Firebase vs AWS Amplify

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I think it's worth updating this video, given the latest updates on both platforms.


It's great that we have more alternative now on RT databases That will put pressure on the firebase team to release more awesome stuff for their platform if they want to stay at the top!!
Thanks, Jeff to bring the info to us in such an exhaustive way and not just reading the specs


I find Amplify complicated, it is kind of difficult to get started with it. AWS UI is shit but services are outstanding.
Google makes things easier with the help of nice UI where Amazon doesn't focus more on UI.


Firebase is definitely more friendly to developers but it's the limitations in Firestore queries compared to DynamoDB that kills it.


Love the simplicity of auth in AWS. Love also the Graphql schema api generation. However I prefer Firebase.


One thing not covered, that I would really like to see covered is cold-start differences. My understanding is that cold starts take a lot longer on Firebase than Lambdas/Amplify functions


Would be cool to see you update this seeing both services have changed quite a bit
As always a great video :)


✨You provide the best informative videos out there


Very interesting! I've been working a lot in AWS lately, but I like Firebase, it was neat seeing a comparison of the too. Another thought on the to-do demo is instead of using the GraphQL API, you could use the REST API and setup a todos end point. At that point you would have to write a lambda for the end point, to GET and POST the data to the dynamoDB (that's the easy part). The tricky part would be the real time aspect. My first thoughts is to use web sockets and have the svelte client connect to another API end point to do that. The nice thing about DynamoDB is you could have the DynamoDB stream connect directly to a lambda. So every update to the DB will trigger the lambda that can emit a broadcast to all the connected clients.

Would that be simpler then GraphQL? I dunno, but it's another way to do it if you don't like the complexity of GraphQL and subscriptions. If you don't have the requirement of real time then it's way easy.


Amplify pros:
- super easy user authentication out of the box
- good documentation for all platforms (web, vue, react, ios, etc)
Amplify cons:
- DynamoDB was built for massive quantities of data so the relational model is proprietary and confusing
- You can't get away with only using "Amplify".. you'll have to use other AWS services

I dropped Amplify on my latest project and am so much happier back with Firebase. What Firebase does better than Amplify is its ability to totally abstract itself from the mothership (aka Google Cloud, and AWS for Amplify). You can go start to finish without leaving Firebase on your project. If you use Amplify, chances are you're going to need to branch into the overwhelming AWS-land.


Amplify is more difficult to start with but once you get used to it, you will love the flexibility.


I appreciate your coverage on this subject!


Top video. I have some heavy experience with amplify. I am not a fan of the cli. The SDK is brilliant. But the cli bootstraps infrastructure and code together.

Like for example. Setting up auth the quick way in the cli enforces sms codes? To get rid of that you have to destroy it and rebuild. Theres also a massive risk in editing their generated infrastructure (cloudformation).

In terms of appsync to dynamo. I have just removed appsync all together. I just use aws document client to connect to dynamo with the auth credentials from amplify/cognito.

To tldr it. We use amplifies sdk. Dynamo and lambda. The analytics are great too and quick to implement.

Its interesting on push notifications to. I actually have firebase launching them instead of aws. But i store the push notification acceptance code in dynamo.

I would rate the sdk much better than the cli. The cli i would say provides more minimum flexibility.

It gets the resources up there. But all those manual changes after? Not stored anywhere so your disaster recover becomes a bit more tedious
Catch me on slack if you want more info ;)


You have to add the API-gateway (bridge between the client http call, websocket...) cost if you create a serverless API with AWS. So the cost per function is much more : 0.2 per million for lambda call + other lambda function cost + 1.2$ per million call (slightly more or less depending on the AWS region).


Hugeee props for using Svelte! And awesome video overall. Thanks a lot!


Man I love your videos. I especially like all the movie cuts for humor. I watched most of them on first release. It makes watching programming stuff (which is dry by nature - no pun).. much much better. You've been to the rodeo and I appreciate your content and your rationale based on experience. Thank you!


For some weird reason, I can't stand other tech videos, but I love watching yours. Great work!


Just finished a firebase project, did well. Now off to build one with amplify.


Great comparison 👍. I used to use aws but have recently switched to Firebase and everything is much simpler 🤓


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