You've Been LIED to About 'Body Positivity' - Weight Loss Expert Dr. Giles Yeo (4K) | heretics. 34

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I provoke the brilliant and very thoughtful Dr. Giles Yeo about the harsh truth of fat acceptance or the problem with body positivity movement. He is one of the world's foremost experts on obesity, diet and exercise. I ask him controversial questions about obesity (including how much of America and the UK are obese), genetics and the problems with fat positivity. But how will the professor respond to my somewhat anti-woke line of questioning?

As seen on Stephen Bartlett's Diary of a CEO, Dr. Giles Yeo is a the weight-loss scientist who claims you've been lied to about calories, dieting and losing weight. British-American biologist who specialises in food and weight. I ask him everything I want to know about obesity, genetics, exercise and why we seem to hate fat people. He is the professor of molecular neuroendocrinology at the Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit and scientific director of the Genomics/Transcriptomics Core at the University of Cambridge. Weight loss is one of the most searched topics online, with Sharon Osbourne weight loss right up there. Also - I didn't realise, but this came out on World Obesity Day!

#obesity #antiwoke #heretics

0:00 Dr. Giles Yeo Highlights
1:00 Are we Obese?: Americans vs the UK
3:45 Why do we hate fat people
8:00 has obesity always been around
9:00 Genes vs Environment
11:40 Percentage of Obesity
14:20 Are Plus Sized Models a Concern?
17:30 Healthy Obese People?
21:00 Asians Can’t Get Fat Healthily
22:20 James Galdofini & Why People Get Obese
26:00 Hardware vs Software
29:40 Why are Kids Taller & Fatter than Parents
33:00 We Get Annoyed at Undisciplined People
36:00 Andrew: Just Eat Less!
38:00 They’re Lying to You About Exercise
43:00 Reframe your mentality
45:00 The positives of exercising (not weight loss)
46:00 The Drastic Weight Loss Solution
50:00 The Ozempic Cure For Rich/Famous
53:50 Andrew Losing His Advantage!
55:00 A Future of Ozempic for All?
57:30 Why It Has to be Prescription
1:00:00 Celebs Create Shame
1:01:00 Dr. Giles’ Start & Simpsons Pufferfish
1:04:45 Feederism (Men & Overweight Women)
1:06:00 Do We Really Like Big Butts?
1:07:45 Vitamins: The Truth
1:10:00 Vitamin D Deficiency & Canker Sores
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Are we too harsh to overweight people? Or has body positivity gone too far? Comment below!

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People these days often eat not because they are hungry, but because they are stressed, sad, happy (as reward for something), anxious etc. So food is used for something else than actually getting the nutrients and the energy the person needs for functioning properly. If people could cope with their changing emotions without treating them with food, many now overweight people would be normal weight just naturally.


I am overweight at 126kg, down about 5kg since January, and it has been a struggle. I appreciate this podcast.


Dr Giles Yeo is a lovely guest - a genuine scientist, not a proselytiser.


Dr. Yeo is an awesome speaker.., so clear and entertaining at the same time


This guy is the perfect speaker. So expressive, so addictive to watch, so exciting. You can tell his students love him.


I am very surprised that the over consumption of processed foods is not mentioned. The US and the UK population have a very high intake of processed foods, as opposed to people on the mainland of Europe that tend to cook fresh (except maybe Germany). I think this is the main problem. Otherwise it was a very interesting talk, thank you. I always enjoy your interviews.


My mother was morbidly obese all her adult life. She was very defensive and was a sneaky eater. Clothes shopping was a traumatic event. She died from stroke/heart attack at 60 yo. Obesity adds a lot of tension and self righteous behavior for the non obese members. I hated it.


I don't believe 50+% of the population suddenly lost all self-control in just the past 50 years.
It's the prevalence of cheap, sugar laden, highly processed foods which are laced with highly addictive "additives".. By contrast, the healthy options are far more expensive, don't last on the shelf or in fridge, and require considerably more preparation to 'taste good'...


When I was at school in the 60s and 70s there would maybe be one tubby lad in the class. The rest of us were all ribs . The fat boy would often get a hard time of it. That's how it was.
Fast forward to my son at school, at the pool lessons and he was one of the few skinny ones. The rest were all wobbling and laughing at him....for being skinny!

That was about 15 years ago and I think it's much worse now. Unless they are into footie.
It really struck me when I saw it.


Of course, clothing and fashion should be available to any people, but I don’t think fashion, magazines, and media should be highlighting obesity as something to strive towards or something that is healthy and beautiful


I start to listen Herectis more than your other channel Andrew, I don't see one that I don't like... great work! I can see you'll hit 100K in no time 😊😊😊


I work on a team of about 20. The morbidly obese members regularly miss more days to illness, hospitalization, and disability to the extent that it would take the simply overweight members years to account for as many missing days. If I know this, insurance knows this. And HR knows this. That's not bias. That's risk assessment.


I didn't really need a doctor to tell me being fat sucks. Having been both thin and fat I know this for a fact.


We hear about drug pushers and the devastation that causes in society but we rarely hear about food pushers (especially junk food). Food pushing in supermarkets, burger joints, fish and chip shops, pastry shops etc. The temptation is constant and to be fair, for some of us, it is so hard to resist the temptation to have some quick fix food. Maybe if some of this non-food was banned, it might go some way to curing the obesity problem. It is just so sad to see the number of fat children walking around. Great interview, thanks.


Morbid obesity needs to be discouraged - for most it is not just unhealthy, it increases the risk of life-threatening diseases.


That was a flipping GLORIOUS interview, Andrew Gold! Giles is my new love. How warm, engaging, fascinating and unpretentious he is. This interview also perfectly demonstrates what an excellent interviewer Andrew is. He gives his guests plenty of space to shine and be themselves, yet reveals his own captivating with the guest and his own intelligence without encroaching on the guest.


I was placed on medication for depression and insomnia and watched my weight soar instead of actually dealing with my anxiety... so here I am am, fat and not jolly, it's the worst I've ever felt as a previously fit person... it's not an excuse for health...


Andrew, you are able to get such great interviewees. Dr. Yeo is a wonderful guest! I could listen to him for many hours. As I think back on my youth (I’m 72) we ate meals only, and we were active all day - a perfect combination.


The "healthy food is too expensive" argument drives me nuts. Any time someone says that to me my next question is "How many bananas and how many eggs have you eaten in the last 7 days?", the answer is almost always none or next to none. I know it's a gross over simplification but it is illustrative. People(Americans mostly) have just gotten to the point where the expectation is for every bite to be delicious, which is far from practical/reasonable. When I get hit with "I don't really like vegetables" from anyone over the age of 10, I honestly have a hard time knowing where to even start. Or the ULTIMATE... "I don't really like water." 😠.
