Ask Me Anything: Catholicism w/ Jimmy Akin | July 4, 2024 | Catholic Answers Live

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TOPIC: Ask Me Anything: Catholicism
GUEST: Jimmy Akin

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:36 - What did ancient people (by that I mean anyone born before the modern period with phones and movies) do for fun?
00:10:58 - How do we know if it is God or a coincidence, when a prayer is "answered"?
00:15:30 - If a third of the angels fell along with Lucifer, and these were the angels created to adore Jesus, do you suppose in some way that all of our guardian angels will fill this void when we enter the Church Triumphant? And sorry if this has been asked before but what about the guardian angels assigned to the souls that go to hell? I'm assuming they don't get dragged along with poor souls that reject God's mercy.
00:20:18 - My daughter missed confirmation because of COVID then leukemia. She still doesn't have confirmation, does she need confirmation to still receive the Eucharist?
00:22:10 - Can you explain why some priests say the charismatic movement is not real and the talking in tongues in that movement is diabolical or that Baptism in the Spirit is not real, and then other priests say they have the gift of tongues and run charismatic renewal centers? I am conflicted by the different messages that seem contradictory.
00:28:54 - Christ said he had to go to the Father or the Holy Spirit would not come. Did Divine Procession effectively change due to the hypostatic union?
00:34:55 - Will we eat food in Heaven? Jesus in His resurrected and glorified body asked the apostles if they had something to eat.
00:40:25 - Can one who obeys the Natural Law be saved even if he doesn't explicitly affirm Christ and his Church?
00:44:07 - We have consecrated virgins. My understanding is in the Latin rite we don't have consecrated widows. Is it just the Latin rite, or all Catholic Rites?
00:45:27 - Was it a condition of the rich young man's salvation to sell all he had and follow Christ? Was it an invitation he could morally decline? What about Mary when she was asked to be the mother of Jesus?
00:51:01 - Why is Boethius not viewed as a Saint and Martyr?
00:53:10 - “1 Peter 3:21 says that baptism is ‘an appeal to God for a clear conscience.’ Therefore, babies cannot get baptized because they cannot make appeals.”
00:57:22 - Am I being overly scrupulous?
01:00:47 - How did authorship work in the ancient and medieval periods?
01:11:26 - I just learned about Hilazon blue. Is there a checklist of all the things needed for rebuilding the Third Temple, and what's left?
01:13:36 - You have mentioned before that God could have created a universe that appeared to be eternal, that is, without a beginning (I hope I have that right...). I do not understand this, as being "created" would seem to require a beginning (otherwise, God would not need to create it). Or are you saying that it merely has the "appearance" of always existing, but was created? In which case, does that mean that God is deliberately deceiving?
01:17:01 - Why do we restrict Protestants from receiving the Eucharist except in certain limited circumstances (grave necessity)?
01:23:34 - Why is the Protestant account for the canon of scripture untenable?
01:34:05 - How will we be able to interact in heaven with our loved ones without a body? (That is, until they are resurrected.)
01:35:47 - What is a good source to use to get authentic news from what the pope does and says?
01:37:04 - Did Jesus experience a Progression of Knowledge of the Faith when He was a child (1 - 12 years old)?
01:41:30 - If a eucharistic miracle was cloned would it be appropriate to venerate the person/meat that was cloned?
01:45:20 - If I look at a cheese cake with desire, am I sinning?
01:48:05 - Just thought of this one this morning while reading the Divine Mercy Diary: If we analyzed Jesus’ quotes in the Bible and extra-biblical texts from visions and locutions, such as the Diary of Divine Mercy, would we be able to conclude that the same personality was speaking in both? Or have the authors’ muddled the data too much with their own personality?
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I’ve spent probably under 20 hours total worshipping and praying and just talking with charismatic fellow Catholics. I’ve heard people speaking in tongues, but what they say doesn’t seem to contain much information and it is usually very repetitive.

Now, if I repeated “Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner” again and again in any human language, that phrase might not seem to contain much information to anyone who didn’t understand the language I was using. So maybe some or even most speaking in tongues nowadays is like that. But I’d be more enthusiastic if the glossolalia I’d encountered (admittedly not very much yet!) seemed to contain as much information as ordinary speech.


Interestingly, several people have told me, unsolicitedly, that I'll never have to struggle with scrupulosity


I think when people say “Single Life, ” they’re referring specifically to Consecrated Single Life either with a Secular Institute or some other formal consecration like the Order of Virgins, which is distinct from religious life, but still a commitment. I agree with Jimmy that single life itself is not a life vocation, but I think consecrated single life is.


Is it me, or is Jimmy's new accent distracting?
I know that he said that it's common in the part of Arkansas that he is from. Which is all good.
I am assuming that he suppressed this, and now, being back in Arkansas makes this difficult for him.
So, shamefully, this is my problem, not his!
I'm sorry, Jimmy 😔
