What is Subconscious?

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The subconscious is a psychological term that means “below the conscious mind”. It refers to a domain of experience that is hidden from our awareness but nonetheless impacts our behavior by manifesting as habits, desires, fears and attachments.

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Dear my subconscious I command you to find some big amount of money now


I love how it was short but briefly detailed 😊


If not a problem anymore, then not disconnect, just healing


This is my GIFT to you and anyone reading this.. These suggestions have made me the person I am today. So take one or two or all of them and transform yourself to a super being. Thank me later. I personally did and do everything listed below and I got massive results.

1. Write out a statement of your Short Term Goal AND your Chief Aim/Main Goal... on a "goal card" or paper.

2. Write it out 50 times a day for 30 days preferably around the same time each day. After the 30 days, you go back and write it out ONCE a day. This is your compass in life.

3. Set your phone alarm to go off every 3 hours (to disrupt your daily routine) and when it goes off write down your statement and then close your eyes and see yourself with your goal for 2 mins.

4. Record your statement in your voice on a voice recorder on your phone, and play it back to yourself on loop while you sleep and as often as you can daily, example... in the shower or when you are using the rest room.

5. Find an accountability partner. If you cannot find someone, then you MUST write out your statement DAILY. By doing this you make yourself accountable to YOURSELF.

6. Find a community or FB group/group chat, etc and from that community form a Mastermind with one or two people who have studied from REAL Mentors and are giving VALUE. There is a "Law of Giving" and many people are using it. Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill this back in the early 1900s. Its a LAW and it works. Its what I am doing with this post.

7. Auto-Suggest (Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4) to yourself in front of the mirror in the bathroom at least twice a day. Look directly INTO your eyes OR one eye and recite your WRITTEN statement. Then splash cold water on your face. This sudden shock seals the thought into the subconscious due to emotional and physical shock from the cold water.

8. Write out ten "I AM" statements a day. example. I AM happy, I AM more confident. Use the word MORE; implying you already have it, but want more. You trick the brain.

9. Write out 5 things you HAVE that you are grateful for and 5 things that you are grateful for that are coming to you. Mix up the list one after the other.

10. When in public tell people you see that you love them in your mind. Simply say "I LOVE YOU" to them as you pass them, especially when driving, because their subconscious hears and FEELS the intention. Say it to about 10 to 15 people daily. This increases your Good Karma.

It might seem like a lot. But it took me less than two weeks to incorporate the list into my life and 32 days later I started getting massive results.

What have you got to lose, try some or ALL and see your results. Let me know know too.

Have a great day... and thanks for reading.


Yes ignore your subconscious as a child to thrive as an adult.


It took 24 yrs and 7 psychologists to finally discover my wife had a Subconscious False Belief that tagged me as her dad. I thought she was ignoring and neglecting me by day, and rejecting me by night, but without any animosity or malice. It started about a month after our first born. Every once in a while she'd act fine toward me, especially after I complained about feeling unnecessary or unloved. Turned out consciously I was her husband, but subconsciously I was her dad. Unless her spotlight was on me, she subconsciously treated me like she would her dad (who we both loved & admired). Attention spotlight on me: no problem, everything fine, back to normal spousal behavior. Attention spotlight off me: I was her dad, and she treated or regarded me like she would her dad...but since it was subconscious behavior she didn't see it and had no recollection of the behavior. Subconscious behavior is simply behavior from memories without conscious oversight. The love honor cherish spousal behavior on/off switch was conscious/subconscious behavior. I was floored to say the least, but it made sense and everything fit. But why? and how? and WHAT!? Going back to when it began, her brother and his wife had come to see our new baby. Her jokester brother had been calling me dad the whole afternoon cuz it sounds weird the first time somebody calls you dad, right? My wife was within earshot of us but engaged with her sister-in-law and the baby. Her brain heard her brother calling me dad. Since her brother wouldn't call anyone else dad her whole life since she was born, and every time she heard her brother call out to "dad", it was their dad, I got tagged as their dad. Holy smokes! Took me 2 weeks to believe it. But every thing fit, and nothing didn't fit, from both of our perspectives. I had to believe it. She didn't, she called me a liar, a mean person, and filed for divorce. Oh, well. At least knowing what happened, I'm not suicidal...or worse.


I would never have allowed my Mother to be disrespected like that.


You I just supplying some of the basics, you're not really explaining in detail what the subconscious is at all.


ROMANS 2:14 when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending


Jesus Christ can help with your happiness because it’s say in the Bible if you seek you will find u ask and it will be given to you and you knock and the door will be opened ! Love you all
