When Can You STOP Worrying About Getting A Dry Socket?

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Let's talk about dry sockets after tooth extractions...treatment, prevention, and let's especially talk about the timeframe in which you are in the clear from getting a dry socket!

There’s always a small chance of getting a dry socket any time you have a tooth extracted or planned wisdom tooth removal. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry for very long about getting a dry socket. Your “window” is generally within the first few days immediately after the extraction. Once you make it to day four or five, you’re probably in the clear. But if you don’t follow your home care instructions or start to experience severe pain in the next couple of days after having your tooth pulled, let your dentist know immediately. They can medicate your dry socket to relieve symptoms and get you on the fast track to recovery.




***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.***

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As a great man once said, “Pain is neither physical nor mental, it’s dental.”


If you’re reading this before getting your wisdom teeth removed the best thing you can do is over prepare for it.
For anyone reading this, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on 28th March 2023. I had them all extracted no surgery only numbing needles.
Also the top things you should buy or have are as follows;PAIN KILLERS AND ANTIBIOTICS - Ice packs, scarf or something to hold the ice packs to your face comfortably so you don’t have to hold them yourself- cold soft food and salt for saltwater rinse. Paper-towels.
Here’s my personal advice written as best as possible.
1. First day, keep your gauze in for at least 30minutes to an hour, when removed if still bleeding replace gauze for a further hour or until no longer bleeding much. (You will still taste blood it doesn’t mean that it’s not formed a clot yet a small bit of blood and lots of saliva is normal for first few days. do not rinse your mouth at all and try not to eat at all if possible for your first day (if very hungry try to have something semi cold, like yogurt or custard or pudding etc. drink water by letting it pour into your mouth (very small mouthfuls) and let it go to back of your throat and then swallow. BEST THING I CAN SAY ESPECIALLY FOR THE FIRST DAY IS TO SLEEP! Set up your bed comfortably in a way that you will sitting/laying in a more upright position and with pain killers etc just sleep as much as you possibly can it becomes very hard when pain kicks in.

2. The pain will be bad and possibly even excruciating for at least the first 3-4 days. If your pain is very bad and last longer than 5-6 days call or see your dentist/doctor.

3.it’s normal that can’t open your mouth much or close your mouth properly, this will improve after day 5-6 in my case.

4. Warm salt water rinse after every time you eat or if pain feels very bad (don’t swish-just tip your head side to side and then don’t spit just let it run out of your mouth) paper towels are your best friend (you can use them to carefully wipe extra saliva etc off your tongue.

5. Just eat food that is comfortable for you, you can eat very cold food but don’t eat hot food as this can hurt and also dissolve your clot. Don’t drink from a straw, don’t spit, don’t smoke anything for at least 3-4 days. If smoking after that time do a salt water rinse after every time you smoke. Don’t eat or drink foods that are too acids such as lemons, sauces ketchup etc and if you didn’t already know research WHAT IS DRY SOCKET AND HOW DO I PREVENT IT

6. Ice packs on side of your cheeks/face for at least for 30 minutes on 30 minutes off for the first few days and then a few times a day after that until swelling is feeling a lot better (I used to sleep with ice packs wrapped in a soft scarf tied around my face softly overnight because it was such a relief.

7. I was able to semi brush my teeth after the 3rd day. Brush your teeth carefully, front focusing and on sides (not on or over or too close to extraction sites) with a pinky finger nail amount of toothpaste and use the salt water rinse to rinse toothpaste out (don’t forget to brush your tongue) keeping the mouth clean is essential to the healing process and if you can’t brush yet just do your best and stay on top of the warm salt water rinses.

It will get better I promise, look after yourself, rest up, follow dentist instructions, pain may be gone one day and back the next, ice pack again and rest and use pain killers for first few days and sparingly after that (ALSO MAKE SURE you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated as painkillers or pain meds can also cause constipation which isn’t nice to have on top of wisdom teeth removal) find a smoothie with fibre in it (like green smoothies) they will help you go to the toilet).

Thank you and I wish everyone the best of luck and hope my words help at least one person through this tough time) good luck! 😊


Oh nice! After 3 days I felt so much better! I’m only 2 days away from a week anniversary of my wisdom teeth removal! Nice nice nice! Thanks for soothing my anxiety!


I've only ever had 1 tooth out and I followed my dentists instructions to the letter but still got dry socket. A quick trip to the dentist soon sorted it out. I think she made it bleed again and injected something in it, tasted quite nice and sent me home with some antibiotics. It was fine after that. Thankyou Whitney for another great video 😁.


Having had two dry sockets from 2 back teeth extractions I suggest this:

1- 5 years ago I had 1 wisdom & 1 back side tooth removal. Both developed dry sockets as my dentist informed me during my emergency visit.

Had them removed on Wednesday morning. Complex extractions including gum cutting on one. Friday, no issues, them over the weekend OMG the pain! I was involuntarily shaking with it. Monday, emergency visit. The yellow, smelly dry puss stuff just kept on coming out as my dentist cleaned both sockets. It stank as it was being removed too.

2- For me, my double dry socket pain was off the charts! No over the counter pain killers was touching it. & yes, it did expand from both sockets to my jaw, eye socket, ear & neck.

3- in my case, i knew something was badly wrong & i booked dentist on Monday morning. The pain is far, far more than throbbing healing pain. If you experience anything like this, get to your dentist ASAP is my advice.

4- Once sorted, i was given antibiotics i was safe with taking. If you're prescribed them take the whole course, on time & complete it.

I used medicinal mouthwash frequently via a blunt needle syringe i placed near the area, not too close to it. Just enough to gently drench the 2 sockets. I used medicinal strength, non alcohol formula Corsodyl. My dentist gave me the blunt needle syringes to use & recommended Corsodyl.

If you havent got a blunt needle syringe a regular syringe placed near but not on the area will do just fine also. Several times a day, including after eating.

5- After months of healing i was able to have implants. 5 years later & regular check-ups they're great. Bone has bonded to the implants perfectly, despite all the initial problems. At one point my implantologist wasn't sure they'd work due to earlier complications etc. Thank goodness they did after a lot of months.

6- I've now 5 years later, had another wisdom tooth removed from the other side.

I took antibiotics same day as extraction this time.

Hole was stitched up either side of the wound.

7- All was generally going well until 3rd & 4th day. Pain then came with a vengence.

I convinced myself i had dry socket again. But nope. It was just the wound starting to heal.

8- i was told its not unusual for pain to increase on 3rd day as thats when the body starts to naturally heal.

In conclusion: I did warm salt water every 4 or so hours & after eating on the other side.

Morning & evening, gentle salt water flush then after 4 days with medicinal strength Corsodyl with syringe only in the wound area. Not too close to it.

Day 9 now & it's still throbbing a bit, but no dry socket & no unbearable pain. Just a little sore with minor swelling.

My advice is if you've got a big wound & /or a lengthy, complex extraction ask for an antibiotic prescription, if you can take them & start the course that same day.

Keeping the area clean gently is a must. Just don't rinse it in the initial 24 hours. Let the clot form & grab the area.

Start the luke warm salt water gently, just by moving your head, no swishing. Then on 4th day gently drench the area with salt water and Corsodyl non alcohol formula.


If I ever live another life, I hope I never get wisdom teeth.


Two weeks today, since having my four wisdom teeth removed, I’m in the clear… finally 😭😭🙌🏻🙌🏻 just ate some chips (carefully) and it feels so GOODDDD 💖💖💖


I just had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. Thank you for the information, this is the worst pain I've ever been in.


I'm on day 4 after my 1st and hopefully only tooth extraction. I'm paranoid as hell about a dry pocket. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. I can't wait until I'm 2 weeks out!


Well its been 27 hours since extraction on lower left wisdom tooth and all i can see is a black hole no bone that i can see no pain of any kind so im praying to God in heaven for their not to be anything crazy.... Please everybody pray for me...


I've got a dry socket. Had it for a week now. It has been proven to be one of the best weight loss methods going 😅 oooh the pain and the stench of poo 💩 Don't be like me and leave it a week to see the dentist after extraction. Go as soon as you know somethings wrong.


I just had my wisdom teeth pulled. This is crazy you uploaded this now


For anyone reading this the pain you have after your extraction apparently is dependent on your pain before and the extraction process. I got one of mine out 4 days ago and only had pain 1 hour after the surgery. My tooth was uncomfortable for a few days and was bleeding so I knew something was wrong and knew it needed to be taken out but it wasn’t too painful. After the surgery, my mom got my meds and I took them and that was it. I was able to go to class after 24 hours and have slowly started eating regular foods I eat. So lucky I Barely have pain.


Saw some scary comments on here if u are getting your wisdom teeth out. Its not that bad i got mine out like 2 days ago. Just don't be super active and don't eat things you have to chew. I declined all forms of pain meds and I am NOT in excruciating pain.


I have had two dry sockets. I was so careful too. Especially after the first time. Both mine were lower back teeth extraction after failed root canal treatment


I had my wisdom tooth removed on the 31 and today the 10th I am still in pain. I went to the walk in clinic and they gave me antibiotics and pain pills. They said I should be feeling better by Monday. Fingers crossed.


This video just melted all my worries thank you lol I wasn’t feeling any pain but I was scared I had it for some reason


Hi guys! I got my 4 WT extracted at the same time. I was FRESKING OUT. I over prepared (which I recommend). I over investigated. Look for a good doctor, mine was amazing. No pain! Just swelling. Follow instructions. Clean the wounds 3 times s day. Soft cool/cold foods. No spiting, no straws. Rest. The most annoying thing is the cravings for FOOD. Warm crunchy food. 🥺

Hope it helps!


Thanks for making me laugh with that final time that you said Dry socket and for reassuring me. I had three wisdom teeth pulled last Thursday so it's good to know that I'm basically in the clear. 😊


Day 2 and no dry socket so far. Been eating jello and ice cream. No pain or soreness. So far in the clear