Know signs and symptoms Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in child - Dr. Cajetan Tellis
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Q – What is Iron deficiency anemia?
Ans – It is the most common anemia in children and adults.
Basically a low level of Hemoglobin in blood.
Caused by less iron in food, bleeding from any site, or poor absorption.
Q – What are the symptoms of IDA?
Ans – Weakness, dizziness, poor concentration, irritability, shortness of breath, Muscle pain, pica (craving for non-food items), are the common symptoms. Pallor, poor growth, delayed milestones and behavior are the signs.
Q – What is the treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Ans – Advice to give foods rich in Iron , like greens, red fruits and vegetables , brown colored food items like ragi, dates and jaggery.
Oral preparations of various Iron salts are recommended for a period of 3 months. For better absorption they should be taken with Vitamin C (or with citrus juice) and should not be taken along with milk, or antacids.
Q –What are the side effects of Iron supplements?
Ans – Constipation, Nausea, stomach discomfort, Black stools.
Q – What tests are done when we suspect Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Ans – Complete Blood Count, Peripheral Smear, Iron level (Ferritin), are the blood test normally done. Hemoglobin Electroscopes is done to differentiate it from other microcytic anemia's like Thalassemia, especially if there is a failure to respond to treatment. Stoll test is done to look for presence of worms and blood.
Ans – It is the most common anemia in children and adults.
Basically a low level of Hemoglobin in blood.
Caused by less iron in food, bleeding from any site, or poor absorption.
Q – What are the symptoms of IDA?
Ans – Weakness, dizziness, poor concentration, irritability, shortness of breath, Muscle pain, pica (craving for non-food items), are the common symptoms. Pallor, poor growth, delayed milestones and behavior are the signs.
Q – What is the treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Ans – Advice to give foods rich in Iron , like greens, red fruits and vegetables , brown colored food items like ragi, dates and jaggery.
Oral preparations of various Iron salts are recommended for a period of 3 months. For better absorption they should be taken with Vitamin C (or with citrus juice) and should not be taken along with milk, or antacids.
Q –What are the side effects of Iron supplements?
Ans – Constipation, Nausea, stomach discomfort, Black stools.
Q – What tests are done when we suspect Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Ans – Complete Blood Count, Peripheral Smear, Iron level (Ferritin), are the blood test normally done. Hemoglobin Electroscopes is done to differentiate it from other microcytic anemia's like Thalassemia, especially if there is a failure to respond to treatment. Stoll test is done to look for presence of worms and blood.