would be a good self defense thing for home invasion. It would alert the neighbors, scare off the intruders, and provide DVA evidence from when they pissed themselves on the way out.


I’m starting my Sunday morning in Japan with Ancient Architects. Its gonna be a good day.


OK at first when I thought it would sound like a screaming little girl/boy was I wrong that is wretched and definitely a nightmarish scream that would definitely scar the enemy, including myself😳 excellent video 👍👍


The was "the" most horrifying sound.


THIS VIDEO... Man, I did not expect the whistle to be this AMAZING. You blew me away with this one!!!
