How The Subconscious and Conscious Mind Shapes Our Behaviour

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The Gupta Program is the first brain retraining app that uses proven neuroplasticity techniques to help you recover your health.

We are the only program that has clinical trials demonstrating symptom reversal across a range of conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Long Covid, Fibromyalgia, MCS, Electrical/Mold Sensitivities, CIRS, MCAS, Anxiety, Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Lyme disease, and POTS.

Your journey to wellness begins here. 💜
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In the Gupta Program, we talk a lot about the Achiever, Helper and Approval Seeker/People Pleaser traits. These traits can impact on our ability to keep our stress levels steady, and also affect our ability to pace ourselves. Pacing is even more important as your health gradually returns, and you look to get back into normal life.

Therefore I have created a Time Management and Personal Effectiveness training course which you might find useful, to introduce yourself back into normal day-to-day activities without stimulating the nervous system. Bad time management practices easily lead to stress, which can lead to a dip if we don't monitor our stress levels.

I would only advise looking at this course when you have had some level of recovery and are at the stage where you feel you want to introduce more activities into your day, or take some part-time work. Otherwise, please just focus on the Gupta Program for strengthening your recovery.
