Ask Me Anything w/ Jimmy Akin | Catholic Answers Live | July 25, 2024

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Tune into Catholic Answers Live 3-5 PM Pacific Monday through Friday to ask your question!

TOPIC: Ask Me Anything
GUEST: Jimmy Akin

00:00:00 - Waiting Music
00:01:45 - Introduction
00:04:58 - How can we respond to Mormons who use Ep. 4:11 and 1 Cor 12:28 to say that the true Church must have modern day apostles?
00:08:12 - How can the pope grant faculties to SSPX if they are technically not under his jurisdiction? Is it ok to attend masses at SSPV chapels?
00:14:13 - Can you clarify on the deuterocanonical books and its validity since some Jews accepted them?
00:20:06 - What are some examples of moral relativism being adopted and failing in the secular world?
00:23:03 - Would you be automatically excommunicated if you had a certain belief or doubt but never shared it?
00:30:25 - Regarding a new theory of purgatory and the detachment from sin. I don't see how it fits with former papal documents.
00:42:30 - Can you give a brief overview of the sacrament of marriage and a good resource?
00:45:28 - When I adore the Eucharist, who or what am I exactly adoring? Is it Jesus on the cross in 33 AD?
00:51:11 - How do you think these new rules of the supernatural by the Vatican affect approval of miracles for canonization?
00:54:09 - Why do all Marian apparitions look different? Are they all the same person?
00:56:45 - 5-Minute Break
01:02:46 - The bible says that if you evangelize the Holy Spirit will give you the words but why wont the Holy Spirit give you the words when talking to your children?
01:06:01 - Romans 8:28 How does it work for the physical world today?
01:08:43 - Should we consume the Eucharist when there is a miracle?
01:16:33 - There seems to be a divide between the Church teaching on marriage vs what Jesus and Paul taught. Can you explain where they come together?
01:22:19 - Where is the lineage of apostolic succession?
01:26:05 - What ranking is St. Michael in? Do demons also have rankings?
01:36:58 - Rev 13, Is the mark of the beast a future financial payment system?
01:47:04 - Did Constantine found the Catholic Church?
01:52:32 - Was there infallibility during the Old Testament period?
01:54:30 - How long does purgatory last?
Рекомендации по теме

God does not create moral sins; it is man’s choice:
A choice is something that can be controlled by free will. So why do most people pretend they cannot help but to intentionally do evil things by saying ‘everyone sins?’ Yes, we all sin—but _how_ we sin is the question. God will stop all the problems in our lives; the things we have no control over such as sinful additions, mental health issues, etc. However, to intentionally choose sin is voluntary by our own free will. Those who choose to do wrong do not want help from God; they choose to disobey Him. Instead, they will live a life of misery only to end up in hell. All those who fight and struggle against sin in their lives will live while those who choose to sin intentionally love death (Proverbs 8:36).


I wish the conversation on purgatory had been furthered


Constantine...that is about the time Mary started to be elevated into quasi goddess status.


Hot tip for callers -- get to the point, please. No need to quote long passages of whatever document. Just ask the question. Otherwise the show becomes unlistenable to outsiders


I think the answer about what Jesus we are worshiping when we are adoring Jesus in the Eucharist wasn’t great. Isn’t Jesus’ real human flesh in heaven now? Isn’t that glorified flesh the real flesh that Jesus offered as a sacrifice and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven? The sacrifice offered at the mass isn’t a different sacrifice than the one on the cross but a making present of the one sacrifice Jesus made with his human flesh. It seems like at least in a spiritual way we are time traveling (or participating in God’s time traveling) as we participate in the same sacrifice and are partaking of the same flesh that was offered. I think when Jesus took his human nature into heaven he has taken his human nature outside of time (no need for a Time Machine). I think a Catholic both/and answer would have been better here. I could see this answer being used to support a Protestant reading/understanding of John 6


No, Jesus started the Church.
15He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

16* j Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17Jesus said to him in reply, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood* has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.

18k And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, * and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.

19l I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.* Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
