How To Talk To Your Ex On The Phone - Tips For Calling An Ex

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This video will give you some tips and advice for phoning your ex... I'll tell you what to say when you call your ex, and give some more general advice on how to handle a phone conversation.

Just a quick plug before I dive into the important stuff... please, do me a huge favor and click the like button below this video if you find it helpful, I'd really appreciate it! And of course if you have questions you'd like me to answer, or if you just want to share your thoughts, use the comments section below and I'll get back to you.

But, if your ex isn't into text messages or you're at the point where you'd rather phone, then that's fine too. There are actually a few benefits to getting your ex on the phone. The sound of your voice can bring back memories, and it's certainly a more personal and intimate form of communication. You just need to make sure you know exactly what you're going to say when you pick up the phone to call your ex.

First and foremost, you should keep all initial conversations very brief -- one or two minutes is ideal. You should also be the one to end these first phone calls, not your ex. Come up with some sort of excuse after a minute or two of chit-chat... something such as, "sorry I'm actually about to head out the door, maybe we can catch up more another time."

If you don't like the idea of shutting down the conversation so quickly, you can leave the door open for your ex to phone you again at a later date by saying, "if you want to chat more why don't you give me a shout this weekend? I'll be around." This allows you to be the one to end the call after a few minutes, but still indicates to your ex that you're interested in chatting more in the future. It's not necessary to do this, though, so I'll call it "optional".

What's NOT optional is the nature of your conversations. Keep all phone calls with your ex casual, upbeat, and friendly. Make sure you sound happy, not depressed. Remember: you're fine with the breakup and you don't really need your ex anymore (even if that's not true, it's the message you should be sending).

Don't bring up any serious topics, and definitely don't mention the breakup or your desire to get back together with your ex. If he or she tries to bring up these topics, try to move the conversation on to something else as quickly as possible (without being rude).

If you call and your ex doesn't answer, don't stress... leaving a voicemail is actually a great option. Just keep the message really short, and don't sound nervous or anxious.... just say something really quick and thoughtful, such as: "Hey, just wanted to call and let you know that the funny t-shirt store downtown that you love is having a huge sale next! Thought you'd like to know since you always said you loved that store but hated how expensive it was. Anyways, hope all is well!"

Make sure you prepare ahead of time, so that if you do end up leaving a voicemail, you know what you're going to say and you don't have to struggle to come up with something meaningful on the spot. Also, notice that I kept the message super short, and I didn't say anything that would make your ex feel pressured into calling you back.... just a quick, thoughtful message that will get your ex thinking about you again.

Whether your ex picks up or you have to leave a message, just remember: you're not trying to get back together with the first phone call. Start with a brief, fun, and upbeat message or call... be calm and cool... have fun and enjoy the conversation. Don't bring up anything serious. Your only goal at this point is to get your ex thinking about you again, remind them how much fun it is to talk and hang out with you, and start rebuilding some attraction.

One last thing I should mention: you might also be wondering about what to do if your ex calls you. If you've followed the strategies I've explained in other videos and in my Ex Factor program, there's a good chance that will happen at some point. That's great, but you should also be prepared for that, and know how you're going to handle the call if and when it comes.

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
Рекомендации по теме

I do the no contact plan for 2 weeks and he calls back but I ruined it because of my anger 😔 next time I will try to stay calm and cool hope he calls again


My ex called me and he was very kind, now he's ignoring me again...😐 This hot and cold confused me..


Hey.. Is it ever too late to start the “no contact” plan???

Ever since my ex and I broke up, she has been telling me she wants to be friends.. And I have tried to be friends with her but I am starting to feel like no contact will be best to get over her.. But, I don’t know how to go about this? Any advice?


I made the no contact rule successfully for 33 days after we broke up. He was the one asking to call me and he said he wants to “reconnect” with me because I’m a very important person in his life and of course he cares. He was the one wanting to talk over the phone. I was very calm but I totally heard and felt his nerves. I took it positive but I’m not really sure what to do next. He said he was glad I did not deleted him from social media and that I was very chill about it. I try to follow your advices and tips to the word and strictly. I want to make him fall in love again with me, the new me, but in here I’m a bit lost. Who should text or whatever first? This time it was him but now what?


Hey thanks for the video!
Broke up 10 days ago, I wanted to call him so bad but I stopped myself each time. Yesterday I had one call from him but my phone was switched cause I was sleeping. I decided not to call him to see if he will call me again. I have blocked him everywhere so he may think I blocked his phone. I'm unsure if I should call him back soon or wait till he tries again. The break up was mutual and we had a huge fight, we were together for 7 months


How do I know when to call your ex or send him a message to see him how he feels about me💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


What if she's been seeing a new guy for five weeks, loves him and is happy? And knows you're heartbroken over it?


thank man it really helpfull great job


Hello Brad. I hope u remember my situation that I'm going to travel to Lima for my ex on Sunday. Please, give me some advice how to act with her ? Cause I will go to her house and will invite her to go anywhere. What to say what not ?


Hi we ain’t been together now for 3 1/2 months I’m really scared of loosing her for good I need help she’s got someone else I’m married with her got 2 beautiful girls can you help me please I really love her .


Hi brad, I was two days into no contact period and my shit phone accidently dialed my ex up but right after one ring, I cut the call. And she messaged on what's app saying you called? Should I reply back or continue ignoring


Hey Brad .. Me and my wife have been married for 4 years. She decided to part ways in October 2017 and I had been begging, pleading and expressing my need since 3 months to get her back but it didn't work. On 1st Jan, I decided to stop everything and move on with her decision to divorce. I even read about your No Contact rule and about reverse psychology. I started implementing it but now it's my wife who calls me often to check if I am ok and she calls me to have lunch/dinner at her place. How can I implement the "No Contact" rule? Should I ask her not to contact me hereafter though my intention is to get her back someday when she actually starts missing me. Please help Brad !!


Am pregnant with his baby but he doesn't want anything between us anymore but sents money for my up keeps he always call sometimes but I aways feel more pain when speaking to him on phone I can't control myself about how I feel about him in my condition but he always tells me not feel emotional about anything. What should I do? Pls help me


I love ur videos Brad am a big fan of urs....I broke wid my ex 15 days ago....I m going through the first no contact phase....hope to hear from you. ....


I found this video realy helpful and full of brilliant ideas. But my question is, when is the BEST TIMING during the day to call her?


what does it mean if they keep wanting to talk serious


Ok i have a big problem she is my coworker she sits a few feet away from me and i see her every day! Also we are on this weird friendship... HELP MEEE


I'm an overthinker do i stop expecting anything or thinking about him??


I have not contacted my ex yet and starting 3 weeks no contact. I am concerned that if she calls and expresses how much she misses me that I will cave in and also do the same which is the truth. My understanding Brad is to not cave keep things light and moving. OK so I do this and she reads this as this guy never really loved me in the first place. I am concerned that keeping it light and moving may send the wrong signal that I am uncaring especially if she opens her heart. Just an observation of mine that I might be reading what to do wrong...I prefer your vids Brad vs some other gurus out there as I seem to relate better to your manner of presentation. By the way I am no kid but a very mature male so it goes to show you that age isn''t an indicator of wisdom...


Hi Brad, I've watched a lot of your videos now and i have a question to you :) First i wanna say thank you for a helpful advice. I'm Korean and ive dated with American guy for over 2years and we just broke up a few days ago. actually we broke up one time and got back together again and then broke up again now.. So now, im gonna do the "30days no contact" thing to make him miss me and come back to me, But here's my situattion now : He has my bed at his house and Im supposed to get my bed back in a month when i move to different house.(i gave this bed to him for temprary). On the day we break up, He said "I will never see you or talk to you ever again, we can meet when you move and get your bed and that is it." So i think my first message or call to him might be about when and what time should i go to his place to get my bed. So in this situation, How do you think i should text or call him? I will be so thank you if you answer me back Brad. *ps, As a Korean girl, it is more difficult to read his American mind and do things to make him back... so could you please write a specific text so i can copy it to him? Thank you so much, Thank you...
