I need a break from this world.

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My Spotify Playlist:

💛 Mental health helplines:

Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad.

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song list:
00:00 les - silence
02:01 atrixx - lost
04:24 les - tone
06:49 achorda - enter
08:12 XRIAN - The Light Soul
10:54 ALLP - Tides
13:12 antent - lost tape
15:14 metahesh - the end is the beginning
17:40 øneheart - outside
19:26 endless withdrawal - afterthought
21:46 white shinobi - changes w/ hélix
24:49 diedlonely - avenoir
29:48 hozuki - snowfield
36:53 METAHESH - Silhouette
38:45 Øneheart - this feeling
40:20 harris cole & aso - safe now
42:26 Øneheart -apathy
44:23 øneheart x reidenshi - snowfall
46:27 alvedon - retire
50:03 silvestre - whoever you are
52:23 paul K - telepathy
56:29 Vassou - New Horizons
59:59 Kutay Doğan - Waves
01:02:30 guido gavazzi - blake falls

#sleepmusic #sadmusic #sadmood #sadplaylist #3am #playlist #4am #escapereality #darkambient #darkmusic
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Best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist:


even if you were happy you will realize saddness is just part of life.


damn i love how we surrender to our feelings easily


one day it’s going to get better.
one day i’ll pick myself up, grasp the edge of my bathroom sink and look myself in the mirror, convince myself not to die and tell myself i will be okay.
one day it’s going to get better.
one day i’ll leave my grief behind instead of carrying it everywhere, pieces of it spilling out onto those i love.
one day it’s going to get better.
one day i will be able to stop telling myself to be okay, because i will have healed by then.
but today is one day,
and one day, right now, ill let myself wallow in self pity for a while.
because one day its going to get better.
just not today.


Life feels like its just starting for me but something inside me tells me ive used up what makes me have the courage to keep moving foward


Society never fails to make you feel like shit


I no longer come here for sadness, I used to and yes being able to cry while listening to this was nice, but it was an excuse to cry and stay sad for awhile longer which i learned was not good, I took a long break from this music and now I’m much happier in body and mind yet I still come back to this place not to be sad but for comfort and to be happy about how far I’ve come with myself, I’ve developed a much bigger understanding about myself and life, we all need a breakthrough of some sort, and sometimes we need to stop giving ourselves excuses to be sad and just put our head down for a couple months to grind and become a much better version of ourselves, so everyone who’s in a hard spot right now, you need to look deep into yourself and your understanding about the situation, is it that your stuck or is it that your just not trying, are you working to be better or are you just using excuse after excuse to stay the same way you are, look deep into yourself and be a better you no matter the situation, god didn’t make you in his image to just give up, show him what your capable of and make not only him proud, but make yourself proud, you can’t fail if you never quit ❤️


yea nah i feel cast out from everyone that i truly enjoyed spending my time with and i feel like there's no way to get back to where i was lmao, but fuck it we ball


“Come to me all you who are weary and heavy hearted and i will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


These playlists just keep getting better and better.


Хотелось бы просто выпасть из мира и проспать долгое количество времени..


Everyone in the comments are embracing their very real feelings and emotions. And yet I feel like these songs bring healing and allows myself to process it all. I don’t think others should feel bad when listening tbh.


It's 2 am, my stomach feels heavy, smoke never eases my anxiety. Loneliness long been folowing me, am i too weak to grip unto reality?

No one cares about me, a geunine smile will be reassuring, but all i got is silence


This will be my final step towards salvation. I will unfollow all of these channels and in a few days or weeks, I will have completely forgotten what ever happened.


deep down i feel hollow cold and alone its like depression has gotten inside of me this time and its taken hold of my soul i just want to be back to my old sunny happy confident self
i feel like no one else can see it or understand me i feel like im on a course thats going to be short


lets be real. the introverts never win


This is a great lofi mood, really helpful with my productivity.


i’m sick and tired of my life my mental health problems is not okay i need to rest i deserve it to be happy


Amazing!! If I ever feel stress, I can use this while I’m daydreaming in my imaginary worlds!!♥️


guys im so tired i know that nobody cares about me i do not wanna live anymore i feel so lonely and unsuccessful. I feel like everyone around me happy and doing great except me
