Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

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These Nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies are made with brown butter and they are so soft, gooey and rich. If you like Nutella and chocolate chip cookies, you will definitely love this recipe.

More Cookie Recipes:


Makes about 18 cookies
1 cup (230g) butter
2 eggs
1 cup (200g) brown sugar
1/2 cup (100g) white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2¾ cups (345g) flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (175g) Chocolate chips
1. Line a parchment paper on a baking tray or on a large plate and drop about 1-2 teaspoons of Nutella. Freeze for 1 hour. Meanwhile make the cookie dough.
2. place the butter in a small saucepan and heat over medium-low heat until completely melted and browned, stirring frequently. About 5 minutes. Be careful, don’t burn the butter. Transfer the butter into a large bowl and let cool to room temperature.
3. In a small bowl stir flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
4. To the bowl with brown butter add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at the time and vanilla, beat just until combined, about 15-20 seconds. Gradually add flour mixture, stir just until combined. Fold in the chocolate chips.
5. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6. Preheat oven to 360F (180C).
7. Scoop out about 1-2 tablespoons of cookie dough and flatten it, place 1 piece of frozen Nutella in the center, roll into a ball.
8. Place rolled balls on a parchment paper with about 2 inches apart.
9. Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned on the sides. Cool on baking sheets for a 10 minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

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I hate when these videos pop up on my recommendations, they make me so hungry, but for some reason I click on it....


when you tryna lose weight and get recommended this stuff


We have tried it my son and I..and it is delicious..😋😋thank you so much for this recipe


The amount of butter will make me die again


الوصفة بالعربي لمن يريد🙂
نضع النوتيلا ع شكل دائرة ملعقة لكل حبة نصفها في الصينية ثم توضع بالفريزر لمدة ساعة
نذوب كوب زبدة مايعادل 230 غرام على النار حتى يصبح لونها بني ثم توضع في وعاء كبير وتترك لتبرد في حرارة الغرفة
نضع كوبين وثلاث ارباع الكوب طحين اي مايعادل 345 غرام نضيف عليه ملعقة شاي بيكنق صودا ونص ملعقة صغيرة ملح ونخلطه جيدا
نضع على الزبدة كوب سكر بني اي مايعادل 200 غرام ونصف كوب سكرابيض مايعادل 100 غرام ثم تخلط جيدا بالمضرب نضيف عليه بيضتين في نفس الوقت ويتم الخلط مرة اخرى ثم نضيف بيضة اخرى ونخلط حتى يتجانس ثم نضيف ملعقة فانيلا صغيرة ثم نضع نصف كمية الطحين حتى تتجانس ثم نضيف الكمية الاخرى ونخلط حتى تتجانس وتندمج مع بعضها البعض ثم نضيف حبيبات شوكلاته او مايسمى تشوكلت شيبس ونخلطها مرة اخرى ثم نضعها في الثلاجة لمدة 30 دقيقة بعد ذلك ناخذ مقدار ملعقة من الخليط ونفرده في راحة اليد ونضع قطعة من الشوكلا التي جمدناها قبل ذلك ونحشي فيها الكوكيز ونعمله على شكل دائرة ثم نضعه في صينية مغطاه بورق الزبدة ثم نضعه في الفرن على درجة حرارة 180 مْ لمدة 10 الى 12 دقيقة حتى ينضج وبالعافية🙂


I made these cookies because I thought they looked so amazing, great video! I made them twice and found that refrigerating the cookie dough for 2 hours instead of 30 minutes (I tried longer on the second time by accident) brought out more flavor in the cookie. Not saying it was wrong at all just saying forgetting to take them out of the fridge after 30 minutes made them taste better 😂, thanks!


I try to made it in ramadan... They worked with me from first day... Oh god i eat them at the suhur.. But less sugar... ❤❤❤❤ yummy


"be careful, don't burn the butter"
Burns the butter in the video


I've just finished making them, they are delicious!


"I'm gonna make it!"
*makes cookie dough*
"Now, time for nute-"
*opens the cupboard and remembers we don't have nutella*


I don't know how it tastes but it seems very yummy


All of my life i was searching for an amazing cookie reciepe and here i found it ❤️


This 🍪 cookie looks lyk dark fantasy🤗🤗🤗


Superb recipe. I have replaced sugar completely with jaggery powder, all purpose flour with wheat flour, butter with coconut oil in the same proportion as yours to make it tiny bit healthy. Also, added raisins in place of chocolate chips 😆 it came out crunchy and gooey 👍 new subscriber 🙂


that taste so good but too heaty for me too. That taste so sweet and crunchy cookies. Great dish. See u next time.


It looks really good, and I plan to make it this weekend.
For this people complaining about how unhealthy this is or how much butter or sugar is involved: hello, the purpose of the video is to show you how to make cookies, not healthy snacks. It's common sense that butter and sugar is involved in cookies. So appreciate the video. If you are concerned about your health, then go watch something else


This looks so much yummier than normal choc chip
Thanks for sharing. 👍


Is that really one whole cup of butter? I'm amazed at how much that is.


gained 10 pounds just watching this video but thats ok still want to eat them all
