Rob Yong on the difference between High Stakes and Lower Stakes Poker

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💥 Rob Yong talks about the difference when playing high stakes, and how it's more difficult than you think!

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I love this channel!!!! This was a great interview.


2:15 I have seen Lewis play Rob. Rob was comfortable but Toby not so much. And I have the most respect for Toby. It’s just difficult as Rob is at home. He doesn’t like losing but he is at home. That makes the difference. You also see good players taking a punt and it generally goes south for them.

We have all sat in the micros then flicked into a game we should not be playing and lost a massive pot haha


A long time ago I was terrible with BR management, spent money like crazy as well, and was on the last 1/5 buy ins.
Can't remember exactly but 3 way all in for over 300bb's, one guy had a flush draw I had 2 pair. Person with trips made a mistake and their hand was dead. PitBoss said it was up to me if I wanted to let the trips play.
I said no and won the pot... But I do regret it a bit.


"The pros aren't in games over $500/1000 and its easier" ??? Okay I'm quitting $5/10 and jumping up to $1000/2000 because it's "easier" !!!


At least I don’t get robbed out of millions at 5/10 at the fucking aria
