How to Stop Worrying (Ask Teal Episode on Worry) - Teal Swan

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We are convinced that worrying keeps us and the ones that we love alive. We think it allows us to see potentially life threatening or unpleasant things before they come and so we can prepare for them. But not only is this not the case, it ensures that we will live miserable, fearful lives. Many of us, especially those of us who worry, feel as if the universe is against us. And the universe seems so much larger than us. So, it feels as if we are up against something we can't win against. But nonetheless, we organisms of earth are survivalists and so we must try to win all the same. Our survival and basic human need of certainty is at risk if we don't win. So, we use worry to try to outsmart our adversary. And our adversary is the universe. In this episode, Teal provides eleven steps for eliminating worry.

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Worry is like a rocking chair - it will give you something to do, but won't get you anywhere.


I love how she uses herself as an example. Awesome teacher.


She nailed every aspect of my worry. I'm so grateful she made this video. I watched it 4 times in a row and took notes, and started a journal. Thank you Teal.


I am 55 years old; this video has answered the life questions I have been holding on to and struggled to overcome for most of my life! No psychiatrist, psychologist, or medication has answered this, but you just did!!! I will continually listen to this one video to apply these principles and alter my focus. THANK YOU, TEAL!!! YOU JUST CHANGED MY LIFE!


im a chronic worrier of 40+ years .it IS a living hell. i have PSTD and OCD.
this was a good help to me thank you.


If you have anxiety it's not healthy to fight it embrace it, it's an opportunity to grow, it's your body & spirit telling you it's time for growth. Take the steps to make a healthy life. Your anxiety is telling you what your lacking, studies show most of your anxiety comes from your stomach, so change your diet, seriously get rid of sugar & caffeine, . Eat blue berries, bananas, oranges, drink ginger, Chamomile tea.


*Took me abit over a year to think like this. Thank you so much Teal Swan! My life is so much better nowdays!*


"...we think that worrying about something will make things more certain." Wow, what an eye-opener, thank you so much Teal, your reflections on human behaviour is really mindblowing and healing! A human design reflector as it is written in the book!


For me, worrying makes me feel like I'll eventually come up with the solution.


I LOVE the message(s) in this video. Whenever I worry about something, I immediately think about people in this world who WISH they had only my worries. In other words, there are always people who have it so much worse than we do. It is a really humbling thing to realize. Blessings to everyone.


SUMMARY - Actualized - How to Stop Worrying (Ask Teal Episode on Worry) - Teal Swan

We think worrying allows us to see potential negative outcomes and thus prepare for them
According to the law of attraction you attract what you focus on, you cant repell something you dont want
you cant push something out of your experience

people worry about sth. and then they attract it and feel justified and validated for having worried
We have created this negative experience and then we feel jsutified about having worried about it not realizing that the worry created the happening in the first place

we think worrying prepares us for a negative scenario so that is does not have that much impact on us, but we dont see that we create this situation we worry about

---> why we are addicted to suffering
we think pain is good
we ignore our emotional guidance system when we continue worrying because it does not feel good

the logic is: if I worry and even though I feel pain pain I can prevent myself from more pain. so pain is serving me

Why not focussing on what we do want? Or at least releasing resistance towards the worst case scenario

People feel like tike the universe is agaisnt us thinking that we are against something we cant win against but we try to win though because survivalty is at risk so we use worry to outsmart the adversary which is the universe

we think there will be consequences focusing on the positive, we feel ignorant
we are convinced that we deserve doom and pain so that we keep focussing on it
we feel powerless

it's like those of us who we are headed off a cliff we are so convinced that we are headed towards impending doom and that Doom is what we deserve that we keep focusing on the fall
we feel powerless to our own realities and we think we can't avoid that pain so we spend our time focusing on and preparing for that pain

we focus on the fall instead on the water we can get out now, before we reach the edge of the waterfall

we exactly attract what vibration we hold
we can not focus on the problem and be matched to the solution because these things hold different vibrations, its a vibrational contradiction

the solution cannot come to you if you are focused on the problem this is why worrying never feels good and never leads to what we hope it will lead us to which is Solutions
we use worry to inspire ourselves towards solution-focused preparation
once we begin to switch our Focus to Solutions we give worry the credit when worry was the resistance to the solution it was the contrast

the focus on the solution is responsible for the solution, worry is the opposite

what causes pain is when we think that potential future problem
is impossible to avoid its impending
we can't escape it we just have to prepare for the Blow
chronic worriors hold this belief
that no matter what the things which they foreseeing the future
are inevitable

the idea that its going to rain does not feel us pain
you can do something to prepare for it like getting a slicker
it inspires us to think solution based

but when we are thinking okay it's going to rain
I can't do anything about the fact that it's going to rain
I am going to get with end of story that's when we start to feel
a sense of pain relative to future circumstances
which are unwanted

which are unwanted those of us who worry
number one don't believe we create our own reality
even if we desperately want to believe that we do you

number two those of us who worry believe deep down that we are not good enough to
deserve love
or reward and so we think instead that we deserve
punishment number three
those of us who worry believe that whoever or whatever does create our
reality is the authority figure
and so we ascribe the personality traits we associated with our primary authority figure in our lives
over the traits of the universe and we expect the same kind of treatment from
that we got from that original authority figure in our lives

and most opposed to worry had a authority figure that believed in punishment
and so we come to expect the same kind of treatment from the universe
as we got from mom or dad or from whoever the primary authority figure was
we expect the universe to cause us pain we have a love-hate relationship with
the universe
we expect the universe to hurt us just like we saw with our primary authority
figures as children
we do not feel like we can escape the impending punishment and consequences
for not being good enough

here is the most important
realization for warriors: we think
that worry keeps us safe or at the very least lessons are pain
but as long as I'm worrying I'm not feeling safe
and I'm feeling pain so I will most likely spend my life never actually
experiencing safety
never actually experiencing enjoyment and that does no good for me

worrying is like living the worst case scenario because the brain makes no distinction between thoughts and reality.

choose to die or decide that living this way is not worth preventing the worst
case scenario

For warriors: you cant vibrationally match something that you stop focusing therefore it cant show up in your reality

stop worrying about what we worry, means not experiencing the thing we worry about

dont expect to stop worrying all at once since you ever thought that worrying keeps you save

tips to not worry

1. observe your anxious thoughts and feelings, dont try to ignore, find or control them
you cannot think positive while worrying, worrying has to be acknowledged

worrying comes with the belief that you can outsmart the universe so you mostly almost experience the thing you worry about

to worry does not match with the thing you worry about but with more worry, so you attract mroe worry

2. you have to convince yourself that worry does not serve a positive purpose

Does worrying serve you any good or negative? Examine
dont tell yourself to stop worrying

to distract or suppress worrys makes them stronger and more persistent
apply the byron katie process - the work:
Is it ture?
Who are you with that thought? how does your reality look like without that thought?
turn the thought around

eg: I'm going to make myself destitute
another turnaround is I'm not going to be destitute
the turnaround is they are going to be destitute
and another to Round is I am going to be wealthy

find three proofs or scenarios that proof the validity of all these turnaround statements
--> app
only thoughts cause us pain that are not questioned

Ask yourself: what would I say to a friend that had these worries?

4. Keep a worry journal
where you write in all your worrys; dont write into it in the morning or before going to bed
write into it everything that is worrying you: beliefs, things you are sure will happen, etc
as a chronic worrier do this at the same time each day
postopone worry until journay worry time has come
postponing breaks the habit of worry addiction

analyze your worry list and cheek out worrys you can do something about
come up with concrete steps how to deal with it and go into action so you switch your focus from problem to solution

if the problem is imaginery (what if..)
do things that make you feel less worry; its a vibrational game
if you worry less you wont match a situation you worried about

use action to line up with the reality you want

make a list of everything you can do to reduce your worrys
once you start doing action worrys reduce

if you cant stop worrying about things you cant do anything about turn that dead end into something

5. Worriers feel incapable to provide the need of safety to themselves
and cant stand uncertainty, struggle with uncertainty
they want 100% certainty

worrying makes them feel like they can predict the future which make them feel safer

Provide yourself ways to feel more safe in the present moment
uncertainty is better than certainty that the worst case will happen which worriors dont realize

make a list of things where you were convinced that the worst case will happen and hasnt happened
proof your brain that what it thinks is not true

6. stay focused on the present moment
notice that nothing is wrong with the present moment

7. realize that you can never get everything done
worriors are obsessed to get things right and done but neither is the possiblity
because there is no right or wrong
and the minute you get something done you will have new things to do, there is no finish line
its about the enjoyment in the moment

8. if you worry about what people think of you
focus on them instead of yourself
observe them like an alien observer woüuld, focus all your attention on understanding them, make mental list

express yourself instead of trying to control what other people think of you
this costs less energy and stress

When you release resitance to what people think of you makes them think better of you

pretend to be an alien gathering data from humans noticing what they do and say without paying attention to your fear of what they might think of you

you will feel less self-conscious
and they'll feel the non-judgmental attention they've always wanted from you

9. play the zoom out game
zoom out whenever you worry and take a snap shot of the world
what worry would be bigger than yours at the moment?

look into your past and see what worrys might have occured in certain situations and see how lucky you are that you dont have them

---> how to stop a panic attack video

11. As a worrior you need to learn that you create your own reality according to what you focus on
keep a synchronizity journal

visualize something neutral, you have no resistance to like chicken for 10 minutes and notice how they show up in your reality

if you know that its in your hands to create a worst case s you wont worry that much

worry is a habit and every habit can be broken

Thanks Teal


Teal swan is the most beautiful and most authentic soul I have ever experienced. Thank you Teal for being an amazing person and all the beautiful things you do for humanity.


it's crazy how as soon as i decided I'm the reason I'm feeling down, and I have the power to change how I feel, I came across this video!

I love what you have to say, I wish my whole family would sit and watch this video!


Teal, my husband was very seriously injured with a brain injury five months ago. Since the beginning I have known everything would be okay even though countless doctors told me he would not make it. At the time of the accident I was atheist and could not explain this "just knowing". You have helped me in so many ways throughout this process.


I was set up for "impending doom" thinking from childhood. My mother was an alcoholic and most of the time i was beaten or ridiculed upon getting home from school or from a friends house. Then i somehow learned that if i worried all the way home she was always less likely to physically or verbally abuse me. Worry seemed to work for me, and so i made a habit of it. Today, i am a chronic worrier (about some things, not all) and yes, it is a painful state of being which creates chronic mental unrest and anxiety. Thank you for this video 🙏


I often struggle with with worrying. This video helped remind me of the law of attraction and it also reminded me to ground myself and change the things that I can change


Baby sister is out of town, and Mom just got a scary diagnosis. Marathon watching Teal vids - about catastrophising, F the law of att., what to do when upset, etc. It's getting to the point where just her voice is soothing, because she clearly understands the plight of the worrier and sincerely wants to help. Also, she's very insightful and well spoken. I'm grateful for these videos.


Love you Teal. Not only are you beautiful and warm, you are so wise.


Very rarely could I say this to all the "Guru wannabes" on YouTube, but you are the real thing. a true teacher. the honest clarity humility emanates your words and presence. Thank you for your wisdom. I also like how you don't distance yourself from the worrier, you use the word "We" which means allot.


I have to see this several times for not to forget it thanks Teal.
