Cobra vs Apache

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Cobra Zulu vs Apache Longbow - Which one are you taking?

📷 Produced by: Sam Cyphers, Josh Hak, and Nicole Livering


F-35 fighter pilot, previously flew the F-16, including 82 combat missions. In 2016 selected as the Top Instructor Pilot of the Year for Shaw AFB. Mission commander and the only fighter pilot to fly two different types of jets into combat on the same day.

*Approved and adheres to AFI 1-1, USAF Social Media Policy. For questions reach out to Nellis PA. Opinions in this video do not represent the United States Air Force, DOD, or any other organization*
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“Which is better?”

“Well, having both is better than having neither.”


That was the most roundabout way of saying "Everything that would answer your question is classified."


That guy gonna be a politician when he retires from military.


In a nut shell, zulu is better travelling on ships and deploying quicker.
Its easier to maintain on the front lines.
Cheaper to operate.
Apache is just a mean mofo.


The Apache is much more heavily armed and well protected than the Viper, however, the Viper is considerably smaller, faster, more manueverable, and has a much larger cruise range. The Apache is much more suited for CAS for ground troops because of it’s 30mm chain gun with 1, 200 rounds of ammunition as well as its heavily armored cockpit. The Viper’s gun is smaller caliber, but higher velocity, which is much more suited for dual purpose in engaging aircraft and fast moving ground targets, and it also has a longer engagement range because of that higher velocity gun. The Viper would certainly excel much better than the Apache in hit and run type tactics while the Apache’s great at dishing out the enemy up close and personal in uncontested airspace. The Viper reminds me of the F-16 of helicopters, light, nimble, and kind of a little good at everything while also having the same nickname.


I worked on both platforms

Apache is capable of carrying a heavier payload. Bigger payload capacity means a larger variety of missions.

The Cobra/Zulu/Viper platform is excellent as a quick reaction force as it can deploy on Assault Carriers (aka amphibious assault ships). Only downside is its effective range from where it’s deployed.


The video misses a couple important things about the Viper, namely it's compatibility with the USMC's UH-1Y Venom utility helicopter. The two are 84% parts compatible which greatly simplifies logistics on ships where these things operate. This commonality goes back to the 1960s because the original Cobra was based on the original Huey. When the original Huey got upgraded with twin engines, so did the Cobra. This has carried through to the present day with upgrades from one often showing up on the other.

The Apache may have the bigger gun, but the Viper shares the same ammo with the F/A-18 and a number of earlier aircraft and the CIWS mounted on the fleet. This means you can get it anywhere and don't have to carry different stuff.
The Army wanted a bigger, heavier attack helicopter and didn't have to carry all of it on the boats. The Apache works great in that role. The Navy/USMC wanted to maintain commonality and it's existing supply chain, and has upgraded it's Hueys and Cobras into what we see today.


I’m a grunt, these guys have the coolest job in the whole military


Quick in and out to lay hate, Cobra. Superior battlefield awareness and stand-off engagement, Apache. The two combined, no running, no hiding, just death from above.


For one you need 6 kills for the other 9 kills 😂😂😂


I heard that the Army has beef with the Air Force over air to air capabilities.., Soo the Marines made sure that the Vipers can carry Sidewinders.., ya I know The Apache has a larger gun with more ammo.., but even way back in the early ‘80’s when I served as a metal smith working on the T-Tow Cobra models the new Apache was considered better.., Hellfire missiles standard longer range than the Tow.., yep that’s good. But still.., you want apples some days & Oranges on others.., I will always prefer The Cobra because I was proud to be a Marine & lucky enough to have survived.., Semper Fi!


This was the most “I literally CANT say much” answer lol


The Apache pummels the enemy the Zulu finesses them


Amazing description from the Zulu front seater. All very valid points


My dad flew Cobras and was given his orders to transition into Apaches. He said, “screw that!” and turned in his retirement papers! Ok, it wasn’t because of the aircraft. After being in the Army from 1967 to 1992, he had enough.


Man Apache's and Cobra's are sooo cool. My fave is still the Comanche's, those were some sweet ass machines.


Similarly in WW2 the British had a set response when German fighter were reported to entering their air space. The German optimized their attack for the resistance they'd face. On one occasion the British said eff it send up all of the planes. While it took much linger to get all of them in the air and in formation what it ended up doing is making it soe the Germans now had to prepare for a variety of counter attack strategies. What works against one doesnt work on rhe other and their are pros and cons to both tactics. But at least having them meant the other side had to prepare for it.


Viper if the enemy has air assets. Apache if you have air superiority.


Apache’s primary mission is anti-armor, but can provide CAS. Cobra’s primary mission is CAS, but can provide anti-armor.

Having both on the battlefield fills that gray area.


When I was in the Marines I pretty much asked every pilot which was best. They pretty much said that the Apache was a flying artillery platform. Like if you could make a howitzer fly, how would u do it. The cobra is just a slimmed down Huey with more firepower and upgrades. Which is better really can’t be answered because neither helo was designed to combat each other in aerial combat. The branches just maximize the platforms they have. The marines biggest concern was space on a confined ship and salt water. Hence why u don’t see blackhawks and apaches on most ships in the navy.
