What Happens When You Reject the Narcissist?

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Wednesday, May 4, 2023  5/4/23

Stop Narcissistic Online Bullying Petition:

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#daviddemars #demarscoaching
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when you reject a narcissist he goes mad and makes sure you will be ruined...be careful ladies


During the last yr with the ex narc I sat quietly, and let him self destruct. He felt rejected when I blocked him and went NC without remorse.


It is not natural to hurt someone just because you hurt, its immature!


One thing I've always hated is when someone asks you something and you answer "no", they keep hounding you. They will keep asking "why?" and then give you solutions or minimize the reason you give them. If you are tired or not feeling well they will say something like "mind over matter". It's annoying and infuriating and totally minimizes your feelings. You find yourself falling into the J.A.D.E. game as they are invalidating you. Of course, when they say "no" to something that's then end of it. If you try to play their game and use their tactics they will just put you down and say you have a problem. Never try to play their game back to prove a point. It doesn't work.

Now what I do if I'm asked something and I say "no", I don't give reasons. I will just say that I said no.


Amazing. This morning I talked with my narc dad about discussions and arguing and I gave him an example of rejecting/neglecting what he says in half sentence. He said "don't be insolent!" while that's exactly what he does to me and other family members his whole life! It's so immoral and pathetic. I can't stand people showing such enormous ignorance. I wish I would never waste another second on such people.

Thank you for this video. I need to remind myself to not reject myself. Sometimes after these talks with people I don't embrace what I feel but instead run away into substances or activities. I just wish I could be over this crap some day and not feel like this anymore.


after five months of torment, i confronted him on one somewhat minor issue. i confronted him in a way that he couldn’t start an argument or blame it on me.

i told him point blank “im not getting into an argument about this. if you want to apologize, take accountability, and own up to your mistakes, that is a conversation i will engage in.” no surprise, he didn’t respond.

i blocked him after 20 hours of waiting. i ended up getting a random call from a number four hours later and it was him asking why i blocked him. so i explained i didn’t think he wanted to talk to me again. so he said “if that’s how you feel, ill come get my things and we can talk but i have to get going after”. so i agreed to talk to him.

i didn’t talk to him. i put all of his things outside my apartment and sprayed them in my perfume so he would smell his things and remember me and regret losing me. then i left for an hour so i knew he couldn’t wait around and try to talk to me.

he also needs a key fob to use the elevator, and obviously he didn’t have one since i wasn’t there and its a college apartment. so he had to walk from my apartment down 19 flights of stairs to the parking garage. lol.

the man was about as intelligent as a bag of rocks too. i don’t know why i was so head over heels. he literally didn’t know what a pupil in your eye is. he hasn’t written an essay since middle school. he thought “mrs” means misters and not misses. i lost brain cells nearly every time i was with him.

but he straight up admitted to me that if i ever wanted to leave him, he knew exactly what to say to get me to stay. clearly it didn’t work this time.


Lol Facebook is ridiculous. I should've stayed off after I deleted my first account. All it did was get me targeted by my ex. Most people on there are childish and will unfriend you literally for no reason. Like even people in their 70's and 80's are on there being ridiculous.


Hello, David! Spring has sprung in Ohio, even though somewhat chilly still!! Great to see you!😎❤️


It's weird bc they rejected me and I got upset, but when I saw them last time at a public event, they tried to get my attention. I'm confused bc I would think if he wasn't interested at all, he would make that clear instead of confusing vibes. Why is this?


Please sign and share the Stop Narcissistic Online Bullying global petition:


Hey David, David in Kanata (Can-A-Ta) Canada. When you talked about the 50 year old getting hurt over people not liking her Facebook posts, made me think of a toxic friend I used to have. Everything revolved so around her, to the point of if my friends or I did something she did not approve of, and posted it to Facebook, the next time we would all get together she would point out to the group 'notice how I did not like your post" like it really mattered that she did not like it when all the rest of us did and we were supposed to feel bad that she did not approve and what not, thank fully never dated her, and even more thankful we are no longer friends. No one needs someone so selfish and judgmental in their lives.


You dont know what they will do! The end of the marriage was like WHO the HELL is this PERSON!!!


Incredible good advices, told in a very emphatic way ☺️☺️☺️


I discarded the narcissist after physical, emotional and verbal abuse! They will tell ppl. that they discarded you! Oh hahaha! They are toddlers in adult bodies!


Hi David I have a question are you coming back to your q&A videos on Monday


She said I’m too sensitive cause she can’t feel?


Well this cookie my husband csnt have!!!!


My husband know not to even try id reject the SHIT out him


I had the same thing happen to me about 2 years ago! I was trying to nicely ask someone who was staying with me for free to get vaccinated being around high risk people and They Told Me to stop HOUNDING them? Is that wrong if its in my house? Thanks


He's too.scared to...as I started protecting myself but he did go after his own son...last Saturday actually...insulting him bad mouthing me blaming me for our separation then kept on when my son told.him.to.stop.until.my son reacted....then when.I confronted him he told my son it was all in his head that he didn't say that he never spoke.about me and that my son was trying to manipulate me
