What Happens If You Reject Your Pet In Stardew Valley?

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Watch this video to find out what happens in Stardew Valley when you give up the opportunity to adopt your cat or dog!

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If you're new to my channel, I'm B and I'm an aspiring Stardew Valley Youtuber and cozy gamer enthusiast, playing on Nintendo Switch.

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you forgot that one experience

when your pets blocks your way to the bed at 1.59am✨


I named my pet after my cat that had recently passed away. When I saw that message I started crying. I was feeling really down that day and seeing that made me feel like I did well as an owner. Though it never felt like I was his owner but more like we were friends. He was what held me together and gave me a reason to want to wake up and go to work. I still miss him and I love him too.


You must have been really nice to that dog for it to forgive you for naming it Snongus


Oh God I remember when I was playing this game and it almost gave me a heart attack. I had a cat named Kitty, and while I was playing I finally reached the 1, 000 friendship points and that night it said " Kitty loves you" followed by a loud explosion.... I thought my cat died in the game. Turns out it was the same night a meteor fell 😂😂😂😂


When I first started playing stardew I had no idea about the "pet lives you" message so when I got there I was immediately crushed and heart broken because I had named my stardew cat after my real cat that had passed a few months back at that point.


When I first saw the “your pet loves you” message I almost cried. My first Stardew pet was an orange cat, named after my orange kitty, Phoebe, who died when I was 7. At that point, she was a month away from turning 21, and was an old crotchety girl. I never really knew if she understood how much I loved her, because I was so little and didn’t really know how to express that to her. So when I got that message, it felt like a punch in a gut, but in a good way.


I named the German shepherd looking one after my then terminally ill German Shepard Lola and after she died it feels like some of her spirit is still with me in that save file


I named mine after my puppy that had passed a couple months before I played, seeing “Bobert Loves You ❤️” made me cry, because I couldn’t spend his last moments with my baby and I had always felt like he didn’t feel the love from me he needed in a time like that


It also gives progression toward the iridium statue (if they love you)


I always pick the white cat in 1.6 cuz I can’t see my white cat irl when I’m away at college so I get to name the cat after her and have her with me in all my worlds :)


I usually choose the orange cat because it reminds me of my late cat. She was an orange tabby and quite sassy, a stray that one day came into our shop while we were having lunch. I even named every one of my farms after her.

I hope she's in a good place. I wasn't able to see her one last time before she passed away during the pandemic. I didn't even know she passed away before I visited the shop again.


My heart always melts at pet loves you
I'm like, "I love you too daisy ♥️"


Saw that message after I named the dog after my pug tbone. I broke a little. God love strawdew valley


so the messege popped up and the next day i couldnt find the cat and thought that this meant he passed away... i cried a lot until he spawned back in my house


I named my dog “Reilly.” He looks so similar to my old dog Reilly, who sadly had to be put down back in September of 2019. I miss him. When I go home in August I’m going to play with him until I finally get that message. I hope it’s in September. I’ll count it as his message. I believe that when pets die, they train a new pet to go with the owners. My grandparents had a dog who passed away in January 2019. A new dog who looked identical was trained and sent down, but my grandparents couldn’t handle her. Her name is Zuzu, and I miss her too. She’s not dead, she won’t be for a very long time, but she’s in boarding because me and my mother had to go out of state. I didn’t go to the vet when we had to put Reilly down, I knew I would cry. I still cried. In my head, I wrote him a letter that night before I fell asleep. I hope he heard it.


On my first play through I didn’t notice the water bowl until year 3 and I felt so bad lmfao


I named mine after my living cat, Charlie. In the time it took for my in game pet to love me, charlie had passed away. It was very sweet to see though, and made me very happy


I wish there's like an event that involves training your animal or anything so they're actually meaningful


Getting your pet to love you also gives you points with grandpa


This was the peak of junimoB's mic, but the content has gotten greater
