How Do I Know When I Have Enough Money to Retire?

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Most people don't realize it, but the secret to a comfortable retirement is earning returns while your money works for you. My dad started saving late but made over $10k monthly in passive investment returns.


I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $450k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point.


I think the people that should be worried are those of us who may be retiring with way less than a million because we started late. I have only 350k in my Roth and I'm 53. Is there a way I could grow it fast?


Some people can't be satisfied until they are the richest person in the graveyard.


Geez his baritone voice! He was born to be on radio with that fetching tone.


It depends on how you live through your retirement. Some people have been able to live off $500k retiring at 45 yrs old. Some only had $300k at 70 and have been able to live off their social security checks. While others gave trouble living with $10k per month! The amount is different for every individual.


The rich are money minded. That is one thing I learnt from the start. I have always wanted to build wealth. I have set out $167k that I had been saving since 2020, and I want to put it in the stock market so I can grow my wealth. Any recommendations?


Better to overestimate then underestimate your goal. I have never heard someone say they wish they have saved less for retirement.


As encouragement for youngsters. I started late to get serious about my future. After a first marriage where my ex spent 10% more than I earned every year. I put blinders on to it. I married again, this time to a person who had the same goals as I. We stayed focused, lived below our means, found savings where we could like growing a huge garden and preserving the food, worked nights and weekends on small homes we built on the side with our labor, bought and sold small items because the return percentage wise was much larger that 10% which supposedly is real good etc.

My message, marry smart, stay committed, find humility be happy for the Joneses, don’t be like them. Result: we retired at 60 and have income that exceeds the average working household’s yearly intake. Dave Ramsey approach is solid. We support his message.


>When you read articles about financial freedom, you may hear people drone on and on about how they are spending practically nothing so they can retire at a younger age, like 30. Conversely, they may have already achieved financial freedom and are bragging about how frugal they were so they could retire well before the typical retirement age.<>


I’ve watched hundreds of Dave Ramsey‘s videos and I got to say that this is probably the best explanation for how to retire a millionaire that he’s ever said 👍


I admire the financial independence of people, But you can live better if you work a little more. After watching this I think there are people out there, on the extreme, who plan to die early just to be able to retire early. To each their own but to me retirement isn't just about not having to work, it's about having the freedom to do whatever you might reasonably want, such as travel, buying things, enjoying life, etc. I don't think I could retire with less than $3m in income generating investments, maybe $2m at the very minimum. I plan to work until I'm at least 45.


I used to work at a nursing home. Rich and poor people stayed in the same exact room and attended by the same nurse 🤷‍♂️ with that being said enjoy your hard earned money if not someone else will.


The Dave Ramsey show literally changed my life, great channel!


investing requires good experience and knowledge to carry out a good and successful trade, I have lost a lot trying to trade all by myself May I ask which investments are


I have been retired for five years now. Although I've been adhering to the 4% rule, things are challenging as I did not anticipated. I have another $460K to put into st0cks. How can I profit from the market's resurgence.


Focus on becoming a minimalist, you really don’t need much. Physical & Mental Health are much more important.


After our financial advisor told us we had enough to retire on, I retired. Then upon reaching social security age for my husband and myself they sent us a list of other assets from previous employers we didn't know existed. That amount was equal to 40% of what we knew we had. Our financial advisor as well as ourselves were delighted with the news.


Get Rid of the stupidity and the brokenness in one family tree. Respect


Chris Hogans's voice is like smooth caramel and chocolate syrup. Rich and have got to get working on
